Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The guidance document "Model Policies Concerning Instructional Materials with Sexually Explicit Content" was developed in conjunction with stakeholders in order to comply with SB656 (2022).
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7/13/22  11:48 am
Commenter: Jennifer Economy, Parent and candidate for Chesapeake School Board

Parents have a fundamental right to protect their children

The fact that we are even having the discussion about showing sexually explicit material to children in public schools should be a wake up call to parents and society as a whole.  No teacher or administrator has the right to override a parent's fundamental right to make decisions for their child.  But the language in this bill does not go far enough. 

It does not cover any instructional material in a teacher's personal classroom library, the main school library, or any "optional" internet research/audio/visual, etc...

It also does not provide for a way for parents to see what books are in school libraries that contain sexually explicit material.  While many school divisions have "opt-out" policies, there is no way a parent will know what to opt their child out of without additional protocols put in place.  


CommentID: 122358