Final Text
Part III
Amount, Duration and Scope of Services
12VAC30-50-100. Inpatient hospital services provided at general acute care hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals; enrolled providers.
A. Preauthorization of all inpatient hospital services will be performed. This applies to both general acute care hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals. Nonauthorized inpatient services will not be covered or reimbursed by the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS). Preauthorization shall be based on criteria specified by DMAS. In conjunction with preauthorization, an appropriate length of stay will be assigned using the HCIA, Inc., Length of Stay by Diagnosis and Operation, Southern Region, 1996, as guidelines.
1. Admission review.
a. Planned/scheduled admissions. Review shall be done prior to admission to determine that inpatient hospitalization is medically justified. An initial length of stay shall be assigned at the time of this review. Adverse authorization decisions shall have available a reconsideration process as set out in subdivision 4 of this subsection.
b. Unplanned/urgent or emergency admissions. These admissions will be permitted before any prior authorization procedures. Review shall be performed within one working day to determine that inpatient hospitalization is medically justified. An initial length of stay shall be assigned for those admissions which have been determined to be appropriate. Adverse authorization decisions shall have available a reconsideration process as set out in subdivision 4 of this subsection.
2. Concurrent review shall end for nonpsychiatric claims with dates of admission and services on or after July 1, 1998, with the full implementation of the DRG reimbursement methodology. Concurrent review shall be done to determine that inpatient hospitalization continues to be medically necessary. Prior to the expiration of the previously assigned initial length of stay, the provider shall be responsible for obtaining authorization for continued inpatient hospitalization. If continued inpatient hospitalization is determined necessary, an additional length of stay shall be assigned. Concurrent review shall continue in the same manner until the discharge of the patient from acute inpatient hospital care. Adverse authorization decisions shall have available a reconsideration process as set out in subdivision 4 of this subsection.
3. Retrospective review shall be performed when a provider is notified of a patient's retroactive eligibility for Medicaid coverage. It shall be the provider's responsibility to obtain authorization for covered days prior to billing DMAS for these services. Adverse authorization decisions shall have available a reconsideration process as set out in subdivision 4 of this subsection.
4. Reconsideration process.
a. Providers requesting reconsideration must do so upon verbal notification of denial.
b. This process is available to providers when the nurse reviewers advise the providers by telephone that the medical information provided does not meet DMAS specified criteria. At this point, the provider must request by telephone a higher level of review if he disagrees with the nurse reviewer's findings. If higher level review is not requested, the case will be denied and a denial letter generated to both the provider and recipient identifying appeal rights.
c. If higher level review is requested, the authorization request will be held in suspense and referred to the Utilization Management Supervisor (UMS). The UMS shall have one working day to render a decision. If the UMS upholds the adverse decision, the provider may accept that decision and the case will be denied and a denial letter identifying appeal rights will be generated to both the provider and the recipient. If the provider continues to disagree with the UMS' adverse decision, he must request physician review by DMAS medical support. If higher level review is requested, the authorization request will be held in suspense and referred to DMAS medical support for the last step of reconsideration.
d. DMAS medical support will review all case specific medical information. Medical support shall have two working days to render a decision. If medical support upholds the adverse decision, the request for authorization will then be denied and a letter identifying appeal rights will be generated to both the provider and the recipient. The entire reconsideration process must be completed within three working days.
5. Appeals process.
a. Recipient appeals. Upon receipt of a denial letter, the recipient shall have the right to appeal the adverse decision. Under the Client Appeals regulations, Part I (12VAC30-110-10 et seq.) of 12VAC30-110, the recipient shall have 30 days from the date of the denial letter to file an appeal.
b. Provider appeals. If the reconsideration steps are exhausted and the provider continues to disagree, upon receipt of the denial letter, the provider shall have 30 days from the date of the denial letter to file an appeal if the issue is whether DMAS will reimburse the provider for services already rendered. The appeal shall be held in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000 et seq. of the Code of Virginia).
B. Out-of-state inpatient general acute care hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals, enrolled providers. In addition to meeting all of the preauthorization requirements specified in subsection A of this section, out-of-state hospitals must further demonstrate that the requested admission meets at least one of the following additional standards. Services provided out of state for circumstances other than these specified reasons shall not be covered.
1. The medical services must be needed because of a medical emergency;
2. Medical services must be needed and the recipient's health would be endangered if he were required to travel to his state of residence;
3. The state determines, on the basis of medical advice, that the needed medical services, or necessary supplementary resources, are more readily available in the other state;
4. It is the general practice for recipients in a particular locality to use medical resources in another state.
C. Cosmetic surgical procedures shall not be covered unless performed for physiological reasons and require DMAS prior approval.
D. Reimbursement for induced abortions is provided in only
those cases in which there would be a substantial endangerment to health or
life of the mother if the fetus were carried to term.
E. Coverage of inpatient hospitalization shall be limited to a total of 21 days per admission in a 60-day period for the same or similar diagnosis or treatment plan. The 60-day period would begin on the first hospitalization (if there are multiple admissions) admission date. There may be multiple admissions during this 60-day period. Claims which exceed 21 days per admission within 60 days for the same or similar diagnosis or treatment plan will not be authorized for payment. Claims which exceed 21 days per admission within 60 days with a different diagnosis or treatment plan will be considered for reimbursement if medically indicated. Except as previously noted, regardless of authorization for the hospitalization, the claims will be processed in accordance with the limit for 21 days in a 60-day period. Claims for stays exceeding 21 days in a 60-day period shall be suspended and processed manually by DMAS staff for appropriate reimbursement. The limit for coverage of 21 days for nonpsychiatric admissions shall cease with dates of service on or after July 1, 1998.
EXCEPTION: SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE: Consistent with 42 CFR 441.57, payment of medical assistance services shall be made on behalf of individuals under 21 years of age, who are Medicaid eligible, for medically necessary stays in general hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals in excess of 21 days per admission when such services are rendered for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of health conditions identified through a physical or psychological, as appropriate, examination. The admission and length of stay must be medically justified and preauthorized via the admission and concurrent or retrospective review processes described in subsection A of this section. Medically unjustified days in such hospitalizations shall not be authorized for payment.
F. Mandatory lengths of stay.
1. Coverage for a normal, uncomplicated vaginal delivery shall be limited to the day of delivery plus an additional two days unless additional days are medically justified. Coverage for cesarean births shall be limited to the day of delivery plus an additional four days unless additional days are medically justified.
2. Coverage for a radical or modified radical mastectomy for treatment of disease or trauma of the breast shall be provided for a minimum of 48 hours. Coverage for a total or partial mastectomy with lymph node dissection for treatment of disease or trauma of the breast shall be provided for a minimum of 24 hours. Additional days beyond the specified minimums for either radical, modified, total, or partial mastectomies may be covered if medically justified and prior authorized until the diagnosis related grouping methodology is fully implemented. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the provision of inpatient coverage where the attending physician in consultation with the patient determines that a shorter period of hospital stay is appropriate.
G. Coverage in freestanding psychiatric hospitals shall not be available for individuals aged 21 through 64. Medically necessary inpatient psychiatric care rendered in a psychiatric unit of a general acute care hospital shall be covered for all Medicaid eligible individuals, regardless of age, within the limits of coverage prescribed in this section and 12VAC30-50-105.
H. For the purposes of organ transplantation, all similarly situated individuals will be treated alike. Transplant services for kidneys, corneas, hearts, lungs, and livers shall be covered for all eligible persons. High dose chemotherapy and bone marrow/stem cell transplantation shall be covered for all eligible persons with a diagnosis of lymphoma, breast cancer, leukemia, or myeloma. Transplant services for any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational shall be limited to children (under 21 years of age). Kidney, liver, heart, and bone marrow/stem cell transplants and any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational require preauthorization by DMAS medical support. Inpatient hospitalization related to kidney transplantation will require preauthorization at the time of admission and, concurrently, for length of stay. Cornea transplants do not require preauthorization of the procedure, but inpatient hospitalization related to such transplants will require preauthorization for admission and, concurrently, for length of stay. The patient must be considered acceptable for coverage and treatment. The treating facility and transplant staff must be recognized as being capable of providing high quality care in the performance of the requested transplant. Standards for coverage of organ transplant services are in 12VAC30-50-540 through 12VAC30-50-580.
I. In compliance with federal regulations at 42 CFR 441.200, Subparts E and F, claims for hospitalization in which sterilization, hysterectomy or abortion procedures were performed shall be subject to review. Hospitals must submit the required DMAS forms corresponding to the procedures. Regardless of authorization for the hospitalization during which these procedures were performed, the claims shall suspend for manual review by DMAS. If the forms are not properly completed or not attached to the bill, the claim will be denied or reduced according to DMAS policy.
12VAC30-50-105. Inpatient hospital services provided at general acute care hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals; nonenrolled providers (nonparticipating/out of state).
A. The full DRG inpatient reimbursement methodology shall become effective July 1, 1998, for general acute care hospitals and freestanding psychiatric hospitals which are nonenrolled providers (nonparticipating/out of state) and the same reviews, criteria, and requirements shall apply as are applied to enrolled, in-state, participating hospitals in 12VAC30-50-100.
B. Inpatient hospital services rendered by nonenrolled providers shall not require prior authorization with the exception of transplants as described in subsection K of this section and this subsection. However, these inpatient hospital services claims will be suspended from automated computer payment and will be manually reviewed for medical necessity as described in subsections B through K of this section using criteria specified by DMAS. Inpatient hospital services provided out of state to a Medicaid recipient who is a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall only be reimbursed under at least one of the following conditions. It shall be the responsibility of the hospital, when requesting prior authorization for the admission, to demonstrate that one of the following conditions exists in order to obtain authorization.
1. The medical services must be needed because of a medical emergency;
2. Medical services must be needed and the recipient's health would be endangered if he were required to travel to his state of residence;
3.The state determines, on the basis of medical advice, that the needed medical services, or necessary supplementary resources, are more readily available in the other state;
4. It is the general practice for recipients in a particular locality to use medical resources in another state.
C. Medicaid inpatient hospital admissions (lengths-of-stay) are limited to the 75th percentile of PAS (Professional Activity Study of the Commission on Professional and Hospital Activities) diagnostic/procedure limits. For admissions under four days that exceed the 75th percentile, the hospital must attach medical justification records to the billing invoice to be considered for additional coverage when medically justified. For all admissions that exceed three days up to a maximum of 21 days, the hospital must attach medical justification records to the billing invoice. (See the exception to subsection H of this section.)
D. Cosmetic surgical procedures shall not be covered unless performed for physiological reasons and require DMAS prior approval.
E. Reimbursement for induced abortions is provided in only
those cases in which there would be a substantial endangerment to health or
life of the mother if the fetus was carried to term.
F. Hospital claims with an admission date prior to the first surgical date, regardless of the number of days prior to surgery, must be medically justified. The hospital must write on or attach the justification to the billing invoice for consideration of reimbursement for all pre-operative days. Medically justified situations are those where appropriate medical care cannot be obtained except in an acute hospital setting thereby warranting hospital admission. Medically unjustified days in such admissions will be denied.
G. Reimbursement will not be provided for weekend (Saturday/Sunday) admissions, unless medically justified. Hospital claims with admission dates on Saturday or Sunday will be pended for review by medical staff to determine appropriate medical justification for these days. The hospital must write on or attach the justification to the billing invoice for consideration of reimbursement coverage for these days. Medically justified situations are those where appropriate medical care cannot be obtained except in an acute hospital setting thereby warranting hospital admission. Medically unjustified days in such admission will be denied.
H. Coverage of inpatient hospitalization shall be limited to a total of 21 days per admission in a 60-day period for the same or similar diagnosis or treatment plan. The 60-day period would begin on the first hospitalization (if there are multiple admissions) admission date. There may be multiple admissions during this 60-day period. Claims which exceed 21 days per admission within 60 days for the same or similar diagnosis or treatment plan will not be reimbursed. Claims which exceed 21 days per admission within 60 days with a different diagnosis or treatment plan will be considered for reimbursement if medically justified. The admission and length of stay must be medically justified and preauthorized via the admission and concurrent review processes described in subsection A of 12VAC30-50-100. Claims for stays exceeding 21 days in a 60-day period shall be suspended and processed manually by DMAS staff for appropriate reimbursement. The limit for coverage of 21 days shall cease with dates of service on or after July 1, 1998. Medically unjustified days in such hospitalizations shall not be reimbursed by DMAS.
EXCEPTION: SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE: Consistent with 42 CFR 441.57, payment of medical assistance services shall be made on behalf of individuals under 21 years of age who are Medicaid eligible for medically necessary stays in general hospitals and freestanding psychiatric facilities in excess of 21 days per admission when such services are rendered for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of health conditions identified through a physical or psychological, as appropriate, examination.
I. Mandatory lengths of stay.
1. Coverage for a normal, uncomplicated vaginal delivery shall be limited to the day of delivery plus an additional two days unless additional days are medically justified. Coverage for cesarean births shall be limited to the day of delivery plus an additional four days unless additional days are medically necessary.
2. Coverage for a radical or modified radical mastectomy for treatment of disease or trauma of the breast shall be provided for a minimum of 48 hours. Coverage for a total or partial mastectomy with lymph node dissection for treatment of disease or trauma of the breast shall be provided for a minimum of 24 hours. Additional days beyond the specified minimums for either radical, modified, total, or partial mastectomies may be covered if medically justified and prior authorized until the diagnosis related grouping methodology is fully implemented. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the provision of inpatient coverage where the attending physician in consultation with the patient determines that a shorter period of hospital stay is appropriate.
J. Reimbursement will not be provided for inpatient hospitalization for those surgical and diagnostic procedures listed on the DMAS outpatient surgery list unless the inpatient stay is medically justified or meets one of the exceptions.
K. For purposes of organ transplantation, all similarly situated individuals will be treated alike. Transplant services for kidneys, corneas, hearts, lungs, and livers shall be covered for all eligible persons. High dose chemotherapy and bone marrow/stem cell transplantation shall be covered for all eligible persons with a diagnosis of lymphoma, breast cancer, leukemia or myeloma. Transplant services for any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational shall be limited to children (under 21 years of age). Kidney, liver, heart, bone marrow/stem cell transplants and any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational require preauthorization by DMAS. Cornea transplants do not require preauthorization. The patient must be considered acceptable for coverage and treatment. The treating facility and transplant staff must be recognized as being capable of providing high quality care in the performance of the requested transplant. Standards for coverage of organ transplant services are in 12VAC30-50-540 through 12VAC30-50-580.
L. In compliance with 42 CFR 441.200, Subparts E and F, claims for hospitalization in which sterilization, hysterectomy or abortion procedures were performed shall be subject to review of the required DMAS forms corresponding to the procedures. The claims shall suspend for manual review by DMAS. If the forms are not properly completed or not attached to the bill, the claim will be denied or reduced according to DMAS policy.
12VAC30-50-110. Outpatient hospital and rural health clinic services.
A. Outpatient hospital services.
1. Outpatient hospital services means preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative services that:
a. Are furnished to outpatients;
b. Except in the case of nurse-midwife services, as specified in 42 CFR 440.165, are furnished by or under the direction of a physician or dentist; and
c. Are furnished by an institution that:
(1) Is licensed or formally approved as a hospital by an officially designated authority for state standard-setting; and
(2) Except in the case of medical supervision of nurse-midwife services, as specified in 42 CFR 440.165, meets the requirements for participation in Medicare.
2. Reimbursement for induced abortions is provided in only
those cases in which there would be substantial endangerment of health or
life to the mother if the fetus was carried to term.
3. The following limits and requirements shall apply to DMAS coverage of outpatient observation beds.
a. Observation bed services shall be covered when they are reasonable and necessary to evaluate a medical condition to determine appropriate level of treatment.
b. Nonroutine observation for underlying medical complications, as explained in documentation attached to the provider's claim for payment, after surgery or diagnostic services shall be covered. Routine use of an observation bed shall not be covered. Noncovered routine use shall be:
(1) Routine preparatory services and routine recovery time for outpatient surgical or diagnostic testing services (e.g., services for routine post-operative monitoring during a normal recovery period (four to six hours)).
(2) Observation services provided in conjunction with emergency room services, unless, following the emergency treatment, there are clear medical complications which must be managed by a physician other than the original emergency physician.
(3) Any substitution of an outpatient observation service for a medically appropriate inpatient admission.
c. These services must be billed as outpatient care and may be provided for up to 23 hours. A patient stay of 24 hours or more shall require inpatient precertification, where applicable.
d. When inpatient admission is required following observation services and prior approval has been obtained for the inpatient stay, observation charges must be combined with the appropriate inpatient admission and be shown on the inpatient claim for payment. Observation bed charges and inpatient hospital charges shall not be reimbursed for the same day.
B. Rural health clinic services and other ambulatory services furnished by a rural health clinic.
The same service limitations apply to rural health clinics as to all other services.
C. Federally qualified health center (FQHC) services and other ambulatory services that are covered under the plan and furnished by an FQHC in accordance with § 4231 of the State Medicaid Manual (HCFA-Pub. 45-4).
The same service limitations apply to FQHCs as to all other services.
12VAC30-50-140. Physician's services whether furnished in the office, the patient's home, a hospital, a skilled nursing facility or elsewhere.
A. Elective surgery as defined by the Program is surgery that is not medically necessary to restore or materially improve a body function.
B. Cosmetic surgical procedures are not covered unless performed for physiological reasons and require Program prior approval.
C. Routine physicals and immunizations are not covered except when the services are provided under the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) Program and when a well-child examination is performed in a private physician's office for a foster child of the local social services department on specific referral from those departments.
D. Outpatient psychiatric services.
1. Psychiatric services are limited to an initial availability of 26 sessions, without prior authorization during the first treatment year. An additional extension of up to 26 sessions during the first treatment year must be prior authorized by DMAS or its designee. The availability is further restricted to no more than 26 sessions each succeeding year when prior authorized by DMAS or its designee. Psychiatric services are further restricted to no more than three sessions in any given seven-day period. Consistent with § 6403 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, medically necessary psychiatric services shall be covered when prior authorized by DMAS or its designee for individuals younger than 21 years of age when the need for such services has been identified in an EPSDT screening.
2. Psychiatric services can be provided by psychiatrists or by a licensed clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, licensed clinical nurse specialist-psychiatric, or a licensed marriage and family therapist under the direct supervision of a psychiatrist.*
3. Psychological and psychiatric services shall be medically prescribed treatment that is directly and specifically related to an active written plan designed and signature-dated by either a psychiatrist or by a licensed clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, licensed clinical nurse specialist-psychiatric, or licensed marriage and family therapist under the direct supervision of a psychiatrist.*
4. Psychological or psychiatric services shall be considered appropriate when an individual meets the following criteria:
a. Requires treatment in order to sustain behavioral or emotional gains or to restore cognitive functional levels that have been impaired;
b. Exhibits deficits in peer relations, dealing with authority; is hyperactive; has poor impulse control; is clinically depressed or demonstrates other dysfunctional clinical symptoms having an adverse impact on attention and concentration, ability to learn, or ability to participate in employment, educational, or social activities;
c. Is at risk for developing or requires treatment for maladaptive coping strategies; and
d. Presents a reduction in individual adaptive and coping mechanisms or demonstrates extreme increase in personal distress.
5. Psychological or psychiatric services may be provided in an office or a mental health clinic.
E. Any procedure considered experimental is not covered.
F. Reimbursement for induced abortions is provided in only
those cases in which there would be a substantial endangerment of health or
life to the mother if the fetus was carried to term.
G. Physician visits to inpatient hospital patients over the age of 21 are limited to a maximum of 21 days per admission within 60 days for the same or similar diagnoses or treatment plan and is further restricted to medically necessary authorized (for enrolled providers)/approved (for nonenrolled providers) inpatient hospital days as determined by the Program.
EXCEPTION: SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS UNDER 21 YEARS OF AGE: Consistent with 42 CFR 441.57, payment of medical assistance services shall be made on behalf of individuals under 21 years of age, who are Medicaid eligible, for medically necessary stays in general hospitals and freestanding psychiatric facilities in excess of 21 days per admission when such services are rendered for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of health conditions identified through a physical examination. Payments for physician visits for inpatient days shall be limited to medically necessary inpatient hospital days.
H. (Reserved.)
I. Reimbursement shall not be provided for physician services provided to recipients in the inpatient setting whenever the facility is denied reimbursement.
J. (Reserved.)
K. For the purposes of organ transplantation, all similarly situated individuals will be treated alike. Transplant services for kidneys, corneas, hearts, lungs, and livers shall be covered for all eligible persons. High dose chemotherapy and bone marrow/stem cell transplantation shall be covered for all eligible persons with a diagnosis of lymphoma, breast cancer, leukemia, or myeloma. Transplant services for any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational shall be limited to children (under 21 years of age). Kidney, liver, heart, and bone marrow/stem cell transplants and any other medically necessary transplantation procedures that are determined to not be experimental or investigational require preauthorization by DMAS. Cornea transplants do not require preauthorization. The patient must be considered acceptable for coverage and treatment. The treating facility and transplant staff must be recognized as being capable of providing high quality care in the performance of the requested transplant. Standards for coverage of organ transplant services are in 12VAC30-50-540 through 12VAC30-50-580.
L. Breast reconstruction/prostheses following mastectomy and breast reduction.
1. If prior authorized, breast reconstruction surgery and prostheses may be covered following the medically necessary complete or partial removal of a breast for any medical reason. Breast reductions shall be covered, if prior authorized, for all medically necessary indications. Such procedures shall be considered noncosmetic.
2. Breast reconstruction or enhancements for cosmetic reasons shall not be covered. Cosmetic reasons shall be defined as those which are not medically indicated or are intended solely to preserve, restore, confer, or enhance the aesthetic appearance of the breast.
M. Admitting physicians shall comply with the requirements for coverage of out-of-state inpatient hospital services. Inpatient hospital services provided out of state to a Medicaid recipient who is a resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall only be reimbursed under at least one the following conditions. It shall be the responsibility of the hospital, when requesting prior authorization for the admission, to demonstrate that one of the following conditions exists in order to obtain authorization. Services provided out of state for circumstances other than these specified reasons shall not be covered.
1. The medical services must be needed because of a medical emergency;
2. Medical services must be needed and the recipient's health would be endangered if he were required to travel to his state of residence;
3. The state determines, on the basis of medical advice, that the needed medical services, or necessary supplementary resources, are more readily available in the other state;
4. It is general practice for recipients in a particular locality to use medical resources in another state.
N. In compliance with 42 CFR 441.200, Subparts E and F, claims for hospitalization in which sterilization, hysterectomy or abortion procedures were performed shall be subject to review of the required DMAS forms corresponding to the procedures. The claims shall suspend for manual review by DMAS. If the forms are not properly completed or not attached to the bill, the claim will be denied or reduced according to DMAS policy.
O. Prior authorization is required for the following nonemergency outpatient procedures: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), including Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA), Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans, including Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA), or Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans performed for the purpose of diagnosing a disease process or physical injury. The referring physician ordering nonemergency outpatient Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT) scans, or Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans must obtain prior authorization from the Department of Medical Assistance Services (DMAS) for those scans. The servicing provider will not be reimbursed for the scan unless proper prior authorization is obtained from DMAS by the referring physician.
P. Outpatient substance abuse treatment services shall be limited to an initial availability of 26 therapy sessions without prior authorization during the first treatment year. An additional extension of up to 26 sessions during the first treatment year must be prior authorized by DMAS or its designee. The availability is further restricted to no more than 26 therapy sessions each succeeding year when prior authorized by DMAS or its designee. Outpatient substance abuse treatment services are further restricted to no more than three sessions in any given seven-day period. Consistent with § 6403 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, medically necessary substance abuse services shall be covered when prior authorized by DMAS or its designee for individuals younger than 21 years of age when the need for such services has been identified in an EPSDT screening and the above limits have been exceeded.
1. Outpatient substance abuse services shall be provided by medical doctors or by doctors of osteopathy who have completed three years of post-graduate residency training in psychiatry; or by a physician or doctor of osteopathy who is certified in addiction medicine. The provider must also be qualified by training and experience in all of the following areas of substance abuse/addiction counseling: clinical evaluation; treatment planning; referral; service coordination; counseling; client, family, and community education; documentation; and professional and ethical responsibilities. Outpatient substance abuse treatment services are further defined in 12VAC30-50-228.
2. Psychological and psychiatric substance abuse services shall be prescribed treatment that is directly and specifically related to an active written plan designed and signature-dated by one of the professionals listed in subdivision 1 of this subsection.
3. Psychological or psychiatric substance abuse services shall be considered appropriate when an individual meets the criteria for an Axis I substance-related disorder. Nicotine or caffeine abuse or dependence shall not be covered. The Axis I substance-related disorder shall meet American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Level of Care Criteria as prescribed in Patient Placement Criteria for the Treatment of Substance-Related Disorders (ASAM PPC-2R), Second Edition.
4. Psychological or psychiatric substance abuse services may be provided in an office or a clinic under the direction of a physician.
*Licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical nurse specialists-psychiatric, and licensed marriage and family therapists may also directly enroll or be supervised by psychologists as provided for in 12VAC30-50-150.
12VAC30-50-180. Clinic services.
A. Reimbursement for induced abortions is provided in only
those cases in which there would be a substantial endangerment of health or
life to the mother if the fetus were carried to term.
B. Clinic services means preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, or palliative items or services that:
1. Are provided to outpatients;
2. Are provided by a facility that is not part of a hospital but is organized and operated to provide medical care to outpatients; and
3. Except in the case of nurse-midwife services, as specified in 42 CFR 440.165, are furnished by or under the direction of a physician or dentist.
C. Reimbursement to community mental health clinics for medical psychotherapy services is provided only when performed by a qualified therapist. For purposes of this section, a qualified therapist is:
1. A licensed physician who has completed three years of post-graduate residency training in psychiatry;
2. An individual licensed by one of the boards administered by the Department of Health Professions to provide medical psychotherapy services including: licensed clinical psychologists, licensed clinical social workers, licensed professional counselors, clinical nurse specialists-psychiatric, or licensed marriage and family therapists; or
3. An individual who holds a master's or doctorate degree, who has completed all coursework necessary for licensure by one of the appropriate boards as specified in subdivision 2 of this subsection, and who has applied for a license but has not yet received such license, and who is currently supervised in furtherance of the application for such license, in accordance with requirements or regulations promulgated by DMAS, by one of the licensed practitioners listed in subdivisions 1 and 2 of this subsection.
D. Coverage of community mental health clinics for substance abuse treatment services, as further defined in 12VAC30-50-228, is provided only when performed by a qualified therapist and consistent with an active written plan designed and signature-dated. For purposes of providing this service a qualified therapist shall be:
1. Physicians and doctors of osteopathy who have completed three years of post-graduate residency training in psychiatry or by a physician or doctor of osteopathy who is certified in addiction medicine.
2. A licensed clinical psychologist, licensed clinical social worker, licensed professional counselor, licensed psychiatric clinical nurse specialist, a licensed psychiatric nurse practitioner, a licensed marriage and family therapist, or a licensed substance abuse treatment practitioner. The provider must also be qualified by training and experience in all of the following areas of substance abuse/addiction counseling: clinical evaluation; treatment planning; referral; service coordination; counseling; client, family, and community education; documentation; and professional and ethical responsibilities.
3. An individual who holds a master's or doctorate degree, who has completed all coursework necessary for licensure by the respective board, and who has applied for a license but has not yet received such license, and who is currently supervised in furtherance of the application for such license, in accordance with requirements or regulations promulgated by DMAS, by one of the licensed practitioners listed in this subsection.
4. An individual who holds a bachelor's degree in any field and certification as a substance abuse counselor (CSAC) or an individual who holds a bachelor's degree and is a certified addictions counselor (CAC) who is under the direct supervision of one of the licensed practitioners listed in subdivision C 1 or 2 of this subsection.