There is NO proof that the vaccine stops the spread of covid-19. This is completely a personal health issue, not a public health issue. In addition, there are risk factors that may be unknown or are not easily visible. Mandating the vaccine is dangerous and irresponsible. I’m fact, the vaccine may be causing the spread since now we may have a much larger army of asymptomatic co I’d positive patience walking around as of their stuff doesn’t stick, while all along not feeling bad enough to be aware they are super-spreaders. At least your unvaxxed will likely be sick enough to know to stay home. I’m addition, mandates are causing massive division, discrimination and hatred. We must be doing everything we can to bring reason, understanding, and compassion back to the world. Start here with easing the pain and hurt by letting go of mandates. There has been no proof that this vaccination is working g to stop the spread. If it were, the lowest case numbers would be in the areas with the highest vaccination rates. But the data just doesn’t support it. So please, JUST SAY NO!