Proposed Text
A. No cannabis oil shall have had pesticide chemicals or petroleum-based solvents used during the cultivation, extraction, production, or manufacturing process, except that the board may authorize the use of pesticide chemicals for purposes of addressing an infestation that could result in a catastrophic loss of Cannabis crops.
B. Cultivation methods for Cannabis plants and extraction methods used to produce the cannabis oil shall be performed in a manner deemed safe and effective based on current standards or scientific literature.
C. Any Cannabis plant, seed, parts of plant, extract, or cannabis oil not in compliance with this section shall be deemed adulterated.
D. A pharmaceutical processor may acquire oil from industrial hemp extract for the purpose of formulating such oil extract with cannabis plant extract into allowable dosages of cannabis oil provided:
1. The pharmaceutical processor acquires the oil from industrial hemp extract processed in Virginia and in compliance with state or federal law from a registered industrial hemp dealer or processor;
2. The oil from industrial hemp acquired by a pharmaceutical processor is subject to the same third-party testing requirements applicable to cannabis plant extract as verified by testing performed by a laboratory located in Virginia and in compliance with state law; and
3. The industrial hemp dealer or processor provides such third-party testing results to the pharmaceutical processor before oil from industrial hemp is acquired.
E. A pharmaceutical processor acquiring oil from industrial hemp extract shall ensure receipt of a record of the transaction that shows the date of distribution, the names and addresses of the registered industrial hemp dealer or processor distributing the product and the pharmaceutical processor receiving the product, and the kind and quantity of product being distributed. The record of the transaction shall be maintained by the pharmaceutical processor with its records of receipt. Such records shall be maintained by each pharmaceutical processor for three years.
F. A pharmaceutical processor shall maintain policies and procedures for the proper storage and handling of oil from industrial hemp extract, to include a process for executing or responding to mandatory and voluntary recalls in a manner that complies with 18VAC110-60-250.