Scientific studies are proving that masks do more harm physically and emotionally than preventing the spread of COVID. It is time to give EVERYONE mask choice!! Vaccinated, unvaccinated, young, old, teachers, admin, doctor’s offices, daycares, salons…. whatever type establishment, everyone should have the choice to wear a mask at this point. There will be people that will simply feel more comfortable and believe wearing a mask is the safest option, and they have that right. However, those that do not share the same views or beliefs about masks should also have the right to NOT wear one. We are now 2+ years into COVID-19, though the coronavirus has been around since 1964 and we’ve lived with it all these years with no politics. There will always be viruses and illnesses that we will have to face and live with. It’s time to let people decide for themselves how they wish to handle their own self care. Thank you.