Pertaining to River Herring
[4 VAC 20 ‑ 1260]
Public Petition for Rulemaking: Harvest Regulation to Conserve Hickory Shad in Virginia Tidal Waters
CLOSED Opened on 8/26/2024 and Ended on 9/16/2024

Comment Title | Commenter | |
I support the regulation | Kevin Chandler | 9/16/24 7:07 pm |
Supporting Hickory Shad Proposal | Sam C | 9/16/24 6:31 pm |
Support of Hickory Shad Conservation Proposal | Olivia Gedra, CCA VA | 9/16/24 5:14 pm |
I support this regulation | Eric Goodrich | 9/16/24 4:49 pm |
Institute a shad regulation | Scott Moore | 9/16/24 4:22 pm |
Common sense for Hickory Shad | Stuart Shelton | 9/16/24 3:32 pm |
CREEL LIMITS ARE NECESSARY | Alex Colonna. PHWFF | 9/16/24 3:24 pm |
Creel limits needed | Anonymous (227856) | 9/16/24 2:38 pm |
I support creel limits on Hickory Shad | MATT ENDERLE | 9/16/24 1:50 pm |
In support of the hickory shad conservation proposal | Ryan Howe | 9/16/24 1:00 pm |
Hickory Shad Regulation Support | Steven Criste | 9/16/24 12:58 pm |
Shad regulations | Paul Anikis DVM | 9/16/24 12:17 pm |
support of shad regulations | Richard Kuhlman | 9/16/24 12:08 pm |
Hickory Shard | Thomas Raffetto | 9/16/24 11:23 am |
I Support Limits on Hickory Shad | Mark Headly | 9/16/24 10:29 am |
Support for Hickory Shad Regulations | Tom Hedgpeth | 9/16/24 10:13 am |
Support for Hickory Shad Regulations | Ben Ames, President, Northern Neck Anglers Club | 9/16/24 10:10 am |
I support this! | Kimberly Griffin | 9/16/24 10:02 am |
I support the limit | David Skove | 9/16/24 9:51 am |
Hickory Shad | Bill Ford | 9/16/24 9:39 am |
Hickory Shad Conservation | Capt. CDollar, Tackle Cove Outfitters | 9/16/24 9:34 am |
Hickory Shad limits | John Hoffman | 9/16/24 9:18 am |
I support tightening creel limits for hickory shad | Burnley Taylor | 9/16/24 9:06 am |
I Support this Prposal | Dinkus Deane | 9/16/24 8:43 am |
Hickory Shad Limits | James Civitarese | 9/15/24 11:40 pm |
Hickory Shad management proposal | George Lenard | 9/15/24 9:56 pm |
Hickory Shad Limits | Kevin Brugman | 9/15/24 12:42 pm |
Hickory Shad Creel Limits | Keith Kluwe | 9/15/24 10:33 am |
Shad harvest regulations for recreational anglers | Anthony Mastalski | 9/15/24 10:18 am |
I support this proposal | James Stone | 9/14/24 10:44 am |
Hickory Shad Regulation Proposal | Lynda Richardson, Virginia Anglers Club | 9/13/24 5:06 pm |
JRA Letter of Support | Nathan Thomson - James River Association | 9/13/24 3:48 pm |
Fishing Guide in Favor of Limiting Harvest of Hickory Shad | Simón Valencia | 9/13/24 3:34 pm |
I support the petition | Jim Levitan | 9/13/24 2:06 pm |
Strongly Support | Elizabeth Gedra, CCA | 9/13/24 1:42 pm |
Support | Brent Hunsinger, Friends of the Rappahannock | 9/13/24 1:29 pm |
I support the proposed hickory shad regulations. | Doug W | 9/13/24 12:06 pm |
I support the CCA's petition regarding Hickory Shad limits | Jeff Bates | 9/13/24 10:36 am |
Shad Limits to keep | Peter Shinnamon Fly Fishers of Virginia | 9/13/24 10:21 am |
Totally support this | Richard Driver | 9/13/24 10:13 am |
Shad petition | Gary Andrejco | 9/13/24 7:52 am |
Creel Limit for Hickory Shad | Tony Scrimizzi | 9/13/24 7:46 am |
In Support | Robbie Parker | 9/13/24 6:41 am |
Hickory Shad Petition | george whitley | 9/12/24 10:24 pm |
I support the hickory shad regulations | Michael Smith/ Fly Fishers of Virginia | 9/12/24 9:34 pm |
Creel limit | Jim farrell | 9/12/24 9:26 pm |
Support | Eddy Johnston | 9/12/24 8:36 pm |
Hickory Shad Limit | Tom Ebel | 9/12/24 8:35 pm |
I support the Hickory Shad Regulations | Clare Novak | 9/12/24 7:39 pm |
I support the prop Hickory Shad Regulations | Clare Novak | 9/12/24 7:38 pm |
Hickory Shad | Robert Ward, Fly fishers of Va. | 9/12/24 7:36 pm |
I support this | Boyd Waters, Fly Fishing Studios | 9/12/24 7:12 pm |
I support the Hickory Shad petition | Malcolm Myers | 9/12/24 6:51 pm |
Hickory Shad Limits | Emy Iacob. Fly Fishers of Virginia | 9/12/24 5:48 pm |
Hickory Shad limit | Rick Hendrickson | 9/12/24 5:15 pm |
I support the hickory shad petition | Kevin Noreika | 9/12/24 4:54 pm |
I support this petition | Dan Honsberger | 9/12/24 4:23 pm |
Supporting Hickory Shad Limits | Don Vaught | 9/12/24 4:17 pm |
Hickory Shad | Robert Thomas, Fly Fishers of Virginia and Virginia Anglers Club | 9/12/24 4:05 pm |
Hickory Shad creel limit | John Pearsall | 9/12/24 1:44 pm |
I support this petition | Eric Webster | 9/12/24 11:53 am |
I support this petition | Andy Cortez | 9/12/24 11:11 am |
Shad Regulations. | Capt Buddy Noland | 9/12/24 9:54 am |
I support this petition | Gary Green | 9/12/24 9:26 am |
I support Shad Harvest Petition | Terry Riley | 9/12/24 9:18 am |
i support this document | Larry Allen | 9/12/24 9:17 am |
Hickory Shad petition: I support this petition | Mike Mason | 9/12/24 8:55 am |
I support this petition | Brian Bremner | 9/12/24 8:28 am |
Hickory Shad Management in Virginia | Jamie Gold | 9/11/24 8:42 pm |
I agree | Bob Pride | 9/11/24 7:36 pm |
Support this petition. | Fred Cousins | 9/11/24 6:50 pm |
I support this petition | Steve Klimkiewicz | 9/11/24 5:44 pm |
I support this petition | Bob Schepker | 9/11/24 2:50 pm |
Hickory Shad .... | fred murray | 9/11/24 2:45 pm |
Hickory Shad | Steve Zahn | 9/11/24 2:41 pm |
Hickory Shad | Bill Moyer | 9/11/24 1:54 pm |
A Whiter Shad of Pale | Clay Welch | 9/11/24 1:50 pm |
Hickory Shad Limit | Stuart Lee | 9/11/24 11:36 am |
I support the proposal. | Stan Koller | 9/11/24 10:59 am |
Hickory Shad Comments | John Kuriawa | 9/10/24 6:59 pm |
Hickory Shad Catch Per Unit of Effort (CPUE) & Overharvesting Field Data Supports Hickory Shad Creel | Wayne Lumsden, NOVA Chapter, CCA VA | 9/9/24 4:58 pm |
Consistency in Statewide Management of Hickory Shad Across Virginia | Dave DiEugenio, Falmouth Flats Fly Fishers | 9/9/24 11:43 am |
Hickory Shad proposed regulations | Carl Dattel, Northern Virginia CCA | 9/9/24 7:14 am |
Tight Creel Limits for the Hickory Shad | Brett Scarlett, Falmouth Flats Fly Fishers | 9/8/24 2:04 pm |
Creel limit for hickory shad | Charles Wyatt | 9/8/24 5:22 am |
Support VA efforts for marine conservation | John Motsko | 9/7/24 8:52 pm |
Support Shad Limits | Elmer Lumsden | 9/7/24 1:05 pm |
Hickory shad | Paul Shaw | 9/7/24 11:58 am |
regulating Hickory Shad take | Sam Smart Falmouth Flats Flyfisher | 9/7/24 9:44 am |
Shad limits | Charles Naples | 9/7/24 9:31 am |
Hickory shad conservation measures | Rick Hoagland | 9/7/24 8:30 am |
Hickory Shad Limits | Lars Hudnall | 9/7/24 8:23 am |
consistent creel limits across Virginia | Craig Conover, Falmouth Flats Fly Fishers | 9/7/24 7:36 am |
Shad Limits | Mark Schofield | 9/6/24 8:45 am |
Shad limits | Brendan O'Neil | 9/6/24 12:31 am |
Shad Limits | Edey McDougal | 9/5/24 5:33 pm |
Support the Hickory Shad conservation proposal. | Philip M Pastino | 9/5/24 4:32 pm |
Save the Hickory's | Pat Hanna | 9/4/24 10:03 pm |
Shad Lives Matter | M Pollan | 9/4/24 4:16 pm |
Hickory Shad Regs in VA | David Frazier | 9/4/24 2:57 pm |
Shad limits | Dave Antos | 9/4/24 1:22 pm |
HickoryShad petition | Jeremy | 9/4/24 11:18 am |
Support Hickory Shad Conservation | Parks Shackelford | 9/4/24 10:47 am |
I’m in favor of the proposed hickory shad regulation | Timothy Morgan | 9/4/24 10:34 am |
Hickory shad in VA | Ernesto Rojas | 9/4/24 10:27 am |
conservation of Shad in the Bay Area. | Steve Atkinson, Virginia saltwater sportfishing Association. | 9/3/24 6:09 pm |
I support this proposal | Christi Medice | 9/3/24 4:47 pm |
Hickory shad creel limit | David Levesque | 9/3/24 4:15 pm |
Hickory Shad Petition | Ken Goldsmith | 9/3/24 1:07 pm |
Preserve the Hickory Shad run in Virginia | Brian Collins | 9/3/24 11:48 am |
Support Recreational Limit! | Kevin Smith, Virginia Saltwater Sportfishing Association | 9/3/24 11:48 am |
Hickory Shad Limits | Bobby Rae Allen | 9/1/24 10:21 pm |
Hickory Shad Petition | Shannon Albright | 9/1/24 9:48 pm |
The future of Hickory Shad | Jonathan Freeman | 8/31/24 9:11 pm |
Hickor Shad | John Bello | 8/30/24 12:19 pm |
Support conservation of hickory shad | Capt. Mike | 8/30/24 9:34 am |
In support but.... | B. Hayes | 8/30/24 7:59 am |
Hickory Shad Regulations | JohnKilday | 8/29/24 10:47 am |
Hickory Shad regulations | John Jensen | 8/29/24 7:29 am |
In support of the hickory shad conservation proposal | Jesse Howe | 8/28/24 9:29 pm |
Hickory Shad Petition | Michael H. Greene | 8/28/24 3:44 pm |
Hickory Shad Creel Limits and Conservation | Don Pirro | 8/28/24 12:02 pm |
Support of Hickory Shad Conservation Proposal | Dave Gedra | 8/27/24 4:27 pm |
support for shad management initiatives | DN | 8/27/24 1:52 pm |
hickory shad | kendall osborne | 8/27/24 1:34 pm |
Creel Limit Needed for Hickory Shad | Wayne Young, NOVA Chapter, CCA VA | 8/27/24 7:10 am |
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