Proposed Text
1VAC50-20-5. Definitions.
The following words and terms when used in this regulation
chapter shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly
indicates otherwise:
"Chairman" "Chair" means the
Chairman Chair of the Commission on Local Government.
"Commission" means the Commission on Local Government.
"County or counties" means one or more
than one a county in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
"Local government or local governments" means
one or more than one a county, city, or town in the Commonwealth
of Virginia.
"Locality or localities" means one or more
than one a county, city, or town in the Commonwealth of
"Municipality" means a city or town in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
"Party or parties" means a local
government or local governments, voters, or property owners
initiating a proposed annexation, voters of any community requesting that their
community be incorporated as a town, voters petitioning for the transition of a
city to town status, or a committee appointed by the circuit court to act for
and in lieu of a local government to perfect a consolidation agreement.
1VAC50-20-40. Officers.
The commission shall elect from its membership at its regular
January meeting, or as soon thereafter as possible, a chairman chair
and a vice chairman chair, who shall serve terms of one year, or
until their successors are elected. In the event of a vacancy occurring in the
office of chairman chair or vice chairman chair,
for any cause, the commission shall fill the same by election for the unexpired
term. The chairman chair shall preside at all meetings,
presentations, and public hearings held by the commission unless absent. In the
absence of the chairman chair, the vice chairman chair
shall preside at any meeting or other assembly of the commission and shall
exercise all powers and duties of the chairman chair. In the
event that neither the chairman chair nor and
vice chairman chair is present are absent for a
meeting or other assembly of the commission, the remaining members of the
commission shall elect a temporary chairman chair who shall
exercise all powers and duties of the chairman chair for the
duration of the meeting or assembly.
1VAC50-20-50. Powers and duties of chairman chair.
In addition to any other powers or duties placed upon the chairman
chair by law, these regulations this chapter, or other
action of the commission, the chairman chair shall be authorized
1. Request one or more members of the commission or its staff
to represent the commission before local governing bodies, before state
agencies and legislative committees, or before any other entity where the
representation of the commission is requested or where the chairman chair
deems appropriate;
2. Select or change sites for oral presentations and public hearings;
3. Defer and reschedule issues the chairman chair
deems appropriate upon consultation with the commission;
4. Act on behalf of the commission in efforts to resolve disputes between the parties to an issue relative to the production and sharing of data, or with respect to related concerns bearing on the commission's review of an issue; and
5. Establish upon consultation with the parties an equitable
distribution of time for public presentations and to make other arrangements
the chairman chair deems appropriate and consistent with the
requirements of law and these regulations this chapter for the
conduct of the commission's oral presentations and public hearings.
Part II
General Administration
1VAC50-20-140. Regular meetings.
The commission's regular meetings commission
shall be held in January, March, May, July, September, and November in
Richmond fix the time and place for holding regular meetings, which shall
be held at least once every two months. Changes in the schedule and
location of the regular meetings may be made by the commission, but the changes
shall be duly announced in the Virginia Register of Regulations published by
the Virginia Code Commission and posted on the Virginia Regulatory Town
1VAC50-20-142. Special meetings.
Special meetings of the commission may be called by any member
on such occasions as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the duties of the
commission. Except in instances where a special meeting is scheduled at a
regular meeting, the chairman chair shall cause to be mailed -
including by electronic means - to all members, at least five days in
advance of a special meeting, a written notice specifying the time, place,
and purpose of the special meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be
announced appropriately on the Virginia Regulatory Town Hall and on a
calendar maintained by the Commonwealth Calendar.
1VAC50-20-150. Minutes of meetings and hearings.
Minutes shall be recorded for each public meeting held by the
commission. The minutes shall include a brief summary of comments on major issues
under consideration and concise and specific statements of all action taken by
the commission. The minutes shall be provided to each commission member for
reading and editing prior to approval at a subsequent commission meeting. There
need be no actual reading of the minutes at the meeting, but a vote shall be
taken for the formal approval of the minutes as written or amended. Copies of
the minutes of public meetings shall be made available to any interested party
at a price sufficient to cover the expense incurred or on the Virginia
Regulatory Town Hall and the commission's Internet website webpage.
Part III
Mandatory Commission Reviews
1VAC50-20-180. Notice to commission of proposed action as required by § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia.
A. Notice of a proposed action as required by § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia to the commission shall be accompanied by resolution of the governing body of the locality providing the notice evidencing its support of such action. Notice to the commission shall indicate the name, title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall serve as designated contact with the commission regarding the issue presented. All notices required to be given the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also indicate the other local governments given notice of the proposed action pursuant to subsection C of this section.
1. Notice of a proposed annexation initiated by voters or property owners shall be accompanied by the original or certified petition signed by 51% of the voters of any territory adjacent to any municipality or 51% of the owners of real estate in number and land area in a designated area. Notice to the commission shall indicate the name, title, address, and phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall serve as designated contact with the commission regarding the issue presented. All notices required to be given to the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also indicate the other local governments given notice of the proposed action pursuant to subsection C of this section.
2. Notice of a petition for the proposed transition of a city to town status that has been referred to the commission pursuant to § 15.2-4102 of the Code of Virginia shall indicate the name, title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall serve as designated contact with the commission regarding the issue referred. All notices required to be given the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also indicate the other local governments given notice of the proposed action pursuant to subsection C of this section.
3. Notice to the commission by a committee of citizens that has been appointed by the circuit court to act for and in lieu of a governing body to perfect a consolidation agreement pursuant to § 15.2-3531 of the Code of Virginia shall indicate the name, title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall serve as designated contact with the commission regarding the proposed consolidation. All notices required to be given to the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also indicate the other local governments given notice of the proposed action pursuant to subsection C of this section.
B. Any party giving notice to the commission of a proposed action pursuant to § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia may submit with the notice as much data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials as it deems appropriate; however, the submissions should be fully responsive to all relevant elements of the applicable section of Part IV (1VAC50-20-540 et seq.) of this chapter.
C. Any party giving notice to the commission of a proposed action as required by § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also give notice to each Virginia local government located within or contiguous to, or sharing functions, revenue, or tax sources with the local government proposing the action. All notices to the local governments shall include an annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, and other material submitted to the commission in support of the proposed action.
1. Any voters or property owners giving notice to the commission of a proposed annexation as required by § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia shall also give notice to each Virginia local government located within or contiguous to, or sharing functions, revenue, or tax sources with the municipality to which annexation is sought. All notices to the immediately affected local governments shall include copies of all documents, exhibits, and other material submitted to the commission in support of the proposed action, and notice to other localities may include, in lieu of copies of the submissions, an annotated listing of the material.
2. Any voters whose petition for the proposed transition of a city to town status that has been referred to the commission pursuant to § 15.2-4102 of the Code of Virginia shall also give notice to each Virginia local government located within or contiguous to, or sharing functions, revenue, or tax sources with the city proposed for town status. All notices to the immediately affected local governments shall include copies of all documents, exhibits, and other material submitted to the commission in support of the proposed action, and notice to other localities may include, in lieu of copies of the submissions, an annotated listing of the material.
3. A committee of citizens that has been appointed by the circuit court to act for and in lieu of a governing body to perfect a consolidation agreement pursuant to § 15.2-3531 of the Code of Virginia shall also give notice to each Virginia local government located within or contiguous to, or sharing functions, revenue, or tax sources with the local governments that are proposed to be consolidated. All notices to the immediately affected local governments shall include copies of all documents, exhibits, and other material submitted to the commission in support of the proposed action, and notice to other localities may include, in lieu of copies of the submissions, an annotated listing of the material.
D. Any local government receiving notice pursuant to subsection C of this section or any other affected party may submit data, exhibits, documents, or other material for commission review and consideration as it deems appropriate. The submissions should, however, be responsive to all relevant elements of the applicable section of Part IV (1VAC50-20-540 et seq.) of this chapter. Any party submitting material to the commission for review pursuant to this section shall also designate an individual as principal contact for the commission and shall furnish the individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address. An annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, or other material submitted to the commission pursuant to this section shall be provided to the party initiating the proceeding before the commission. The commission may establish a time by which all submissions by respondent parties must be received.
E. Upon its receipt of notice of a proposed action pursuant to subsection A of this section, the commission shall, subsequent to discussion with representatives of the party submitting the notice and other appropriate parties, schedule a review of the proposed action. The commission shall also concurrently extend the services of its office to the parties in an endeavor to promote a negotiated settlement of the issue and, further, may designate, with the agreement of the parties, an independent mediator to assist in the negotiations.
The commission's review of a notice of a proposed annexation as required by § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia filed by voters or property owners shall be terminated upon receipt of an ordinance, duly adopted by a majority of the elected members of the governing body of the affected city or town, rejecting the annexation proposed by the notice.
1VAC50-20-230. Referral to commission of proposed voluntary settlement agreements.
A. Referral of a proposed voluntary settlement agreement to
the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-3400 of the Code of Virginia shall
be accompanied by resolutions, joint or separate, of the governing bodies of
the localities that are parties to the proposed agreement requesting the
commission to review the agreement. The resolution or resolutions shall
also state the intention of the governing bodies to adopt the agreement
subsequent to the commission's review and shall indicate the name, title,
address, and phone number, and, where available, fax number and email
address of the individual who shall serve as each locality's principal contact
with the commission during the period of its review. Referrals to the
commission pursuant to § 15.2-3400 of the Code of Virginia shall also be
accompanied by a listing of local governments receiving notice of the referral
under subsection C of this section.
B. Any party or parties referring a proposed voluntary
settlement agreement to the commission for review pursuant to § 15.2-3400 of
the Code of Virginia may submit with the proposed agreement as much data,
exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials as deemed appropriate;
however, the submissions should be fully responsive to all relevant elements of
C. Whenever a proposed voluntary settlement agreement is referred to the commission for review pursuant to subsection A of this section, the parties to the proposed agreement shall concurrently give notice of the referral to each Virginia local government with which any of the parties is contiguous, or with which any of the parties shares any function, revenue, or tax source. All such notices of referral shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed voluntary settlement agreement, or a descriptive summary thereof, and an annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, and other materials submitted to the commission in support of the proposed agreement.
D. Any local government receiving notice of referral pursuant to subsection C of this section, or any other party, may submit data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials relevant to the commission's review as it deems appropriate; however, the submissions should be responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-610. Any party submitting materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also designate an individual who shall serve as principal contact with the commission during the period of its review and shall furnish the individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address. The commission may establish a time by which all submissions by respondent parties must be received. Any party submitting materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also provide an annotated listing of the material to the parties to the proposed voluntary settlement agreement.
1VAC50-20-270. Referral to commission of proposed town-county agreement defining annexation rights.
A. Referral to the commission of a proposed town-county
agreement defining annexation rights pursuant to § 15.2-3231 of the Code of
Virginia shall be accompanied by resolutions, joint, or separate, of the
governing bodies of the town and county requesting the commission to review the
agreement. The resolution or resolutions shall also state the intention
of the governing bodies to adopt the agreement subsequent to the commission's
review and shall indicate the name, title, address, and phone number,
and, where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall
serve as each locality's principal contact with the commission during the
period of its review. Referrals to the commission pursuant to § 15.2-3231 of
the Code of Virginia shall also be accompanied by a listing of local
governments receiving notice of such referral under subsection C of this
B. Any party or parties referring a proposed agreement
to the commission for review pursuant to § 15.2-3231 of the Code of Virginia
may submit with the proposed agreement as much data, exhibits, documents, or
other supporting materials as deemed appropriate; however, submissions should
be fully responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-560.
C. Whenever a proposed agreement is referred to the commission for review pursuant to subsection A of this section, the parties to the proposed agreement shall concurrently give notice of the referral to each Virginia local government with which either party is contiguous or with which either party shares any function, revenue, or tax source. All notices of referral shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed agreement, or a descriptive summary thereof, and an annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, and other materials submitted to the commission in support of the proposed agreement.
D. Any local government receiving notice of referral pursuant
to subsection C of this section, or any other party, may submit data, exhibits,
documents, or other supporting materials relevant to the commission's review as
they deem appropriate; however, the submissions should be responsive to all
relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-560. Any party submitting materials to the
commission pursuant to these regulations this chapter shall also
designate an individual who shall serve as principal contact with the
commission during the period of its review, and shall furnish the
individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax
number and email address. The commission may establish a time by which all
submissions by respondent parties must be received. Any party submitting
materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also provide an
annotated listing of the material to the parties to the proposed agreement.
1VAC50-20-310. Referral to commission of town petition for order establishing annexation rights.
A. Any town unable to reach an agreement with its county as to
future annexation rights may, pursuant to § 15.2-3234 of the Code of Virginia,
adopt an ordinance petitioning the commission for an order establishing its
rights to annex territory in such county. The petition to the commission shall
include the terms of a proposed order establishing the town's annexation rights
and shall indicate the name, title, address, and phone number, and,
where available, fax number and email address of the individual who shall serve
as the town's principal contact with the commission. Petitions to the
commission pursuant to § 15.2-3234 of the Code of Virginia shall also be
accompanied by a copy of the ordinance and by a listing of all local
governments being served or receiving notice of the town's petition pursuant to
subsection C of this section.
B. Any town petitioning the commission under the authority of § 15.2-3234 of the Code of Virginia may submit with the petition as much data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials as deemed appropriate; however, the submissions should be fully responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-616.
C. Any town petitioning for an order establishing its annexation rights under the authority of § 15.2-3234 of the Code of Virginia shall serve a copy of the petition and ordinance on the Commonwealth's attorney, or the county attorney if there be one, and on the chairman of the board of supervisors of the county whose territory would be affected by the town's proposed annexation order. The town shall also give notice of its petition to all other towns located within the affected county and to each Virginia local government adjoining such county. The service in the county and the notice to other localities shall be accompanied by an annotated listing of all materials submitted to the commission pursuant to subsection B of this section.
D. A county served with a copy of a town's petition pursuant
to subsection C of this section shall file its response to such petition with
the commission within 60 days after receipt of the service. Any other party
receiving notice pursuant to subsection C of this section, may also submit materials
to the commission for consideration with respect to the town's petition within
60 days of their receipt of the notice. Responses and submissions to the
commission pursuant to this chapter may include data, exhibits, documents, or
other materials as the submitting party deems appropriate; however, such
responses and submissions should be responsive to all relevant elements of
1VAC50-20-616. Any party submitting materials to the commission for review
pursuant to this chapter shall also designate an individual who shall serve as
principal contact with the commission, and shall furnish the
individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax
number and email address. Any party submitting materials to the commission
pursuant to this chapter shall also provide an annotated listing of the
material to the town petitioning the commission.
1VAC50-20-350. Referral to commission of boundary line adjustment.
A. Whenever a court refers a proposed boundary line adjustment to the commission pursuant to § 15.2-3109 of the Code of Virginia, the localities proposing the boundary line adjustment shall, upon receipt of notification of the referral, provide the commission with a copy of their petition to the court and shall designate an individual for each locality who shall serve as principal contact with the commission and shall furnish the individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address. Referrals to the commission pursuant to § 15.2-3109 of the Code of Virginia shall also be accompanied by a listing of local governments receiving notice of the referral under subsection C of this section.
B. The two localities proposing a boundary line adjustment pursuant to § 15.2-3109 of the Code of Virginia may, jointly or independently, submit to the commission with their petition as much data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials as they deem appropriate; however, such submissions should be fully responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-600.
C. Whenever a proposed boundary line adjustment is referred to the commission for review pursuant to § 15.2-3109 of the Code of Virginia, the localities proposing the adjustment shall concurrently give notice of the proposed adjustment as well as notice of the referral of the issue to the commission to each Virginia local government with which either party is contiguous and to any other Virginia local government deemed by the localities proposing the adjustment to be potentially affected by the proposed adjustment. The notice shall include a copy of the petition requesting the boundary line adjustment, or an informative summary thereof, and an annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, and other materials submitted to the commission for review pursuant to subsection B of this section.
D. Any local government receiving notice of a proposed
boundary line adjustment pursuant to subsection C of this section, or any other
party, may submit data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials
relevant to the commission's review as they deem appropriate; however, such
submissions should be responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-600. Any
party submitting materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall
also designate an individual who shall serve as principal contact with the
commission during the period of its review, and shall furnish the
individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax
number and email address. The commission may establish a time by which all
submissions by respondent parties must be received. Any party submitting
materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also provide an
annotated listing of the materials to the localities proposing the boundary
line adjustment.
1VAC50-20-382. Referral to commission of proposed economic growth-sharing agreements.
A. Referral of a proposed economic growth-sharing agreement to
the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-1301 of the Code of Virginia shall
be accompanied by resolution, joint or separate, of the governing bodies of the
localities that are parties to the proposed agreement requesting the commission
to review the agreement. The resolution or resolutions shall also state
the intention of the governing bodies to adopt the agreement subsequent to the
commission's review and shall indicate the name, title, address, and
phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address of the
individual who shall serve as each locality's principal contact with the
commission during the period of its review. Referrals to the commission
pursuant to § 15.2-1301 of the Code of Virginia shall also be accompanied
by a listing of local governments receiving notice of the referral under
subsection C of this section.
B. Any party or parties referring a proposed economic
growth-sharing agreement to the commission for review pursuant to § 15.2-1301
of the Code of Virginia may submit with the proposed agreement as much data,
exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials as deemed appropriate;
however, the submissions should be fully responsive to all relevant elements of
C. Whenever a proposed economic growth-sharing agreement is referred to the commission for review pursuant to subsection A of this section, the parties to the proposed agreement shall concurrently give notice of the referral to each Virginia local government with which any of the parties is contiguous, or with which any of the parties shares any function, revenue, or tax source. All notices of referral shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed agreement, or a descriptive summary thereof, and an annotated listing of all documents, exhibits, and other materials submitted to the commission in support of the proposed agreement.
D. Any local government receiving notice of referral pursuant to subsection C of this section, or any other party, may submit data, exhibits, documents, or other supporting materials relevant to the commission's review as it deems appropriate; however, the submissions should be responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-612. Any party submitting materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also designate an individual who shall serve as principal contact with the commission during the period of its review, and shall furnish the individual's title, address, phone number, and, where available, fax number and email address. Any party submitting materials to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall also provide an annotated listing of the material to the parties to the proposed agreement.
1VAC50-20-384. Determination of continued eligibility for city status.
A. The commission shall review each decennial census of population released by the United States Bureau of the Census to determine whether any city has failed to meet the criteria for city status established by Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution of Virginia. In any instance where the census indicates that a city may not meet the constitutional criteria, the commission shall conduct an investigation of the city's population, assets, liabilities, rights, and obligations and shall certify its findings to the governing body of such city.
B. In the conduct of its investigation, the commission shall request the assistance of the city in the provision of relevant data and information. The city may submit as much data, exhibits, documents, or other material as it deems appropriate; however, the submissions should be responsive to all relevant elements of 1VAC50-20-614.
1VAC50-20-390. General provisions applicable to mandatory commission reviews.
A. Any local government or other party appearing before the commission relative to any mandatory review may be represented by counsel.
B. The commission shall generally schedule for consideration
issues in the order in which received; however, the commission reserves the
right to consider issues in other sequence where it deems appropriate. Where
notices are received of related or competitive actions affecting the same locality
or localities, the commission may, where appropriate, consider the issues
and render the reports or a consolidated report concurrently.
C. Subsequent to its receipt of an issue for a mandatory review the commission shall meet, or otherwise converse, with representatives of the principally affected parties for purposes of establishing a schedule for its review of the issue. The schedule shall include dates (i) for the submission of responsive materials from affected jurisdictions, (ii) for tours of affected areas and oral presentations if any are desired by the commission, (iii) for a public hearing, and (iv) for the issuance of the commission's report, as well as other dates the commission deems appropriate.
D. The commission may continue or defer its proceedings with respect to an issue at any time it deems appropriate; however, no continuance or deferral shall result in an extension of the commission's reporting deadline beyond any time limit imposed by law, except by agreement of the parties or in accordance with other statutory procedures. The commission shall also accept requests for continuances or deferrals from any party at any time during its proceedings but shall not grant or deny any such requests until all parties have had an opportunity to comment on the requests. In any instance where the commission grants a continuance or a deferral, the continuance or deferral may be conditioned upon an appropriate extension of the commission's reporting deadline with respect to the issue under review.
E. The commission may confront the necessity of continuing or deferring its proceedings as a result of statutory requirement or court order. In such instances, the commission shall reschedule its proceedings, upon consultation with the parties, in a manner that permits an expeditious conclusion of its review. The parties should anticipate, however, that the duration of the continuance or stay shall result in a commensurate delay in the issuance of the commission's report.
F. In addition to any meeting, presentation, public hearing, or other gathering of the parties specified by this chapter, the commission may, where it deems necessary for an analysis of material or for a discussion or clarification of the issues before it, schedule other meetings of appropriate parties.
G. No party or parties to a proceeding before the
commission for mandatory review shall communicate in any manner with any member
of the commission with respect to the merits of the issue under review except
as is authorized by this chapter, or as may be otherwise authorized by the
commission or its chairman chair.
H. In addition to the submissions authorized by 1VAC50-20-180 through 1VAC50-20-384, the commission may allow supplemental submissions deemed necessary or appropriate by the commission for the provision of current and complete data. Where supplemental submissions are authorized pursuant to this subsection, copies of all submissions shall be provided by the submitting party to all principal parties. The commission shall endeavor to establish dates for the filing of all supplemental submissions which will allow an opportunity for their review and critical analysis by other affected parties. However, the commission may accept supplemental submissions filed after any established dates if, in the commission's judgment, the submissions assist the commission in the discharge of its statutory responsibilities.
I. Any material submitted to the commission by the parties in conjunction with or relative to any notice filed pursuant to any mandatory review covered by 1VAC50-20-180 through 1VAC50-20-384, except materials presented in the context of negotiations or mediation of a confidential nature as authorized by law, shall be considered public documents and made available by the submitting party for review by any other interested party or by the public. Any interested party or member of the public may request copies of any such material which shall be provided promptly by the party submitting the material to the commission at a price sufficient to cover the expense incurred.
J. Each document, exhibit, or other material submitted to the commission shall bear a title, the date of preparation, a detailed citation of the sources from which all data are obtained, and the name of the entity which submitted the document, exhibit, or other material. All material submitted to the commission by a local government shall be, as nearly as practicable, in the same form as the material would subsequently be submitted to the courts. The commission may refuse to accept for review and consideration any exhibit, document, or other material unless the person preparing it, or a representative of the entity responsible for its submission, shall be willing to appear before the commission for purposes of answering questions concerning the material.
K. Unless otherwise requested, wherever the regulations of the commission call for the projection of data, the projections should be made for a 10-year period. In each instance where projections are given, the method and bases of the projections should be indicated.
L. All data, exhibits, documents, or other material submitted to the commission on the initiative of a party or pursuant to a request from the commission shall be certified by the submitting party (i) as to source and (ii) as to the fact that the material is correct within the knowledge of the submitting party.
M. Any party or parties filing notice or making
submissions to the commission shall provide at least eight copies of all
submissions, unless the commission agrees that a lesser number would be
sufficient for its review and analysis. The commission may make provisions for
the electronic filing of submissions, including facsimile.
N. At any time during the course of the commission's review of
any issue, the commission's staff may solicit additional data, documents,
records, or other materials from the parties as is deemed necessary for proper
analysis of any issue. Where such materials are solicited from a party, the
commission's staff, where practicable, shall make the request in writing, with
copies of the request being provided to other principal parties. Copies of all
materials submitted to the commission pursuant to this chapter shall
concurrently be provided to each principal party, or shall be made
available to the parties in a manner acceptable to the commission. The
commission shall be given written notification by the submitting party of each
principal party provided a copy of the material or of arrangements proposed for
making the material available to the principal parties.
O. The commission shall not be limited in its analysis of any issue to the materials submitted by the parties but shall undertake independent research as it deems appropriate in order to assure a full and complete investigation of each issue.
P. The commission shall request all parties to cooperate fully in the development and timely sharing of data relative to the issue under review. The commission considers the cooperation among parties vital to the discharge of its responsibilities.
Q. The commission may allow the parties to correct the data, exhibits, documents, or other material submitted to the commission prior to the date established for the closing of the record pursuant to 1VAC50-20-640 B. Where corrections are authorized pursuant to this chapter, copies of all corrections shall be provided by the submitting party to all principal parties. If, in the commission's judgment, the corrections are of a substantive nature as to significantly alter the scope or character of the issue under review, the commission may delay its proceedings for an appropriate amount of time to provide an opportunity for other parties to respond to the corrected data, exhibits, documents, or other material.
R. Following the receipt of a notice, the commission may
request the party initiating the proposed action to prepare and file testimony
in support of the proposed action. The testimony of the party initiating the
proposed action may refer to all data, exhibits, documents, or other material
previously submitted to the commission or filed with the testimony. In all
proceedings in which the initiating party files testimony, the affected party or
parties shall be permitted and may be requested by the commission to file,
on or before a date established by the commission, testimony in response to the
proposed action. The testimony of the affected party or parties may
refer to all data, exhibits, documents, or other material previously submitted
to the commission or filed with the testimony. Any affected party or parties
that who chooses not to file testimony by the date established by
the commission may not thereafter present testimony except by permission of the
commission, but may otherwise fully participate in the proceeding and engage
only in cross-examination of the testimony of other parties. Failure to comply
with the directions of the commission, without good cause shown, may result in
rejection of the testimony by the commission. The commission may permit the parties
to correct or supplement any prepared testimony before or during the oral
presentations as called for in 1VAC50-20-620. Eight copies of prepared
testimony shall be filed unless otherwise specified by the commission.
Part IV
Information, Data, and Factors Relative to Mandatory Commission Reviews
1VAC50-20-540. Annexation.
In developing its findings of fact and recommendations with respect to a proposed annexation, the commission shall consider the information, data, and factors listed in this section. Any city or town filing notice with the commission that it proposes to annex territory shall submit with the notice data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that it deems relevant to the proposed annexation. Any voters or property owners filing notice pursuant to § 15.2-2907 of the Code of Virginia with the commission seeking annexation to a municipality shall submit with the notice data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that they deem relevant to the proposed annexation, except that subdivision 1 of this section is required to be included in the notice filed with the commission.
1. A written metes and bounds description of the boundaries of the area proposed for annexation having, as a minimum, sufficient certainty to enable a layman to identify the proposed new boundary. The description may make reference to readily identifiable monuments such as public roads, rivers, streams, railroad rights of way, and similar discernible physical features.
2. A map or maps showing (i) the boundaries of the area
proposed for annexation and their geographic relationship to existing political
boundaries; (ii) identifiable unincorporated communities,; (iii)
major streets, highways, schools, and other major public facilities,;
(iv) significant geographic features, including mountains and bodies of water;
(v) existing uses of the land, including residential, commercial, industrial,
and agricultural; and (vi) information deemed relevant as to the possible
future use of the property within the area sought for annexation.
3. A land-use table showing both the acreage and percentage of land currently devoted to the various categories of land use in the municipality, the county, and the area proposed for annexation.
4. The past, the estimated current, and the projected population of the municipality, the county affected by the proposed annexation, and the area of the county proposed for annexation.
5. The past, the estimated current, and the projected future number of public school students enrolled in the public schools and the number of school-age children living in the municipality, the county affected by the proposed annexation, and the area of the county proposed for annexation.
6. The assessed property values, by major classification, and
if appropriate, the ratios of assessed values to true values for real property,
personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, and public service
corporation property for the current year and the preceding 10 years for the
municipality, and the county affected by the proposed annexation, and
similar data for the current year for the area of the county proposed for
7. The current local property and nonproperty tax rates and the tax rates for the preceding 10 years, applicable within the municipality, the county affected by the proposed annexation, and the area of the county proposed for annexation.
8. The estimated current local revenue collections and intergovernmental aid, the collections and aid for the previous 10 years, and projections of the collections and aid (including tax receipts from real property, personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, business and professional license, consumer utility, and sales taxes) within the municipality, and the county affected by the proposed annexation, and similar data for the past year for the area of the county proposed for annexation.
9. The amount of long-term indebtedness and the purposes for which all long-term debt has been incurred by the municipality and the county affected by the proposed annexation.
10. The need in the area proposed for annexation for urban
services, including but not limited to those listed below in
this subdivision, the level of services provided by the municipality and by
the county affected by the proposed annexation, and the ability of the
municipality and the county to provide the services in the area proposed for
a. Sewage treatment;
b. Water;
c. Solid waste collection and disposal;
d. Public planning;
e. Subdivision regulation and zoning;
f. Crime prevention and detection;
g. Fire prevention and protection;
h. Public recreational facilities;
i. Library facilities;
j. Curbs, gutters, and sidewalks;
k. Storm drains;
l. Street lighting;
m. Snow removal;
n. Street maintenance;
o. Schools;
p. Housing; and
q. Public transportation.
11. Efforts made by the municipality and the county affected by the proposed annexation to comply with applicable state policies with respect to environmental protection, public planning, education, public transportation, housing, and other state service policies promulgated by the General Assembly.
12. The community of interest which (i) may exist between the
municipality and the area proposed for annexation and its citizens and which
(ii) may exist between that area and its citizens and the rest of the county;
the term "community of interest" may include, but not be limited
to, consideration of natural neighborhoods, natural and manmade boundaries,
the similarity of service needs, and economic and social bonds.
13. Any arbitrary prior refusal to cooperate by the governing
body of the municipality or of the county affected by the proposed annexation,
if such has occurred, to enter into cooperative agreements providing for joint
activities which that would have benefited citizens of both
14. The need for the municipality to expand its tax resources, including its real estate and personal property tax base.
15. The need of the municipality to obtain land for industrial, commercial, and residential development.
16. The adverse effect on the county affected by the proposed annexation resulting from the loss of areas suitable and developable for industrial, commercial, or residential use.
17. The adverse effect on the county of the loss of tax resources and public facilities necessary to provide services to those persons in the remaining areas of the county after the proposed annexation.
18. The adverse impact of the proposed annexation on agricultural operations located in the area proposed for annexation.
19. The terms and conditions upon which the municipality proposes to annex, its plans for the improvement of the annexed territory during the 10-year period following annexation, including the extension of public utilities and other services, and the means by which the municipality shall finance the improvements and extension of services.
20. Data pertinent to a determination of the appropriate financial settlement between the municipality and the affected county as required by § 15.2-3211 of the Code of Virginia and other applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia.
21. The commission's staff shall endeavor to assist parties contemplating or involved in annexation proceedings by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant in the disposition of annexation issues.
1VAC50-20-560. Town-county agreements defining annexation rights.
In developing its findings of fact and recommendations with respect to a proposed town-county annexation agreement, the commission shall consider the information, data, and factors listed in this section. Any town or county presenting proposed annexation agreements to the commission under the provisions of § 15.2-3231 of the Code of Virginia shall submit with the proposed agreement data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that it deems relevant.
1. A written metes and bounds description of those areas of the county made eligible for annexation under the proposed agreement having as a minimum, sufficient certainty to enable a layman to identify those areas. The description may make reference to readily identifiable monuments such as public roads, rivers, streams, railroad rights of way, and similar discernible physical features.
2. A map or maps showing: (i) the boundaries of
the various areas eligible for annexation under the proposed agreement and
their relationship to existing political boundaries; (ii) identifiable
unincorporated communities; (iii) major streets, highways, schools, and other
major public facilities; (iv) significant geographic features, including
mountains and bodies of water; (v) existing uses of the land, including
residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural; and (vi)
information deemed relevant as to the possible future use of the property in
the areas affected by the proposed agreement.
3. A land-use table showing both the acreage and percentage of land currently devoted to the various categories of land use in the town, the county, and the areas of the county affected by the agreement.
4. The past, the estimated current, and the projected population of the town, the county, and those areas of the county affected by the proposed agreement.
5. The past, the estimated current, and the projected number of public school students enrolled in the public schools and the number of school-age children living in the town, the county, and those areas of the county affected by the proposed agreement.
6. The assessed property values, by major classification and, if appropriate, the ratios of assessed values to true values for real property, personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, and public service corporation property for the current and preceding 10 years for the town, and the county, and similar data for the current year in those areas of the county affected by the proposed agreement.
7. The need of the municipality to expand its tax resources, including its real estate and personal property tax base.
8. The need of the municipality to obtain land for industrial, commercial, and residential development.
9. The current and prospective need for additional urban services in the areas of its county subject to annexation under the agreement.
10. Plans for the immediate and future improvement of areas annexed under the terms of the agreement, including the extension of public utilities and other services.
11. The commission's staff shall endeavor to assist localities contemplating or involved in town-county agreements defining annexation rights by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant in the disposition of the issues.
1VAC50-20-570. Town incorporation.
In developing its findings of fact and recommendations with
respect to a proposed town incorporation, the commission shall consider the
information, data, and factors listed in this section. Any party or parties
Parties filing notice with the commission that they propose to have a
community incorporated as a town, or whose petition for incorporation has been
referred to the commission by the court pursuant to § 15.2-3601 of the Code of
Virginia, shall submit with such notice or subsequent to the court referral
data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that
they deem relevant to the proposed incorporation.
1. A petition signed by not less fewer than 100
duly qualified voters residing within the boundaries of the proposed town
supporting the proposed incorporation.
2. A written metes and bounds description of the area proposed for incorporation as a town having, as a minimum, sufficient certainty to enable a layman to identify the proposed town boundary. The description may make reference to readily identifiable monuments such as public roads, rivers, streams, railroad rights of way, and similar discernible physical features.
3. A map or maps showing: (i) the boundaries of
the proposed town and their relationship to existing political boundaries; (ii)
identifiable unincorporated communities; (iii) major streets, highways,
schools, and other major public facilities; (iv) significant geographic
features, including mountains and bodies of water; and (v) existing uses of the
land, including residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural.
4. A land-use table showing both the acreage and percentage of land currently devoted to the various categories of land use in the area proposed for incorporation.
5. The estimated past, the estimated current, and the
projected population of the area proposed for incorporation and the county
within which the town would be situated.
6. Information indicating: (i) why the proposed
incorporation is desired and in the interest of the inhabitants; (ii) how the
general good of the community is served by the incorporation; and (iii) why the
services needed within the proposed town cannot be provided by the
establishment of a sanitary district, through the extension of existing county
services, or by other arrangements provided by law.
7. The commission shall endeavor to assist communities contemplating or involved in proposed town incorporations by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant in the disposition of incorporation issues.
1VAC50-20-590. County-city transitions.
In developing its findings of fact and recommendations with respect to a proposed county to city transition, the commission shall consider the information, data, and factors listed in this section. Any county filing notice with the commission that it proposes to become a city shall submit with the notice data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that it deems relevant to the proposed transition.
1. A map, or maps, showing: (i) the location of
all towns situated within the county; (ii) all adjoining and adjacent
localities; (iii) identifiable unincorporated communities within the county;
(iv) the population density of the various areas of the county; (v) the areas
of the county served by urban services; (vi) major streets, highways, schools,
and other major public facilities; (vii) significant geographic features,
including mountains and bodies of water; (viii) existing uses of the land,
including residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural; and (ix)
information deemed relevant as to the possible future use of the property
within the county.
2. A land-use table showing both the acreage and percentage of land currently devoted to the various categories of land use in the county.
3. The past, the estimated current, and the projected future population of the county, each town within the county, and of the major densely populated unincorporated communities within the county.
4. The past, the estimated current, and the projected future
number of public school students enrolled in the public schools and the number
of school-age children living in the county and in each town therein within
the county.
5. The assessed values, by major classification and if appropriate, the ratios of assessed values to true values for real property, personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, and public service corporation property for the current year and the preceding 10 years for the county and each town within the county.
6. The current local property and nonproperty tax rates, and the tax rates for the preceding 10 years, within the county and all towns within the county.
7. The estimated current local revenue collections and intergovernmental aid, the collections and aid for the previous 10 years, and projections of the collections and aid (including tax receipts from real property, personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, business and professional license, consumer utility, and sales taxes) within the county and within each town within the county.
8. The amount of long-term indebtedness of the county and each town within the county and the amount and purpose for which that debt has been incurred.
9. Data regarding: (i) the urban-type services presently
provided by the county; (ii) the level of those services; (iii) the areas of
the county served by those services; (iv) the additional services to be
provided and the additional cost to be borne by the proposed city; and (v) the
means by which the proposed city shall finance the additional services and
10. The fiscal capacity of the county to function as an independent city and to provide appropriate services.
11. The impact of the proposed transition on compliance with and the promotion of applicable state policies with respect to environmental protection, public planning, education, public transportation, housing, and other state service policies declared by the General Assembly.
12. The commission's staff shall endeavor to assist localities contemplating or involved in proposed county-city transitions by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant in the disposition of county to city transition issues.
1VAC50-20-605. County-city consolidations.
In developing its findings of fact and recommendations with respect to a proposed consolidation of a county and a city that would establish an independent city, the commission shall consider the information, data, and factors listed in this section. Local governments filing notice proposing the consolidation of a city and a county to establish an independent city, or any committee of citizens that has been appointed by the circuit court to act for and in lieu of a governing body to perfect a consolidation agreement pursuant to § 15.2-3531 of the Code of Virginia shall, separately or jointly, submit to the commission data and other evidence responsive to each element listed in this section that they deem relevant to the proposed consolidation.
1. Copy of the consolidation agreement.
2. A map or maps showing (i) the location of all
municipalities situated within the proposed consolidated city; (ii) all
adjoining and adjacent localities; (iii) identifiable unincorporated
communities within the proposed consolidated city; (iv) major streets,
highways, schools, and other major public facilities; (v) significant
geographic features, including mountains and bodies of water; (vi) existing
uses of the land, including residential, commercial, industrial, and
agricultural; and (vii) information deemed relevant as to the possible future
use of the property within the proposed consolidated city and as to its future
3. The past, the estimated current, and the projected population of each locality proposing to consolidate.
4. The population density of the proposed consolidated city
based on the most recent U.S. United States decennial census or
as estimated by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University
of Virginia.
5. A land-use table showing both the acreage and percentage of land currently devoted to the various categories of land use in the proposed consolidated city.
6. The estimated current and a five-year projection of the future number of public school students enrolled in the public schools in each locality proposing to consolidate and the number of school-age children living in the proposed consolidated city.
7. The assessed values, by major classification for real property, personal property, machinery and tools, merchants' capital, and public service corporation property for the current year and the preceding 10 years for the county and the city proposing to consolidate and the proposed consolidated city.
8. The estimated local property and nonproperty tax rates that will be applicable within the proposed consolidated city.
9. The estimated local revenue collections including, but
not limited to, tax receipts from real property, personal property,
machinery and tools, merchants' capital, business and professional license,
consumer utility, and sales taxes and intergovernmental aid, such
collections and aid for the preceding 10 years, and projections of the
collections and aid within each of the localities proposing to consolidate.
10. The amount of long-term indebtedness of each of the localities proposing to consolidate and the amount and purpose for which that debt has been incurred.
11. Data regarding: (i) the urban-type services
presently provided by each of the localities proposing to consolidate, (ii) the
level of those services to be provided in the proposed consolidated city, (iii)
the additional services to be provided and the additional cost to be borne by the
proposed consolidated city, and (iv) the means by which the proposed
consolidated city shall finance the additional services and costs.
12. The fiscal capacity of the proposed consolidated city to function as an independent city and to provide appropriate services.
13. The impact of the proposed consolidation on compliance with and the promotion of applicable state policies with respect to environmental protection, public planning, education, public transportation, housing, and other state service policies declared by the General Assembly.
14. The impact of the proposed consolidation on the interest of the Commonwealth in promoting strong and viable units of government in the area.
15. The commission's staff shall endeavor to assist the parties involved in proceedings for the consolidation of a county and a city that would establish an independent city by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant in the disposition of city-county consolidation issues.
1VAC50-20-614. Determination of continued eligibility for city status.
In undertaking its investigation with respect to whether a city continues to meet the requirements for city status as prescribed by Article VII, Section 1 of the Constitution of Virginia, the commission shall consider the information and data listed in this section. Any city subject to investigation as prescribed by Chapter 40 (§ 15.2-4000 et seq.) of Title 15.2 of the Code of Virginia shall be requested to submit information and data responsive to each element listed in this section and any other information and data as the city deems relevant to the continued eligibility for city status.
1. Any official correspondence with the United States Bureau of the Census regarding the accuracy of the most recent United States decennial census of the population of the city under investigation.
2. Any data or other evidence produced by the city under investigation or any other entity bearing on the accuracy of the most recent United States decennial census of the population of the city under investigation.
3. Any data or other evidence produced by the city under investigation or any other entity indicating the current population and projected future population of the city under investigation.
4. Contingent upon the commission's findings with respect to the population of the city under investigation, a listing of all of the city's assets, liabilities, rights, and obligations.
5. The commission's staff shall endeavor to assist the city under investigation by identifying additional data elements considered by the commission to be relevant to the continued eligibility for city status.
Part V
Formal Commission Reviews
1VAC50-20-620. Oral presentations by parties.
A. In the course of its analysis of any issue the commission may schedule oral presentations for purposes of permitting the parties to amplify their submissions, to critique and to offer comment upon the submissions and evidence offered by other parties, and to respond to questions relative to the issue from the commission. The presentations, if scheduled, shall extend for a period of time as the commission may deem appropriate.
B. If oral presentations are scheduled by the commission, the chairman
chair shall select, subsequent to the receipt of recommendations from
the parties, an appropriate site for the presentations. Recommendations by the
parties regarding the sites should be based upon the adequacy of space for the
display and movement of exhibits; the adequacy of seating arrangements for the
commission, its staff, representatives of the parties, a court reporter, and
the public; the adequacy of security at the site to permit materials to be left
unattended during recesses; and the adequacy of the acoustical characteristics
of the site to facilitate communications or the availability of a public
address system.
C. Local governments or other parties desiring to present exhibits or data requiring special equipment should be prepared to provide such.
D. The commission may, where it deems appropriate, consolidate two or more interlocal issues before it for purpose of oral presentations.
E. The commission shall, within the requirements of law, conduct the oral presentations in the manner it considers best suited for reaching a decision in the best interest of the parties and in the best interest of the Commonwealth.
F. The chairman chair, or other member the
commission designated to preside during any oral presentations, may allocate
time to the various parties as the chairman chair or presiding
member deems appropriate. The allocation of time shall be based upon the needs
of the commission to review data, to examine witnesses, and to obtain an
understanding of the relevant factors affecting the issue under review.
G. The sequence in which testimony will be received by the
commission during any oral presentations shall be established by the chairman
chair or presiding member but shall generally be as follows:
1. A brief opening statement by each party, if desired;
2. Presentation by the party initiating the issue before the commission;
3. Presentations by the local governments immediately affected
by the action proposed by the initiating party, in an order established by the chairman
chair or presiding member;
4. Presentations by other parties, in an order established by
the chairman chair or presiding member;
5. Rebuttal where requested by a party and agreed to by the chairman
chair or presiding member.
H. The chairman chair or presiding member may,
to the extent he the chair or presiding member deems appropriate,
permit parties to question witnesses regarding submissions, their testimony, or
other facts relevant to the issues before the commission. Where a party is
represented by counsel, such questioning may be conducted by counsel.
Where the parties have prefiled testimony at the commission's request pursuant to 1VAC50-20-390 R, the questioning of individuals whose testimony has been prefiled shall be limited to a cross-examination of such testimony. The commission may accept additional oral testimony from individuals whose testimony has been prefiled during the presentations where good cause is shown. Where additional oral testimony is accepted by the commission, the commission shall provide an opportunity for other parties to respond to the testimony and to cross-examine the individual offering such testimony.
I. The chairman chair or presiding member may,
during or at the conclusion of the oral presentations, permit or request oral
argument on the issues before the commission.
J. The commission, and its staff, may question any witness or
representative of any party during the oral presentations regarding any
submission, testimony, or other fact which the commission considers relevant to
the issues before it. The chairman chair or presiding member
shall endeavor to call for commission questioning in a manner designed to
expedite the presentations.
K. The commission may accept depositions from persons unable to attend an oral presentation. Depositions shall only be accepted under conditions deemed acceptable by the commission, including conditions assuring an opportunity for all affected local governments to be present and to examine adequately the witness during the taking of depositions.
L. The parties or their counsel shall be expected to confer in advance of the time and date set for presentations in order to inform one another of their prospective witnesses and the order of their anticipated appearance. All material, data, or exhibits proposed for presentation to the commission during the oral presentations and not previously made available to the other parties shall be exchanged or made available to the parties prior to presentation to the commission, subject to the qualifications in subsection M of this section.
M. The commission requires that all materials, data, and exhibits be presented to it and made available to other parties in advance of the commencement of the onsite component of the commission's review. The commission may accept additional materials, data, and exhibits during the onsite component of its review upon unanimous consent of the members present. Where late submissions are accepted by the commission, the commission shall provide an opportunity for other parties to respond to the filings.
N. The commission may record by mechanical device, unless other recording arrangements are made by the parties, all testimony given during the oral presentations but shall prepare a transcript of the recording only when deemed appropriate. The commission shall provide, upon request, any party a duplicate copy of the transcript or recording, if made, at a price sufficient to cover the expense incurred. In lieu of recording by the commission, the parties may arrange to provide a court reporter at their expense. Where a court reporter is utilized, the commission shall receive one copy of the transcript.
1VAC50-20-630. Public hearing.
A. In all cases where a public hearing is required by law, the commission shall conduct the public hearing at which any interested person or party may testify. The commission shall generally schedule the public hearing in conjunction with the oral presentations held, if any, with respect to the issue; however, public hearings regarding proposed town incorporations required pursuant to § 15.2-3601 of the Code of Virginia shall be held no sooner than 30 days after receipt of the court request for commission review.
B. Prior to holding the public hearing the commission shall publish notice of the pending hearing as required by law.
In addition to the notice of public hearing required by this
subsection, a town that is a party to an agreement defining annexation rights
negotiated pursuant to § 15.2-3231 of the Code of Virginia shall give written
notice of the commission's hearing at least 10 days before the hearing to the owner,
owners, or their agent of each parcel of land included in the area
proposed for annexation under the terms of the agreement. One notice sent by
first-class mail to the last known address of the owner, owners,
or their agent as shown on the current county real estate tax assessment books
or current county real estate tax assessment records shall be deemed adequate
compliance with this requirement, provided that the clerk of the town shall
make an affidavit that the mailings have been made and file the affidavit with
the commission.
C. The commission shall request the party initiating the issue before it and the other principally affected parties to place on public display in or adjacent to the office of the chief administrative officer of each principally affected local government copies of all materials which are available to them and which have been submitted to the commission for consideration with respect to the issue. The material should be made conveniently available to the public during normal working hours. The commission also encourages the parties to make available to the public other copies of the material at libraries, educational facilities, or other public places in order that the public might have ample opportunity to study the material prior to the public hearing. The commission's advertisements published under subsection B of this section shall announce the availability of the material at the offices of the administrators and at other facilities as may be selected by the parties for display purposes.
D. The commission shall request the chief administrative
officer (or other official) of each jurisdiction or jurisdictions
principally affected by the issue before the commission to make suitable
arrangements in or adjacent to their offices for the registration of speakers
at the public hearing. The commission shall furnish appropriate registration
forms for that purpose. The commission's advertisements under subsection B of
this section shall advise the public that registration to speak at the public
hearing may be accomplished at the offices of the local administrators or,
alternatively, through the offices of the commission in Richmond. The
commission may also permit speakers to register at the site and at the time of
the public hearing and shall request the assistance of the local administrative
officers in making suitable arrangements for such registration.
E. The chairman chair or other member of the
commission designated to preside over the proceedings shall select the site for
the public hearing subsequent to the receipt of recommendations from the
parties. Recommendations from the parties should be based upon a site's
accessibility to residents of the areas and jurisdictions principally affected,
its seating capacity, the adequacy of parking facilities, the availability of a
public address system, and seating arrangements permitting the commission to
have proper visual contact with the public.
F. The commission shall request the parties to cooperate in the preparation of the site for the public hearing and shall request that a minimum number of maps and exhibits be placed on display at the site in order that persons testifying may identify their residences, property, businesses, or other concerns in relation to the proposed issue.
G. The commission shall request the local jurisdiction within which the site for the public hearing is situated to make appropriate arrangements in order to assure the security and the orderliness of the proceedings.
H. The chairman chair or the presiding member
shall determine the sequence of speakers at a public hearing, but the sequence
shall ordinarily conform to the sequence of their registration. The chairman
chair or presiding member may, however, vary the sequence of speakers in
order that persons from all affected jurisdictions and areas, and those representing
different perspectives, might have equal opportunity for the timely
presentation of their comments.
I. The commission shall endeavor to allow any person or party
wishing to speak at a public hearing an opportunity to do so. The chairman
chair or presiding member may establish time limits for the presentation
of testimony as he the chair or presiding member deems
appropriate. The chairman chair or presiding member may also rule
testimony irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious. Proponents and
opponents of a proposed action are encouraged to designate a chief
spokesman for economy of time and for the avoidance of repetitious comment.
J. Any person or party testifying before the commission at the public hearing may extend their remarks in written form for subsequent submission. During the course of the public hearing, the commission shall establish a date by which the extended written comment must be received for consideration.
K. The commission may record by mechanical device, unless other arrangements are made, all testimony given during the public hearing but shall prepare a transcript of the recording only when it deems appropriate. The commission shall provide any person or party with a copy of the transcript or recording, if made, at a price sufficient to cover the expense incurred. The parties may arrange to provide a court reporter, at their expense. Where a court reporter is utilized, the commission shall receive one copy of the transcript.
L. The commission may, where it deems appropriate, consolidate two or more interlocal issues for purposes of a public hearing.