I've had to learn to be a teacher, from my house. I don't know what nearly any of my colleagues actually look like, aside of their eyes. Same with most of my students. Collaboration is minimal, because everyone was actually told to stay away from each other and our school office was actually locked, to all teachers, last year.
I am tired of wearing a piece of fabric over half my face, in order to visually satisfy people who are afraid. It is forced, against my will, on a daily basis. I either do this or not be able to keep a roof over the heads of my family. I know it does absolutely nothing. It's a piece of fabric that has become a political statement. There is no scientific support for its effectiveness. I have seen disabled students, who cannot move independently, forced to wear masks that end up in their mouths and they can't even tell us they're miserable.
It's been 2 years. Enough, enough, enough. I don't need the fake protection. Our health should be our own responsibility. The mental health toll has been astronomical. We will be seeing the fallout for years. I am tired of having to talk myself into entering the building and spending my day feeling smothered, while dealing with kids who have severe behavior problems. My glasses fog up. I feel overheated. And, I got a cold from a student, last year, wearing this useless piece of fabric. Every staff member in our room caught the same cold. Because...these masks are useless and everyone knows it. They're security blankets. Nothing more. It's time to face the "what if's" and move on. We're adults. Let us make our own choices. Teachers have paid a heavy price. We, at least, deserve to be able to choose whether or not we feel the need to protect our health or breathe freely.