Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Commerce and Trade
Department of Housing and Community Development
Board of Housing and Community Development
chapters board activity
Board Description: The Board of Housing and Community Development, a policy board, was created within the Department of Housing and Community Development. The Board consists of 14 citizen members, including 11 members appointed by the Governor from each of Virginia’s Congressional Districts, a representative from the Virginia Fire Services Board appointed by the chairman of that board, the Executive Director of the Virginia Housing Development Authority, and the Director of Regulatory Compliance of the Virginia Building Officials Association.  
Official Board Description: Link to VA Administrative Code
Frequency of Meetings:

Primary contact information for this board.
Name / Title: Chase Sawyer  / Policy & Legislative Services Manager
Address: Main Street Centre
600 East Main Street, Suite 300
Richmond, VA 23219
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)310-5872    FAX: (804)371-7090    TDD: (804)371-7089