Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Virginia Department of Health
State Board of Health
Regulations for the Immunization of School Children [12 VAC 5 ‑ 110]
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9/28/21  3:38 pm
Commenter: V.R.Allen


As the mother of a vaccine injured child, who did the "right thing" and vaccinated her children, I live daily with the regret of the damage my son suffered. I learned that the manufacturers cannot be sued. That when the damage is done doctors can't do a damn thing about it. That the only system in place (VAERs) for the injured, is useless and broken. The injury compensation program is a slap in the face to families and comes from our own tax dollars. Serious side effects are NOT "rare" when you become part of a whole new statistic in America that is hidden, swept under a rug and denied a voice.  Big Pharma have more offices in DC than our legislators do. It's a shocking reality the control they have. They run this show and are in the pockets of elected officials. Congress signed the 1986 law protecting vaccine manufacturers. The same manufacturers that are sued daily for drugs that go through rigorous studies, but use corruption to pass a drug that kills thousands because the payout is a slap on the hand. With no liability for their vaccines they have no incentive to make vaccines safer and more effective for everyone . They continue to harm and gain customers for a lifetime from the damage they caused. I have faith that Virginians would not be so ignorant and reckless to even consider such a thing. In fact, Virginia should be the first state to stand against the corruption and protection Congress has given to Big pharma. Repeal the 1986 protection and let the "rare" cases sue them for damages. As for covid, Biden is stuck with a lot of vaccines and needs to use them before they expire. Talk to your doctor's. Symbicort stops covid in its tracks as does monoclonal antibodies. It's criminal every single case diagnosed with covid isn't sent home with a Symbicort inhaler. 

CommentID: 100324