Regulations Governing the Practice of Social Work
[18 VAC 140 ‑ 20]
Public Petition for Rulemaking: Amendment to requirements for supervisors to include licensed professional counselors
CLOSED Opened on 2/12/2024 and Ended on 3/4/2024
Comment Title | Commenter | |
Oppose | Jackson Caswell | 3/4/24 8:20 pm |
Oppose | Angelica Gehlich | 3/4/24 4:04 pm |
Partial Support - Possibiliy of Flexibility and Compromise | William, M.A.; Doctoral Candidate | 3/2/24 4:59 pm |
Oppose | Lindsay Pugh | 3/2/24 10:57 am |
Oppose | Anonymous (222243) | 2/29/24 12:00 pm |
Oppose | Autumn Richardson, Innovative Care LLC | 2/29/24 11:57 am |
Oppose | Karen Martin | 2/26/24 2:54 pm |
Oppose this | Anonymous (222223) | 2/22/24 3:59 pm |
Professional Counselors Supervising Social Workers for a license | Debra ARiggs | 2/22/24 2:03 pm |
Opposed to Petition for Rulemaking #402 | Joseph G Lynch LCSW | 2/20/24 11:58 pm |
Opposed to the petition unless LCSWs can provide supervision to those seeking the LPC | Bernard Curry | 2/13/24 11:30 am |
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