This policy is a slippery slope to censure our public schools. This is not a topic that the state should regulate,and rather, the decision should be left to teachers/admin/counties/school boards. They should continue to have the ability to use materials in their curriculum that they see as inclusive and valuable to the education of their students. Parents already have the option to opt students out, or have an input on choice of materials such as novels assigned to their students. This has been in place for decades. As a Virginia student, I read materials such as Romeo and Juliet and A Handmaid’s Tale, to name a few. These materials were impactful & given as a choice.
Frankly, most of those who are in favor of this policy passing do not step foot in public schools. Many do not have a stake in their public schools & want to create chaos. If everyone would step back & truly look at the instruction that goes on in a classroom, they would stop attacking teacher/admin and public schools in general. This policy is yet another step to sow chaos in our public schools.