Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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2/28/22  11:00 am
Commenter: Karen


In our general area and in our industry, it seems the masks have helped very little as people still pull them down to talk even when required to wear them while in the building at work.  I spend wasted time reminding people to "pull up your mask please", "wear the mask properly", "stay out of others bubbles", etc. when most employees are either vaccinated or had COVID.  Those that are unvaccinated by now are adamant that they will not take the vaccine and 92% of those employees had COVID over the past 6 months and contracted it outside of work.  I feel the mask mandate was partially effective when this first started and we had stronger strains as it helped to keep the spread at a lower number at work.  Now I feel that the mask mandate is ineffective as people are getting out and being exposed more in public than in the workplace.  Help us keep moral up in these trying economic times by lifting the mandate and allowing everyone to see the smiles (or frowns that can be made in to smiles if we can see they are there) one again.  A positive attitude goes along way to help people heal both physically and mentally.

CommentID: 120394