No vaccine mandate for students! Do not take away religious exemptions. Religious freedom is protected under the constitution. Freedom of religion is one of our amendment rights!
The vaccine has not been tested long enough to be mandated. There have not been enough clinical trials. The safety and effectiveness as well as efficacy has not yet been proven. I do not want my children to be part of the clinical trial. They need to complete enough testing to show that this vaccine is safe. The religious rights of the people are still a constitutional right and need to be protected. There are ingredients in this vaccine that violate the beliefs of many religions. And the ingredients can also cause damage in those who have underlying medical issues. By mandating this vaccine, you are dismissing the rights of many people who cannot not or choose not to get this vaccine because it could cause more damage. My children’s health and lives are valuable and are not less valuable then the lives of others. Why should I put them at risk when they have underlying medical issues (a cardiac condition already on one and a previous vaccine injury on the other). The side effect of this vaccine can be cardiomyopathy. I can’t risk that on my child who can’t get a medical exemption under the “allowed” exemption which requires you to have at least one of the shots to prove an allergic reaction. One shot is enough to kill my child per the doctor. But he doesn’t meet the criteria for the CDC medical exemption. Mandating this vaccine is going to force many people who are choosing not to vaccine their children because the risk far outweigh the benefit. What are we parents supposed to do? Who will protect our children?