“The Nuremberg Code (1947)
Permissible Medical Experiments - “...... All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:
TO: Virginia Department of Health, Virginia State Board of Health, Virginia State Health Commissioners, Virginia State Board of Education, Virginia State Legislators
Date: Oct 17, 2021
By authority of the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation, I do hereby exercise my right to refuse to submit to or to administer the Covide 19 experimental gene therapy injection heretofore known as the “Covid 19 Vaccine.”
The United States Government has extraterritorially prosecuted, convicted and executed Medical Doctors who have violated the Nuremberg Code on Medical Experimentation. Aiders and abettors of Nuremberg Crimes are equally guilty and have also been prosecuted, convicted and executed.
Every court of law in any location has original jurisdiction (Universal) to hear and try Crimes Against Humanity; and violations of the Nuremberg Code are classified as Crimes Against Humanity, which carry a maximum penalty of Death.
You are hereby put on NOTICE that any further effort to coerce, intimidate, persuade, trick or compel me to receive any experimental gene therapy injection (Covid Vaccine) or any other medical device, drug or procedure against my will, implicates you as aiding and abetting in the Capital Offense of a Crime Against Humanity. I hereby reserve my rights to swear a criminal complaint against you in the nearest available law enforcement agency or court of law. I do not contract with you in any way and expressly deny any contactual relationship with you.
Delivered to: Above named agencies & any individual who violates the above human rights with a vote in favor of mandates for Emergency Use Authorized experimental medical procedures & products. Any and all individuals who seek to force, coerce & mandate medical treatments & drugs upon children will be held accountable to federal and international law.
By: Sheé Lee Rock (Complaintant/You)