Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Rules and Regulations for the Enforcement of the Virginia Commercial Feed Law [2 VAC 5 ‑ 360]
Addition of dietary fiber to pet food label requirements
Action 6661
General Information
Action Summary Currently, all commercial animal feed products are required to list a maximum crude fiber guarantee on product labels. This action will amend 2 VAC 5-360 to replace the crude fiber requirement for pet and specialty pet food product labels with a required maximum guarantee of dietary fiber content. This amendment will be limited to pet and specialty pet food only and does not impact labeling requirements for other categories of commercial feed, which will still require a maximum crude fiber guarantee.
Chapters Affected Only affects this chapter.
Executive Branch Review This action will go through the normal Executive Branch Review process.
RIS Project Yes  [8217]
New Periodic Review This action will not be used to conduct a new periodic review.
Stages associated with this regulatory action.
Stage ID Stage Type Status
10601 NOIRA Comment period is underway and will end on 04/09/2025.
Contact Information
Name / Title: David Gianino  / Program Manager, Office of Plant Industry Services
Address: P. O. Box 1163
Richmond, VA 23218
Email Address:
Phone: (804)786-3515    FAX: (804)371-7793    TDD: (800)828-1120

This person is the primary contact for this chapter.