Final Text
24VAC20-121-20. Business office and classroom requirements.
A. No school license shall be issued unless the school has an established place of business in the Commonwealth that is owned, rented or leased by the school. Such established place of business shall:
1. Be the premises of the licensed location of the school;
2. Satisfy all local business licensing and zoning regulations;
3. Have office space devoted exclusively to the driver training school;
4. Contain all records that are required to be maintained under the provisions of these regulations unless the school has been permitted to maintain them elsewhere pursuant to 24VAC20-121-40;
5. Be equipped with a desk, chairs, filing space, working utilities and a working telephone listed in the name of the school;
6. Comply with federal, state and local health, fire and building code requirements, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (42 USC § 12101 et seq.);
7. Be open to the general public a minimum of eight hours per week during normal business hours; and
8. Not share space with a school classroom.
The school shall also provide to the department the street address and physical address of any other business offices maintained by the school in addition to the licensed location office.
In addition to business office addresses, all addresses,
physical locations of classrooms, driving simulators or any other facilities
used by the school shall be provided to the department in writing a format
prescribed by the department. If any such classroom, driving simulator or
other facility is not owned by the school, then a copy of all agreements
associated with the use of such property by the school shall be provided to the
department. Schools shall not use classrooms, driving simulators or other
driver training facilities prior to receiving approval for their use from the
A school owner's residence may be used as the licensed location of a school if it qualifies for a federal tax deduction of expenses related to the business use of part of the residence and meets the established place of business requirements set forth in these regulations.
B. Any school that engages in classroom instruction shall provide a classroom with the following:
1. Seating arrangements and writing surfaces for each student and a minimum of 10 square feet per student attending at any given time;
2. Blackboards or other visual aids that shall be visible from all seating positions;
3. Driver education reference books, including, when applicable, current curriculum guides, student work books and appropriate textbooks for each student;
4. Appropriate audio/video equipment and screen in good working order; and
5. Restroom facilities that are clean, accessible and in good working order.
C. Office and instruction hours shall be posted in a conspicuous location outside the licensed location and any other business office in a manner that is visible and easily accessible to the public from outside of the licensed location and business.
D. The school license and any notice of the department that limits or restricts training shall be prominently posted at the licensed location office. A copy of the school license and notice, if applicable, also shall be prominently posted in each school classroom and any other business office maintained by the school.
In addition, schools shall display, in a conspicuous location in all their classrooms and their business offices, signs provided by the department that notify students and the public about the department's toll-free hotline.
E. Any school licensed by the department shall notify the
department, in writing a format prescribed by the department, 30
days prior to a change of address for the licensed location, any other business
office or classroom or other instructional facility. The department will issue
a revised license reflecting such changes. The school shall return the current
license to the department upon receipt of a revised school license. All
school-related business, classroom and instructional locations are subject to
approval by the department, as required in these regulations.
F. The location of a school's licensed location, other business offices, classrooms or practice driver training areas shall be a distance of at least 1,500 feet from any property owned, leased or maintained by the department for examining motor vehicle operators. Such distance shall be measured in a straight line from the nearest point of the primary building of the department's property to the nearest point of the school licensed location, business office, classroom or practice driver training area, whichever is closest. This distance requirement may be waived by the department if the licensed location, other business office, classroom or practice driver training area has been previously allowed to be within the 1,500 foot limit as a result of an action or omission on the part of the department. All school-related business, classroom or instructional locations must be approved by the department prior to use.
24VAC20-121-30. Business practices.
A. A school shall not use any name other than that shown on its school license. Schools using the same or similar name of another current or former school or similar business, or using names considered to be offensive in nature, as determined by the department, shall not be licensed by the department.
B. A school that utilizes "Department of Motor Vehicles" or "DMV" in any form of advertising including, but not limited to, telephone directories and websites shall use only the words "Licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) of the Commonwealth of Virginia." A school shall not refer to any other state agency or board in any documentation or advertisement. Schools with web sites shall notify the department of their web addresses when applying for or renewing their license or when the site becomes operational, whichever is sooner.
C. A school shall not use false, deceptive or misleading information in any advertisement or provide this type of information to prospective students.
D. A school, instructor, owner or any other person employed by or otherwise associated with a school shall not:
1. Assert or imply that it will guarantee that any student will pass the state driver's license examination;
2. Assert or imply that the student can secure a driver's license;
3. Assert or imply that the student will be guaranteed employment upon completion of any course of instruction;
4. Transact or solicit driver training school business on property owned, leased or maintained by the department;
5. Provide translation services for any individual who is taking the department's driver's license knowledge examination;
6. Falsify forms, certificates or other documents for use by students or other individuals in order to obtain a driver's license;
7. Possess, use, provide, sell or give the department's driver licensing test questions to students or other individuals;
8. Assist or facilitate the creation of false identification documents of any kind or false residency certification for any individual;
9. Provide instruction at a site not formally approved by the department;
10. Contract or subcontract, without written approval of the parents or legal guardians, with other driver training schools or driver training organizations to provide classroom or in-vehicle instruction for students under 18 years of age who are not married or emancipated;
11. Have, use, keep or be under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or substances, or otherwise legal drugs or substances that would affect a person's ability to drive or provide or receive instruction while such person is on the premises of or in vehicles used by the school; or
12. Conduct themselves in a manner not suitable or compatible with school-related activities. Such prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to:
a. Touching in a manner that would be considered inappropriate by a reasonable person;
b. Telling jokes or making statements or comments that a reasonable person would consider (i) to be hateful or demeaning to a particular race or ethnicity, or (ii) to have sexual or otherwise vulgar content or connotation;
c. Displaying objects or materials that a reasonable person would consider unpleasant, distasteful, nasty, disgusting, hateful or otherwise unsuitable;
d. Berating or otherwise harassing students or other persons;
e. Running errands;
f. Except for emergency situations, using telecommunications or any other audio or video equipment during periods of in-vehicle or classroom instruction that are not part of the course of instruction. If an emergency situation occurs during in-vehicle instruction, such use should, whenever possible, be made once the vehicle is safely off the road and stopped;
g. Eating during periods of instruction;
h. Use of tobacco products during periods of instruction;
i. Creating a training environment considered hostile or otherwise intimidating to a reasonable person; or
j. Allowing any student to engage in such prohibited conduct outlined above.
E. Except when full tuition has not been satisfied, a school
shall provide, within five business days of the successful completion of
program requirements and in a manner prescribed by the department, an
original the certificate of completion needed by the student (i) to obtain
a driver's license, (ii) for insurance verification purposes, or (iii) for
employment purposes. No fee shall be charged by the school for the original
F. Schools shall operate in accordance with the driver training school operations manual as provided and updated by the department.
G. No school vehicles shall park on the department's owned, leased or maintained property except for the purposes of conducting official business with the department during normal business hours. At no time whatsoever shall a school provide training to a student on the department's owned, leased or maintained property.
24VAC20-121-60. School licensing requirements.
A. Schools seeking a license shall file with the department, as required by these regulations, a completed application for a driver training school license along with any associated fees and other documentation required by the department. In addition, each school shall collect and submit to the department, as required by these regulations, the instructor applications for those instructors that they employ along with any associated fees and other documentation required by the department.
B. The following shall accompany the school licensing application and shall be in addition to any other application requirements of the department:
1. An application fee;
2. A certificate of insurance;
3. A surety bond;
4. Instructor applications;
5. A local business license or zoning document, or a letter from local authorities indicating none is required; and
6. A national criminal records check completed within 60 days of the application deadline for each individual providing instruction or otherwise employed by or managing the school.
In addition. each owner or principal of the owner of a driver training school shall submit a national criminal records check with the school license application package.
C. The application package shall be submitted to the
department at the address shown on the application in a format
prescribed by the department. All proper applications will be either
approved or denied within 30 business days of receipt by the department.
D. School licenses shall be valid for a period of 12 months and shall display the validity period on the face of the license. The school license shall expire on the last day of the last valid month of the license period.
E. Schools seeking a license shall file with the department evidence of insurance, with a company authorized to do business in the Commonwealth of Virginia, on all vehicles used by schools to provide instruction, at least in the minimum amounts as required by § 46.2-472 of the Code of Virginia.
The school shall provide and maintain evidence of insurance
coverage on a certificate of insurance form provided in a format
prescribed by the department. The certificate shall be filed upon
application and at other times of the licensure period as requested by the
department. The certificate shall stipulate the make, model, year, vehicle
identification number, vehicle color and license plate number for all vehicles
and shall also stipulate that the department will be notified by the insurance
carrier (i) 10 calendar days before the school's insurance policy expires or
(ii) on the same day that the policy is canceled or not maintained in full
Schools shall provide to the department written
verification from their insurance company in a format prescribed by the
department that the insurance company is aware the vehicles are used for
driver training instruction and are operated by student drivers. Schools shall
notify the department in writing of any change in liability insurance
coverage not later than the effective date of the change.
Each school shall provide written notice to the
department's driver training school section in a format prescribed by the
department in the event that any motor vehicle is added to or deleted from
the insurance policy during the coverage period. The notice shall include the
make, model, year, vehicle identification number, vehicle color and the license
plate number. The notice shall be received by the department prior to using any
added motor vehicle for driver education instruction. Failure to maintain
required liability insurance for school vehicles or failure to comply with
insurance certification requirements shall result in the suspension or revocation
of the school's license or the imposition of other sanctions, or both, as set
forth in these regulations.
F. All licensed schools shall file with the department a surety bond in the sum set by statute for Class A and Class B schools, payable to the Commonwealth of Virginia, issued by a corporation licensed to transact surety business in the Commonwealth. The surety bond shall be filed with each application and must provide coverage for the entire licensure period.
G. The department may refuse to approve any application, including originals or renewals, in which the owner or any principal of the owner, or any of the school's employees or instructors (i) have previously been or would be subject to any sanctions prescribed by these regulations or (ii) has been convicted of a felony, including but not limited to bribery, forgery, fraud or embezzlement under the laws of the Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction, or a conviction of any offense included in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia (Criminal Sexual Assault) or of any similar laws of any other jurisdiction, or any misdemeanor or felony involving:
1. Sexual assault as established in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
2. Obscenity and related offenses as established in Article 5 (§ 18.2-372 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
3. Drugs as established in Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
4. Crimes of moral turpitude;
5. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor;
6. Taking indecent liberties with a minor;
7. The physical or sexual abuse or neglect of a child;
8. Similar offenses in other jurisdictions; or
9. Other offenses, as determined by the department, which would impact ownership, operation or instruction by a school.
Any school license issued may be suspended or revoked if such a conviction occurs during any licensure period.
H. To avoid any conflict of interest, the department will not approve any Class A school license for any applicant that is certified by DMV as a Third Party Tester for the commercial driver's license (CDL) skills testing.
I. Requests to change (i) the name or address of a school or (ii) a school license to add to or eliminate a licensed location, or any other business offices, classrooms or other instructional facilities during the licensure period shall be made to the department at least 30 days prior to such change. Such changes shall be subject to a processing fee, as set forth in these regulations, and the issuance of a modified license, as requested. The expiration on any modified license issued shall be the same as the current license.
24VAC20-121-70. School license renewal required.
A. Every licensed school applying for renewal shall return the
following to the department at the address shown on the application in
a format prescribed by the department on or before the 15th day of the month
in which the current license expires:
1. A renewal application;
2. A certificate of insurance, as required under these regulations;
3. A photocopy of a current business license, if required by the locality, or a letter from the locality that indicates no business license is required;
4. National criminal records checks completed within 60 days of the application deadline for each individual providing instruction or otherwise employed by or managing the school, as required by these regulations; and
5. A fee for each license renewal application, as set forth in these regulations.
If the original surety bond is no longer in force, a new surety bond must also accompany the renewal application.
B. The department will make every effort to mail a renewal notice to the licensee outlining the procedures for renewal at least 90 days prior to the expiration of their license and to mail a follow-up reminder notice 45 days prior to the expiration of their license. Failure to receive these notices shall not relieve the licensee of the obligation to apply if a continuation of the license is desired.
24VAC20-121-90. School contracts.
A. All contracts between any school and any individual or group attending the school shall be in a standard format approved by the department. A school shall not make any changes to the format without review and approval by the department. A copy of the signed contract must be provided to each student who signs the contract for those students 18 years of age or older and those students under 18 years of age who are either married or emancipated. For students under 18 years of age who are not married or emancipated, a copy of the signed contract must be provided to the parents or legal guardians who sign the contract.
Excluding transcripts and certificates of completion, all written correspondence from schools to current or former students and their parents or legal guardians related in any way to course work or the contract between the school and the student shall include standard information about the department's toll-free telephone hotline. The department shall specify to the schools, as part of the school license application package, the content and the font requirements for this hotline information.
Schools may not include any statements in their contracts that place the financial responsibility for accidents occurring in school-owned vehicles during periods of instruction on the student or on the parents or legal guardians of students operating the vehicles.
B. The required elements for all contracts between schools and their independent contractors shall be provided by the department as part of the school license application package.
C. Addenda to any contracts between a school and its students or a school and its independent contractors shall be approved by the department.
D. Licensed driver training schools may conduct training
courses at public or private schools, subject to existing statutory and
regulatory requirements. Driver training schools offering such training shall
provide the department, in a format prescribed by the department, with a
copy of the written contract between the driver training school and the
public or private school along with written confirmation as to which
portion of the training, if any, is being conducted at the public or private
24VAC20-121-100. General instructor licensing requirements.
A. Individuals seeking an instructor's license shall submit, as required by these regulations, a completed application along with any associated fees and other appropriate documentation to the school with which they are employed. Schools shall be responsible for submitting the instructor applications, along with any associated fees and other appropriate documentation, to the department, as required by these regulations. Applicants seeking an original or a renewal of an instructor's license shall submit with their application a national criminal records check completed within 60 days of the submission date of the application.
B. Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and must be able to document with driving records at least five years of licensed driving experience, two years of which shall be experience in the United States or a territory thereof. These driving records must exhibit the individual's name, the driver's license number, the date of issue, the issuing jurisdiction, the date of expiration and notations of any convictions, license withdrawals, suspensions, revocations, cancellations, disqualifications or restrictions. In the event an applicant uses driving records from a foreign country to substantiate licensed driving experience, such records must be translated into English by an appropriate authority, as approved by the department, at the applicant's expense.
C. Individuals seeking an instructor's license must be employed by a licensed school. No instructor shall be employed by more than one school unless all the schools are owned by the same person. Instructors employed by more than one school shall have an application and other appropriate documentation and fees submitted to the department by each school that employs them.
D. Individuals licensed as instructors or seeking an instructor's license must be able to effectively communicate in English in an easily understood and comprehensible manner to their students and the department, as determined by the department.
E. Individuals seeking an instructor's license to teach in-vehicle instruction shall hold a valid driver's license from their state of domicile at the time of licensing and throughout the entire licensure period. If such driver's licenses are from another state or jurisdiction, the applicant must provide to the department a copy of their driving record from that jurisdiction with their application and every three months thereafter if they receive an instructor's license. Such driving record must be produced within 30 days of its submission to the department.
All applicants for a license to teach in-vehicle instruction
and those persons who are currently licensed to teach in-vehicle instruction
must also provide written notice to the department, in a format
prescribed by the department, of any traffic accidents, convictions of
traffic infractions, misdemeanors, or felonies, as well as any administrative
actions relating to driving or any driver's license revocation, suspension,
cancellation, disqualification or other loss of driving privileges within 15
calendar days of the conviction or administrative action, or within 15 calendar
days of the imposition of the revocation, suspension, cancellation,
disqualification or other loss of driving privileges.
Applicants for a license to teach in-vehicle instruction shall not be approved if their current driving privileges are expired, suspended, revoked, cancelled or disqualified. Persons required to submit to periodic medical reviews may also be denied an in-vehicle instructor's license if, as determined by the department, their conditions are considered to pose a threat to the safety, health or welfare of driver training students or the public while these persons operate a motor vehicle.
F. Individuals who obtain an instructor's license shall at the time of licensing have a driving record with no more than six demerit points. After licensing, instructors shall maintain a driving record with no more than six demerit points. If during the licensure period the driving record of such individual accumulates more than six demerit points based on violations occurring in a 12-month period, the department shall suspend the person's instructor license and shall notify the instructor and the driver training school where the instructor is employed of such suspension. Safe driving points shall not be used to reduce the accumulated demerit points. In the event that the driving record is from another state, the department will apply Virginia's equivalent demerit points to convictions noted on such record.
Whenever the driver's license of such individual is suspended or revoked, or such person is convicted in any court of reckless driving, driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated, the department shall suspend the person's instructor license and shall notify the person and the driver training school where the instructor is employed of the suspension.
G. The department may refuse to approve any application, including originals or renewals, in which the applicant has been convicted of a felony, including but not limited to bribery, forgery, fraud or embezzlement under the laws of the Commonwealth or any other jurisdiction, or a conviction of any offense included in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia (Criminal Sexual Assault) or of any similar laws of any other jurisdiction, or any misdemeanor or felony conviction involving:
1. Sexual assault as established in Article 7 (§ 18.2-61 et seq.) of Chapter 4 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
2. Obscenity and related offenses as established in Article 5 (§ 18.2-372 et seq.) of Chapter 8 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
3. Drugs as established in Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 of the Code of Virginia;
4. Crimes of moral turpitude;
5. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor;
6. Taking indecent liberties with a minor;
7. The physical or sexual abuse or neglect of a child;
8. Similar offenses in other jurisdictions; or
9. Other offenses, as determined by the department, which would indicate that the applicant may present a danger to the safety of students or the public.
Instructor licenses may be suspended or revoked if a conviction for any of the offenses outlined in this subsection occurs during any licensure period.
H. Instructor applicants shall not be issued a license if they have a conviction of driving under the influence, reckless driving, refusal to submit to a breath or blood test under § 18.2-268.2 of the Code of Virginia, or vehicular or involuntary manslaughter, or of any similar offense from any other jurisdiction within a period of five years prior to the date of the application. If the applicant's driving privileges were revoked for any such conviction, then the five-year period shall be measured from the license restoration date rather than the conviction date. Instructor licenses issued shall be revoked if a conviction, as outlined in this subsection, occurs during the licensure period.
I. Except as otherwise provided in these regulations, an individual seeking an instructor's license shall have at least a high school diploma or equivalent. After initial licensure or renewal, instructors shall attend annual training sessions provided by the department. These one-day training sessions shall be held in each of the department's regional districts every year, as deemed necessary by the department.
These sessions shall include, as appropriate and necessary, updates on department forms, audit processes and other procedural changes, and new legislation that has implications for driver training. They also shall include discussions about any issues or concerns raised by either the department or the licensees.
When available, these sessions shall also offer information about the latest in driver training instructional techniques as well as other new developments in driver training in order to enhance overall professional training skills and abilities.
The schedule for such training sessions shall be developed by the department and provided to each instructor through the school that employs them at least 30 days in advance of the scheduled sessions. The schedule also shall include provisions for a make-up training session for those licensees who could not attend the training session in their region. Attendance shall be mandatory and shall be at no cost to licensed instructors, other than those costs associated with travel to and from the training session, including lodging and meals.
Each licensed instructor who, without valid excuse, fails to attend and complete a scheduled training session or a scheduled make-up training session shall be subject to a minimum 30-day license suspension, which shall not be lifted until the instructor has completed a special make-up training session. Special make-up training sessions shall be provided only when necessary, and instructors attending such sessions will be required to pay the department's cost for providing the special make-up training session.
J. All instructors shall complete training on the current curriculum and other course work, as required and approved by the department, prior to instructing students. Evidence of such training shall be maintained by the school employing the instructor and provided to the department upon request.
K. The fee for an instructor license shall be set pursuant to these regulations. The instructor's license period shall expire when the respective school license expires. At the discretion of the department, instructor licensing fees may be prorated on a monthly basis.
L. The instructor license application package shall be
submitted by the school employing the instructor to the department at the
address shown on the application in a format prescribed by the
department. All proper applications will be either approved or denied by
the department within 30 business days of receipt from the school employing the
M. All licensed instructors shall have their instructor's license in their possession at all times while providing instruction.
N. Each instructor licensed by the department shall notify the
department in writing a format prescribed by the department
within 30 days of establishing a new residential address.
O. In the event that a school licensed by the department changes its name or address, the school shall, no later than 30 days prior to such change (i) notify the department of the school's name or address change, (ii) request revised instructor's licenses for the instructors it employs reflecting the change and (iii) submit to the department the processing fees set forth in these regulations for revising and reissuing an instructor's license for each of its instructors.
After receiving the processing fees, the department will revise and reissue the instructor's licenses, as requested, and will cancel the previously issued licenses. Once it receives the revised licenses from the department, the school shall return the cancelled instructor's licenses to the department.
24VAC20-121-130. Notice required to the department.
A. Each school shall notify the department in writing a
format prescribed by the department no later than 15 calendar days after
the termination of employment of any licensed instructor. The school shall make
every reasonable attempt to return to the department the instructor's license.
B. In the event of cessation of business, the school shall
submit to the department, within 15 calendar days of such date, a written
statement in a format prescribed by the department indicating the
business is closing, and forward to the department within 30 calendar days
after cessation of business the school license, all instructors' licenses, all
student records and any materials furnished to the school by the department.
The department will retain such records for a period of three years from the
date they are received to ensure such records are available to students and
other persons or entities who may want or need access to them.
C. All schools shall notify the department of any proposed structural or other modifications to an existing school, classroom or driving range 30 days prior to initiating such modifications.
D. In the event a school files for bankruptcy, the school
shall submit to the department, within 15 calendar days of such filing and in a
manner prescribed by the department, a written statement indicating
among other things (i) the financial status of the business, and (ii) the
anticipated impact of the bankruptcy on the Commonwealth and the school's
former, current and future students, if any.
Part II
Specific Requirements Related to Class A Licensure
24VAC20-121-170. Curriculum requirements for Class A licensed schools.
Course curriculum requirements will be established and made available by the department to Class A licensed schools, Class A license applicants and the public. A course curriculum meeting the established requirements must be submitted to the department at the time of Class A license application or renewal application, and must be approved by the department prior to the beginning of course instruction.
The department shall provide and update the list of course curriculum requirements from time to time, as deemed appropriate and necessary by the department, in consultation with all affected schools that are licensed by the department at the time of the update and other interested parties as identified by the department.
The department shall notify the affected schools when and if
new relevant topics are added to the course curriculum. Schools shall have 45
calendar days after such notice is issued to update their course curriculum and
to certify to the department in writing a format prescribed by the
department that the school has added the new topics to the course curriculum.
24VAC20-121-180. Class A instructor license requirements.
A. Applicants for a Class A instructor's license shall possess a valid Virginia nonrestricted interstate commercial driver's license, with the appropriate vehicle classes and endorsements for the type of instruction they intend to provide, and that has been held by the applicant for at least three years.
Applicants for a Class A instructor's license who do not have
a high school diploma may nevertheless be licensed if they provide written
evidence in a format prescribed by the department that they (i) have at
least one year of previous Class A instructing experience or (ii) have successfully
completed a Class A driver training course and a minimum of 160 hours of Class
A instructor training provided by the hiring school.
Instructor applicants shall provide with their applications certifications that they meet the physical requirements, and any alcohol and drug screening requirements for commercial drivers as specified in the federal motor carrier safety regulations. A copy of such certification shall be kept in the instructor's file maintained by the driver training school employing the instructor.
If applicants for a Class A instructor's license hold a valid commercial driver's license (CDL) from a state other than Virginia at the time of licensing, they shall maintain a valid CDL throughout the entire licensure period and shall provide to the department a copy of their driving record from that other state or states upon application and, if licensed as a Class A instructor by the department, on a quarterly basis thereafter.
Those applicants for and holders of a Class A instructor's license
shall also provide written notice to the department in a format
prescribed by the department of any conviction of traffic infractions,
misdemeanors, or felonies, any administrative actions relating to driving or
any driver's license revocation, suspension, cancellation, disqualification or
other loss of driving privilege within 15 calendar days of the conviction or
administrative action, or within 15 calendar days of the imposition of the
revocation, suspension, cancellation, disqualification or other loss of driving
B. Instructors shall complete in-service instructor training provided by the school prior to offering student instruction. The requirements of such in-service instructor training shall be established and made available to licensed Class A schools by the department and shall include, but not be limited to, the following topic areas:
1. Basic instructional skills;
2. Student teaching with a mentor;
3. Background in federal, state and local laws and ordinances;
4. Basic skills for operating commercial motor vehicles;
5. Safe operating practices;
6. Maintenance of commercial motor vehicles; and
7. Safe trip planning.
24VAC20-121-190. Equipment requirements for Class A licensed schools; use of driving ranges.
A. All vehicles used for driver education or testing purposes shall be marked by signs affixed to the sides and the rear of the vehicle, in bold letters not less than four inches in height, clearly visible from 100 feet, stating one of the following: "Student Driver," "Learner," "New Driver," "Driver Education" or "Caution-Student."
All vehicles used by a school shall display the name of the school, as shown on the school license, on the outside of the vehicle when engaged in driver education or when the vehicle is being used for testing purposes. The name of the school shall be included on the signs affixed to the sides of the vehicle.
B. The cabs of such vehicles shall be designed to have safety belts for each individual. No more than four students and one instructor shall occupy the cab during periods of instruction.
C. No motor vehicle may be used for driver education unless it displays a valid safety inspection sticker or federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration inspection sticker. In addition to other equipment required by law, each vehicle used for driver education shall have dual-braking capability.
D. Any and all agreements associated with driving ranges used
by the school shall be provided to the department in writing a format
prescribed by the department. Schools shall not use driving ranges prior to
receiving approval for their use from the department.
Part III
Specific Requirements Related to Class B Licensure
24VAC20-121-200. Curriculum requirements for Class B licensed schools.
A. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, course curriculum shall comply with the provisions of the "Curriculum and Administrative Guide for Driver Education in Virginia" (2001) published by the Virginia Department of Education (or any successor publication so published) and these regulations. A copy of the current guide may be obtained from the Virginia Department of Education at the following Internet link:
Course curriculum requirements other than those set forth in the "Curriculum and Administrative Guide for Driver Education in Virginia" (2001) may be established by the department. Once established, such requirements shall be made available by the department to Class B licensed schools, Class B license applicants and the public. A course curriculum meeting the established requirements must be submitted to the department at the time of Class B license application or renewal application, and must be approved by the department prior to the beginning of course instruction as provided in and in accordance with § 46.2-1702 of the Code of Virginia.
B. The department shall provide and update the list of course curriculum requirements from time to time, as deemed appropriate and necessary by the department, in consultation with all affected schools that are licensed by the department at the time of the update and other interested parties as identified by the department.
The department shall notify the affected schools when and if
new relevant topics are added to the course curriculum. Schools shall have 45
calendar days after such notice is issued to update their course curriculum and
to certify to the department in writing a format prescribed by the
department that the school has added the new topics to the course
C. The length of daily instruction shall comply with the provisions of the "Curriculum and Administrative Guide for Driver Education in Virginia" (2001) or as otherwise provided by these regulations.
D. The number of students in a driver training vehicle during in-vehicle instruction shall be no more than three and no less than two students. Students 18 years of age or older may receive one-on-one driver training with an instructor if such training is agreed to in the contract with the school. Students under 18 years of age who are not married or emancipated must have their parents or legal guardians sign a written release, an original to be maintained with the student's record, in order to receive one-on-one driver training with an instructor.
E. Except when one-on-one driver training is being provided as outlined in subsection D of this section, a student under 19 years of age riding alone with the instructor shall ride in the back seat of the driver training vehicle until other students are present in the vehicle.
F. Except when a student is driving the vehicle, the time during which a student is being transported in a driver training vehicle for the purposes of picking up a student or other students prior to the beginning of a period of instruction or dropping that student or other students off after the end of a period of instruction shall not count as observation time. Any student involved in one-on-one training with an instructor as permitted under subsection D of this section shall meet the observation requirements with at least one other student in the vehicle during in-vehicle training.
G. Students under 19 years of age shall only receive in-vehicle instruction with other students under 19 years of age.
24VAC20-121-220. Equipment requirements for Class B licensed schools.
A. All vehicles used for driver education or used for testing purposes shall be marked by a rooftop sign, in bold letters not less than two and one-half inches in height, clearly visible 100 feet from the front and rear, stating one of the following: "Student Driver," "Learner," "New Driver," "Driver Education" or "Caution-Student."
All vehicles used by a school shall display the name of the school, as shown on the school license, on the outside of the vehicle when engaged in driver education or when the vehicle is being used for testing purposes. The name of the school shall be included either on the rooftop sign or affixed to both sides of the vehicle.
B. No motor vehicle may be used for driver education unless it is in safe mechanical condition as defined in these regulations. Each vehicle used for driver education in a school shall have dual controls consisting of dual brakes, dual inside rearview mirror and right-hand and left-hand outside mirrors. Any training vehicle or vehicles used for instruction shall not be more than nine model years old. This model year requirement may be waived or altered on a case-by-case basis for vehicles specially equipped to accommodate disabled individuals. The driver training vehicle shall be equipped with a minimum of four safety belts.
C. The department may exempt any school teaching disabled individuals from the requirement to provide motor vehicles, on a case-by-case basis. The school may use a vehicle provided by the disabled student for their in-vehicle instruction in the event that it is cost prohibitive for the school to maintain certain specialized equipment or if such equipment is not readily installed and removed or if it provides necessary practical experience for the student in their own vehicle. When using a student's vehicle, the school shall require that the disabled student provide written verification from the company insuring the vehicle that it is aware that the vehicle will be used for driver training instruction and the insurance is in full force during such use.
The school shall also require the disabled student to provide
a copy of the current liability insurance policy for the vehicle. The school
shall maintain a copy of the current liability insurance policy covering such
vehicle in the student's file. The school shall also send prior to beginning
instruction a written notice to the department, in a format
prescribed by the department, stipulating the reasons for using the
student's vehicle and the anticipated dates of instruction as well as a copy of
the current liability insurance policy on the vehicle.
Any school that uses a disabled student's motor vehicle must ensure that such vehicle is in safe mechanical condition as defined in these regulations, and displays signage as specified under these regulations.
D. All motor vehicles used by a licensed school for in-vehicle instruction shall be inspected and approved by the department based on the criteria outlined in these regulations before being used for student instruction. All motor vehicles used by a licensed school for the purpose of taking the driving examination shall have a valid registration in the vehicle and be in safe mechanical condition, as defined in these regulations.