Keep this out of the classroom, we need to focus on the basics. Many kids are going through school without being able to read and comprehend information. CRF does not help the students learn, it only makes them victims or oppressors. We don’t need to give them more excuses, we need to give them building blocks to succeed in life. Focus on math, reading, science and history and teach them how to think for themselves, not what to think! Teachers are leaving this profession in droves and it’s because we didn’t sign up to be social justice warriors, we signed up to teach kids in our expertise areas. The kids get along no matter their skin color and we are adding a problem where one does not exist. VA had the lowest reading and math scores in all 50 states and that was pre covid! The low scores are the after effects of policies like this CRF, get back to the basics and help our children succeed instead of teaching them an excuse for their shortcomings!