Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Proposed Text


Amendments to comply with Item 312 L.2. and Chapter 755 (HB277)
Stage: Fast-Track
12VAC35-260-10 Definitions

The following words and terms when used in this chapter shall have the following meanings, except when the context clearly indicated otherwise:

"Certification list" means the list of certified recovery residences maintained by DBHDS.

"Certified recovery residence" means a recovery residence that has been certified by a credentialing entity and is on the certification list maintained by DBHDS.

"Credentialing entity" means a nonprofit organization that develops and administers professional certification programs according to nationally recognized recovery housing standards of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences or standards endorsed by Oxford House, Inc.

"DBHDS" means the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services.

"Level of support" means the level of support and structure that a recovery residence provides to residents, as specified in the standards of the National Alliance for Recovery Residences.

"Recovery residence" means a housing facility that (i) is certified by DBHDS in accordance with this chapter; (ii) provides alcohol-free and illicit-drug-free housing to individuals with substance abuse disorders and individuals with co-occurring mental illnesses and substance abuse disorders and (ii) (iii) does not include clinical treatment services.

12VAC35-260-20 Recovery residence

A. Any person, nonprofit organization, or business entity seeking to operate a certified recovery residence under this chapter shall for each location (i) meet the qualifications, policies, and practices of established by a credentialing entity and (ii) be certified or accredited hold a credential, accreditation, by or hold a charter from one of the following credentialing entities: 1. The the Virginia Association of Recovery Residences; or 2. Oxford House; and (ii) be certified by DBHDS.

B. A recovery residence seeking to be certified by DBHDS shall:

1. Submit a completed application on a form provided by DBHDS;

2. Provide evidence of accreditation by, a charter from, or membership in a credentialing entity listed in this section; and

3. Provide evidence that the recovery residence complies with any minimum square footage requirements related to beds and sleeping rooms established by the credentialing entity or the square footage requirements set forth in § 36-105.4 of the Code of Virginia, whichever is greater.

12VAC35-260-30 List of certified recovery residences

A. DBHDS shall maintain a list of certified recovery residences on its website.

B. A certified recovery residence seeking to be included on the certification list shall submit a completed application on a form provided by DBHDS shall monitor recovery residences for regulatory compliance and shall consult with the credentialing entities to keep the list of recovery homes up to date.

C. A certified recovery residence seeking to be included on the certification list shall provide evidence of accreditation or certification by, a charter from, or membership in a credentialing entity listed in 12VAC35-260-20.

12VAC35-260-40 Restrictions Disclosures, restrictions, and violations

A. No person shall operate a recovery residence or advertise, represent, or otherwise imply to the public that a recovery residence or other housing facility is a certified recovery residence by DBHDS unless such recovery residence or other housing facility has been placed on the certification list by DBHDS in accordance with this chapter received certification from DBHDS.

B. Any recovery residence that fails to maintain accreditation or certification by, a charter from, or membership in a credentialing entity the requirements for certification by DBHDS as required by this chapter shall have the certification revoked and be removed from the certification list.

C. Every recovery residence shall disclose to each prospective resident its credentialing entity. If the credentialing entity is the National Alliance for Recovery Residences, the recovery residence shall disclose the level of support provided by the recovery residence. If the credentialing entity is Oxford House, Inc., the recovery residence shall disclose that the recovery residence is self-governed and unstaffed.

D. DBHDS may institute civil proceedings in the name of the Commonwealth to enjoin any person from violating the provisions of this chapter and to recover a civil penalty of at least $200 but no more than $1,000 for each violation. Such proceedings shall be brought in the general district or circuit court for the county or city in which the violation occurred or where the defendant resides. Civil penalties assessed under this section shall be paid into the Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Trust Fund established in § 37.2-318 of the Code of Virginia.

12VAC35-260-9998 FORMS (12VAC35-260)

Application for Inclusion on the DBHDS Recovery Residences Certification List, Office of Recovery Service Form (eff. 3/2020)

Application for a DBHDS Certified Recovery Residence, Office of Recovery Service Form (rev. 09/2023)