Virginia Regulatory Town Hall

Proposed Text


Fast track amendment- removal of fees for MS4 and construction ...
Stage: Fast-Track

9VAC25-20-110. Fee schedules for individual VPDES and VPA new permit issuance, and individual VWP, SWW, and GWW new permit issuance and existing permit reissuance.

A. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permits. The following fee schedules apply to applications for issuance of a new individual VPDES permit or certificate. (Note: All flows listed in the table below are facility "design" flows.)


VPDES Industrial Major


VPDES Municipal Major


VPDES Municipal Major Stormwater/MS4


VPDES Industrial Minor/No Standard Limits


VPDES Industrial Minor/Standard Limits


VPDES Industrial Stormwater


VPDES Municipal Minor/Greater Than 100,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal Minor/10,001 GPD-100,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal Minor/1,001 GPD-10,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal Minor/1,000 GPD or less


VPDES Municipal - The authorization for land application, distribution, or marketing of biosolids or land disposal of sewage sludge


VPDES Municipal Minor Stormwater/MS4



*For a new VPDES permit that includes authorization for land application, distribution, or marketing of biosolids or land disposal of sewage sludge, the $5,000 biosolids permit fee will be paid in addition to the required VPDES permit fee.

B. Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permits. The following fee schedules apply to applications for issuance of a new individual VPA permit or certificate.


VPA Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation


VPA Intensified Animal Feeding Operation


VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of 10 or More Inches Per Year


VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of Less Than 10 Inches Per Year


VPA Industrial Sludge Operation


VPA Combined Sludge Operation - Industrial Sludge (excluding water treatment plant residuals) and Municipal Biosolids


VPA Municipal Wastewater Operation


VPA Municipal Biosolids Operation


All other operations not specified above


C. Virginia Water Protection (VWP) permits. The following fee schedules apply to applications for issuance of a new individual and reissuance of an existing individual VWP permit or certificate. Only one permit application fee shall be assessed per application; for a permit application involving more than one of the operations described below, the governing fee shall be based upon the primary purpose of the proposed activity. (Note: Withdrawal amounts shown in the table below are maximum daily withdrawals.)


VWP Individual/Surface Water Impacts (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)

$2,400 plus $220 for each 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) (or portion thereof) of incremental impact over 87,120 sq. ft. (two acres) ($60,000 maximum)

VWP Individual/Minimum Instream Flow - Withdrawals equal to or greater than 3,000,000 gallons on any day


VWP Individual/Minimum Instream Flow - Withdrawals between 2,000,000 and 2,999,999 gallons on any day


VWP Individual/Minimum Instream Flow - Withdrawals between 1,000,000 and 1,999,999 gallons on any day


VWP Individual/Minimum Instream Flow - Withdrawals less than 1,000,000 gallons on any day that do not otherwise qualify for a general VWP permit for water withdrawals


VWP Individual/Reservoir - Major


VWP Individual/Reservoir - Minor


VWP Individual/Nonmetallic Mineral Mining

$2,400 plus $220 for each 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) (or portion thereof) of incremental impact over 87,120 sq. ft. (two acres) ($7,500 maximum)

D. Surface Water Withdrawal (SWW) permits or certificates issued in response to Chapter 24 (§ 62.1-242 et seq.) of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia. The following fee schedules apply to applications for issuance of a new individual, and reissuance of an existing individual SWW permit or certificate.


Agricultural withdrawal not exceeding 150 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal greater than 150 million gallons but less than 300 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal of 300 million gallons or greater in any single month


Surface Water Withdrawal


E. Groundwater Withdrawal (GWW) permits issued in response to Chapter 25 (§ 62.1-254 et seq.) of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia. The following fee schedules apply to applications for issuance of a new individual, and reissuance of an existing individual GWW permit or certificate.


Agricultural withdrawal not exceeding 150 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal greater than 150 million gallons but less than 300 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal of 300 million gallons or greater in any single month


Groundwater Withdrawal/Initial Permit for an Existing Withdrawal Based Solely on Historic Withdrawals


Groundwater Withdrawal - effective through December 31, 2018



Groundwater Withdrawal - effective January 1, 2019



9VAC25-20-120. Fee schedules for major modification of individual permits or certificates requested by the permit or certificate holder.

The following fee schedules apply to applications for major modification of an individual permit or certificate requested by the permit or certificate holder:

1. Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permits. The application fees listed in the table below apply to a major modification that occurs (and becomes effective) before the stated permit expiration date. (Note: All flows listed in the table below are facility "design" flows.)


VPDES Industrial Major


VPDES Municipal Major


VPDES Municipal Major Stormwater/MS4


VPDES Industrial Minor/No Standard Limits


VPDES Industrial Minor/Standard Limits


VPDES Industrial Stormwater


VPDES Municipal Minor/Greater Than 100,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal Minor/10,001 GPD - 100,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal Minor/1,001 GPD - 10,000 GPD


VPDES Municipal - modification relating to the authorization for land application, distribution, or marketing of biosolids or land disposal of sewage sludge


VPDES Municipal Minor/1,000 GPD or Less


VPDES Municipal Minor Stormwater/MS4



*The fee for modification of a VPDES permit due to changes relating to authorization for land application, distribution, or marketing of biosolids or land disposal of sewage sludge shall be $1,000, notwithstanding other modification fees incurred. The modification fee shall apply for any addition of land application sites to a permit.

2. Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permits. The application fees listed in the table below apply to a major modification that occurs (and becomes effective) before the stated permit expiration date.


VPA Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation


VPA Intensified Animal Feeding Operation


VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of 10 or More Inches Per Year


VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of Less Than 10 Inches Per Year


VPA Industrial Sludge Operation


VPA Combined Sludge Operation - Industrial Sludges (excluding water treatment plant residuals) and Municipal Biosolids


VPA Municipal Wastewater Operation


VPA Municipal Biosolids Operation

$1,0001, 2

All other operations not specified above



1 The modification fee shall apply for any addition of land application sites to a permit.

2When adding any industrial source (excluding water treatment plant residuals) to a permit that only authorizes the land application of municipal biosolids, the modification fee for a VPA combined sludge operation shall apply.

3. Virginia Water Protection (VWP) permits. (Note: Only one permit application fee shall be assessed per application; for a permit application involving more than one of the operations described below, the governing fee shall be based upon the primary purpose of the proposed activity.)


VWP Individual/Surface Water Impacts (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)

$1,200 plus $110 for each 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) (or portion thereof) of incremental impact over 87,120 sq. ft. (two acres) ($30,000 maximum)

VWP Individual/Minimum Instream Flow


VWP Individual/Reservoir (Major or Minor)


VWP Individual/Nonmetallic Mineral Mining

$1,200 plus $110 for each 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) (or portion thereof) of incremental impact over 87,120 sq. ft. (two acres) ($3,750 maximum)

4. Surface Water Withdrawal (SWW) permits or certificates issued in response to Chapter 24 (§ 62.1-242 et seq.) of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia.


Agricultural withdrawal not exceeding 150 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal greater than 150 million gallons but less than 300 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal of 300 million gallons or greater in any single month


Surface Water Withdrawal


5. Groundwater Withdrawal (GWW) permits issued in response to Chapter 25 (§ 62.1-254 et seq.) of Title 62.1 of the Code of Virginia.


Agricultural withdrawal not exceeding 150 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal greater than 150 million gallons but less than 300 million gallons in any single month


Agricultural withdrawal of 300 million gallons or greater in any single month


Groundwater Withdrawal/Initial Permit for an Existing Withdrawal Based Solely on Historic Withdrawals


Groundwater Withdrawal



9VAC25-20-130. Fees for filing registration statements or applications for general permits issued by the board.

The following fees apply to filing of applications or registration statements for all general permits issued by the board, except:

1. The fee for filing a registration statement for coverage under 9VAC25-110 (General VPDES Permit for Domestic Sewage Discharges of Less Than or Equal to 1,000 GPD) is $0.

2. The fee for filing a registration statement for coverage under 9VAC25-120 (General VPDES Permit Regulation for Discharges From from Petroleum Contaminated Sites) is $0.

3. The fee for filing an application or registration statement for coverage under a VWP General Permit issued by the board shall be:


VWP General/Less Than 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) of Surface Water Impact (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)



VWP General/4,356 sq. ft. to 21,780 sq. ft. (1/10 acre to 1/2 acre) of Surface Water Impact (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)



VWP General/21,781 sq. ft. to 43,560 sq. ft. (greater than 1/2 acre to one acre) of Surface Water Impact (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)



VWP General/43,561 sq. ft. to 87,120 sq. ft. (greater than one acre to two acres) of Surface Water Impact (Wetlands, Streams and/or Open Water)

$1,200 plus $120 for each 4,356 sq. ft. (1/10 acre) (or portion thereof) of incremental impact over 43,560 sq. ft. (one acre) ($2,400 maximum)


VWP General/Minimum Instream Flow/Reservoir - Water withdrawals and/or pond construction


4. VPDES Storm Water General Permits.a. Except as specified in subdivision 4 b of this section, the The fee for filing a registration statement for coverage under a VPDES storm water general general/industrial stormwater permit issued by the board shall be: $500.


VPDES General/Industrial Storm Water Management



VPDES General/Storm Water Management - Phase I Land Clearing (Large Construction Activity - Sites or common plans of development equal to or greater than 5 acres)



VPDES General/Storm Water Management - Phase II Land Clearing (Small Construction Activity - Sites or common plans of development less than 5 acres)


b. Owners of facilities that are covered under the Industrial Activity (VAR5) and Construction Site (VAR10) storm water general permits that expire on June 30, 2004, and who are reapplying for coverage under the new general permits that are effective on July 1, 2004, must submit an application fee of $600 to reapply.

5. Except as specified in subdivisions 1, 2, 3 and 4 of this section, the fee for filing an application or registration statement for coverage under any general permit issued by the board shall be $600.


9VAC25-20-142. Permit maintenance fees.

A. The following annual permit maintenance fees apply to each individual VPDES and VPA permit, including expired permits that have been administratively continued, except those exempted by 9VAC25-20-50 B or 9VAC25-20-60 A 4:

1. Base fee rate for Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permitted facilities. (Note: All flows listed in the table below are facility "design" flows.)


VPDES Industrial Major



VPDES Municipal Major/Greater Than 10 MGD



VPDES Municipal Major/2 MGD - 10 MGD



VPDES Municipal Major/Less Than 2 MGD



VPDES Municipal Major Stormwater/MS4



VPDES Industrial Minor/No Standard Limits



VPDES Industrial Minor/Standard Limits



VPDES Industrial Minor/Water Treatment System



VPDES Industrial Stormwater



VPDES Municipal Minor/Greater Than 100,000 GPD



VPDES Municipal Minor/10,001 GPD - 100,000 GPD



VPDES Municipal Minor/1,001 GPD - 10,000 GPD



VPDES Municipal Minor/1,000 GPD or Less



VPDES Municipal Minor Stormwater/MS4



2. Base fee rate for Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permits.


VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of 10 or More Inches Per Year



VPA Industrial Wastewater Operation/Land Application of Less Than 10 Inches Per Year



VPA Industrial Sludge Operation



VPA Combined Sludge Operation - Industrial Sludges (excluding water treatment plant residuals) and Municipal Biosolids



VPA Municipal Wastewater Operation



VPA Municipal Biosolids Operation



VPA Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation



VPA Intensified Animal Feeding Operation



All other operations not specified above


3. The amount of the annual permit maintenance fee due from the owner for VPDES and VPA permits for a specified year as required by 9VAC25-20-40 C shall be calculated according to the following formulae:


F =

B x C


C =

1 + ∆CPI


∆CPI =

CPI - 215.15



F = the permit maintenance fee amount due for the specified calendar year, expressed in dollars.

B = the base fee rate for the type of VPDES or VPA permit from subdivision 1 or 2 of this subsection, expressed in dollars.

C = the Consumer Price Index adjustment factor.

∆CPI = the difference between CPI and 215.15 (the average of the Consumer Price Index values for all-urban consumers for the 12-month period ending on April 30, 2009), expressed as a proportion of 215.15.

CPI = the average of the Consumer Price Index values for all-urban consumers for the 12-month period ending on April 30 of the calendar year before the specified year for which the permit maintenance fee is due. (The Consumer Price Index for all-urban consumers is published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. All items, CUUR0000SA0).

For example, if calculating the 2010 permit maintenance fee (F) for a VPDES Industrial Major source:

CPI = 215.15 (the average of CPI values from May 1, 2008, to April 30, 2009, inclusive would be used for the 2010 permit maintenance fee calculation).

∆CPI = zero for the 2010 permit maintenance fee calculation (i.e., (CPI - 215.15)/215.15 = (215.15 - 215.15)/215.15 = 0). (Note: ∆CPI for other years would not be zero.)

C = 1.0 for the 2010 permit maintenance fee calculation (i.e., 1 + ∆CPI = 1 + 0 = 1.0).

B = $7,876 (i.e. the value for a VPDES Industrial Major source, taken from subdivision 1 of this subsection).

F = $7,876 for the 2010 permit maintenance fee calculation for this VPDES Industrial Major source (i.e., $7,876 x 1.0 = $7,876).

4. Permit maintenance fees (F) calculated for each facility shall be rounded to the nearest dollar.

5. The total amount of permit fees collected by the board (permit maintenance fees plus permit application fees) shall not exceed 50% of direct costs for administration, compliance, and enforcement of VPDES and VPA permits. The director shall take whatever action is necessary to ensure that this limit is not exceeded.

B. Additional permit maintenance fees.

1. An additional permit maintenance fee of $1,000 shall be paid annually by permittees in a toxics management program. Any facility that performs acute or chronic biological testing for compliance with a limit or special condition requiring monitoring in a VPDES permit is included in the toxics management program.

2. An additional permit maintenance fee of $1,000 shall be paid annually by permittees that have more than five process wastewater discharge outfalls at a single facility (not including "internal" outfalls).

3. For a local government or public service authority with permits for multiple facilities in a single jurisdiction, the total permit maintenance fees for all permits held as of April 1, 2004, shall not exceed $32,818 per year.

C. If the category of a facility (as described in subdivision A 1 or A 2 of this section) changes as the result of a permit modification, the permit maintenance fee based upon the permit category as of April 1 shall be submitted by October 1.

D. Annual permit maintenance fees may be discounted for participants in the Environmental Excellence Program as described in 9VAC25-20-145.