Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Pertaining to River Herring [4 VAC 20 ‑ 1260]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Public Comment Forum

Public Petition for Rulemaking: Harvest Regulation to Conserve Hickory Shad in Virginia Tidal Waters

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red dot In Progress!     Opened on 8/26/2024 and closes at 11:59pm on 9/16/2024

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Comment Title Commenter
The future of Hickory Shad Jonathan Freeman  8/31/24  9:11 pm
Hickor Shad John Bello  8/30/24  12:19 pm
Support conservation of hickory shad Capt. Mike  8/30/24  9:34 am
In support but.... B. Hayes  8/30/24  7:59 am
Hickory Shad Regulations JohnKilday  8/29/24  10:47 am
Hickory Shad regulations John Jensen  8/29/24  7:29 am
In support of the hickory shad conservation proposal Jesse Howe  8/28/24  9:29 pm
Hickory Shad Petition Michael H. Greene  8/28/24  3:44 pm
Hickory Shad Creel Limits and Conservation Don Pirro  8/28/24  12:02 pm
Support of Hickory Shad Conservation Proposal Dave Gedra  8/27/24  4:27 pm
support for shad management initiatives DN  8/27/24  1:52 pm
hickory shad kendall osborne  8/27/24  1:34 pm
Creel Limit Needed for Hickory Shad Wayne Young, NOVA Chapter, CCA VA  8/27/24  7:10 am

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