Final Text
9VAC25-20-40. Applicability.
A. This chapter applies to:
1. All applicants for issuance of a new permit, permit authorization or certificate, or reissuance of an existing permit, permit authorization or certificate, except as specifically exempt under 9VAC25-20-50 A. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-110 or 9VAC25-20-130.
2. All permit, permit authorization or certificate holders who request that an existing permit, permit authorization or certificate be modified, except as specifically exempt under 9VAC25-20-50 A 3 or 9VAC25-20-50 A 6. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-120.
3. All land appliers land applying biosolids on permitted sites
in the Commonwealth of Virginia, except as specifically exempt under
9VAC25-20-50 C. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-146.
B. An applicant for a permit, permit authorization or certificate involving a permit that is to be revoked and reissued shall be considered an applicant for a new permit. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-110.
C. Permit maintenance fees apply to each Virginia Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (VPDES) permit holder and each Virginia Pollution Abatement (VPA) permit holder, except those specifically exempt under 9VAC25-20-50 B of this chapter. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-142.
D. Virginia Water Protection (VWP) Individual/Minimum Instream Flow permit fees apply to any permit for the construction of an intake on a stream or river, or to any permit for the construction of a new intake on an existing reservoir. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-110 or 9VAC25-20-120, as applicable.
E. VWP Individual/Reservoir permit fees apply to any permit for the construction of a new reservoir, or the expansion of an existing reservoir in which one of the purposes of the reservoir is for water supply. The fee due shall be as specified under 9VAC25-20-110 or 9VAC25-20-120, as applicable. VWP Individual/Reservoir permit fees do not apply to the construction of any impoundment, pond or lake in which water supply is not part of the project's purpose.
9VAC25-20-50. Exemptions.
A. No permit application fees will be assessed to:
1. An applicant for a permit, permit authorization, certificate or special exception pertaining to a farming operation engaged in production for market.
2. An applicant for a permit, permit authorization, or certificate pertaining to maintenance dredging for federal navigation channels or other U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-sponsored or Department of the Navy-sponsored dredging projects.
3. Permit holders who request minor modifications or minor amendments to permits, permit authorizations or certificates as defined in 9VAC25-20-10.
4. Permit, permit authorization or certificate holders whose permits, permit authorizations or certificates are modified or amended at the initiative of the board.
5. VPDES permit holders or VPA permit holders for the regularly scheduled renewal of an individual permit for an existing facility, except VPDES and VPA permit holders whose permits expire on or before December 27, 2004.
6. An applicant for a permit, permit authorization, permit modification, or certificate pertaining solely to biosolids research.
B. No permit maintenance fees will be assessed to:
1. VPDES and VPA facilities operating under a general permit.
2. Permits pertaining to a farming operation engaged in production for market.
3. Virginia Water Protection (VWP), Surface Water Withdrawal (SWW), and Ground Water Withdrawal (GWW) permits, permit authorizations, certificates and special exceptions.
4. Permits pertaining solely to biosolids research.
C. No fee shall be imposed on the land application of
materials classified as "exceptional quality biosolids" or the
equivalent thereof, as defined by 9VAC25-32.
Part IV
Biosolids Fees and Reimbursable Costs
9VAC25-20-146. Established fees.
A. Land appliers shall remit the established fees to the
department as specified in this regulation. The land appliers shall collect the
required fees from the owners of the sewage treatment works and facilities that
generate the Class B biosolids and exceptional quality
biosolids cake that are land applied. Such works and facilities shall be
approved sources of biosolids in accordance with this regulation 9VAC25-31
or 9VAC25-32. Land application shall only include biosolids from approved
sources as listed in the land application permit. The established fee shall be
imposed on each dry ton of Class B biosolids and exceptional quality
biosolids cake that is land applied in the Commonwealth of Virginia in
accordance with 9VAC25-31 or 9VAC25-32.
B. The amount of the established fee and disbursement are as follows:
1. The fee shall be $7.50 per dry ton of Class B biosolids land applied in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
2. The fee shall be $3.75 per dry ton of exceptional quality biosolids land applied as a cake in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
2. 3. Disbursement of the established fees
collected by the department shall be made to reimburse or partially reimburse
those counties, cities and towns with duly adopted local ordinances that submit
documentation of reimbursable expenses acceptable to the department as provided
for in this regulation.
3. 4. Disbursement of the established fees
collected by the department shall be made to reimburse the Department of
Conservation and Recreation's costs for implementation of the biosolids
application program.
9VAC25-20-147. Records and reports.
A. Records. Permittees shall maintain complete records of the land application activities and amounts of Class B biosolids and exceptional quality biosolids cake that they land apply in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Such records shall be maintained by the permittee for five years after the date of the activity in a form that is available for inspection by the department. Records of land application activities shall include at minimum:
1. Name of permittee, DEQ permit number, and dates of activity.
2. Identification of land application site, including the DEQ control number.
3. The source of biosolids, whether the biosolids are Class B or exceptional quality cake, and field area receiving those biosolids.
4. The amount of biosolids applied in dry tons, by class, and the method and calculations used to determine the reported value.
5. Name of responsible representative of permittee and a statement signed and dated by that representative indicating that the information submitted has been verified by that representative as correctly reported in accordance with this regulation.
B. Reports and notification. The permittee shall submit a monthly report by the 15th day of each month for land application activity that occurred in the previous calendar month, unless another date is specified in the permit in accordance with 9VAC25-32-80 I 4. The report shall include (i) the recorded information listed in subsection A of this section and (ii) a calculation of the total fee. The submitted report shall include a summary list of the total amount of Class B biosolids and exceptional quality biosolids cake applied and the calculated fee based on the land-applied Class B biosolids and exceptional quality biosolids cake for each county in which land application occurred. If no land application occurs under a permit during the calendar month, a report shall be submitted stating that no land application occurred.