Final Text
A. A permit is not required to solicit or promote wine or beer to wholesale or retail licensees, including mixed beverage licensees, by a wine or beer solicitor salesman who represents any winery, brewery, wholesaler or importer licensed in this Commonwealth engaged in the sale of wine and beer. Further, a permit is not required to sell (which shall include the solicitation or receipt of orders) wine or beer to wholesale or retail licensees, including mixed beverage licensees, by a wine or beer solicitor salesman who represents any winery, brewery or wholesaler licensed in this Commonwealth engaged in the sale of wine and beer.
B. A permit is required to solicit or promote wine or beer to wholesale or retail licensees, including mixed beverage licensees, by a wine or beer solicitor salesman or representative of any out-of-state wholesaler engaged in the sale of wine or beer. A permit under this section shall not authorize the sale of wine by the permittee, the direct solicitation or receipt of orders for wine, or the negotiation of any contract or contract terms for the sale of wine unless such sale, receipt or negotiations are conducted in the presence of a licensed Virginia wholesaler or importer or such Virginia wholesaler's or importer's solicitor salesman or representative. In order to obtain a permit, a person shall:
1. Register with the board by filing an application on such forms as prescribed by the board;
2. Pay a fee of $125, which is subject to proration on a quarterly basis, pursuant to § 4.1-230 E of the Code of Virginia; and
3. 2. Be 18 years old or older to solicit or promote the sale of wine or beer, and may not be employed at the same time by an out-of-state wholesaler engaged in the sale of wine or beer and by a licensee to solicit the sale of or sell wine or beer, and shall not be in violation of 3VAC5-30-20.
C. Each permit shall expire yearly on June 30 unless sooner suspended or revoked by the board.
D. Solicitation and promotion under this regulation may include educational programs regarding wine or beer for mixed beverage licensees, but shall not include the promotion of, or educational programs related to, spirits or the use thereof in mixed drinks unless a spirits solicitor's permit has been obtained in addition to a solicitor's permit.
E. For the purposes of this regulation, the soliciting or promoting of wine or beer shall be distinguished from the sale of such products, the direct solicitation or receipt of orders for alcoholic beverages or the negotiation of any contract or contract terms for the sale of alcoholic beverages. This regulation shall not be deemed to regulate the representative of a manufacturer, importer or wholesaler from merely calling on retail licensees to check on market conditions, the freshness of products on the shelf or in stock, the percentage or nature of display space, or the collection of similar information where solicitation or product promotion is not involved.
A. No mixed beverage restaurant or carrier licensee shall:
1. Serve as one drink the entire contents of a container of spirits in its original container for on-premises consumption except as provided by subsections C, D, and E of this section.
2. Sell any mixed beverage to which alcohol has been added.
B. No mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall:
1. Allow to be kept upon the licensed premises any container of alcoholic beverages of a type authorized to be purchased under his license that does not bear the required mixed beverage stamp imprinted with his license number and purchase report number.
2. Use in the preparation of a mixed beverage any alcoholic beverage not purchased from the board or a wholesale wine licensee.
3. Fail to obliterate the mixed beverage stamp immediately when any container of spirits is emptied.
4. Allow any patron to possess more than two drinks of mixed beverages at any one time, except that a mixed beverage licensee may sell to a patron who may lawfully purchase mixed beverages a flight of distilled spirits products consisting of samples of not more than five different spirits products. Each distilled spirits product shall contain no more than one-half ounce of distilled spirits.
C. If a restaurant for which a mixed beverage restaurant license has been issued under § 4.1-210 § 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia is located on the premises of a hotel or motel, whether the hotel or motel be under the same or different ownership, sales of mixed beverages, including sales of spirits packaged in original closed containers purchased from the board, as well as other alcoholic beverages, for consumption in bedrooms and private rooms of such hotel or motel, may be made by the licensee subject to the following conditions in addition to other applicable laws:
1. Spirits sold by the drink as mixed beverages or in original closed containers must have been purchased under the mixed beverage restaurant license upon purchase forms provided by the board;
2. Delivery of sales of mixed beverages and spirits in original closed containers shall be made only in the bedroom of the registered guest or to the sponsoring group in the private room of a scheduled function. This section shall not be construed to prohibit a licensee catering a scheduled private function from delivering mixed beverage drinks to guests in attendance at such function;
3. Receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and spirits sold in original closed containers, as well as other alcoholic beverages, shall be included in the gross receipts from sales of all such merchandise made by the licensee; and
4. Complete and accurate records of sales of mixed beverages and sales of spirits in original closed containers to registered guests in bedrooms and to sponsors of scheduled private functions in private rooms shall be kept separate and apart from records of all mixed beverage sales.
D. Carrier licensees may serve miniatures not in excess of two fluid ounces or 50 milliliters, in their original containers, for on-premises consumption.
E. A mixed beverage restaurant may serve as one drink the entire contents of a container of soju in its original container for on-premises consumption under the following conditions:
1. The container may be no larger than 375 milliliters.
2. Each container of soju served must be served for consumption by at least two patrons legally eligible to consume alcoholic beverages.
F. A mixed beverage restaurant licensee may infuse, store, and sell flavored distilled spirits under the following circumstances:
1. If infused in the original spirits container, the mixed beverage stamp must remain affixed to the bottle.
2. If infused in a container other than the original spirits container, the substitute container, which shall not exceed 20 liters in volume, will be labeled with the following information:
a. Date of infusion;
b. Brand of spirits; and
c. Amount of spirits used.
3. Accurate records must be kept by the mixed beverage licensee as to the spirits used in any spirits infusion process.
4. Licensees infusing distilled spirits shall comply with all applicable state and federal food safety regulations.
G. Mixed beverage licensees may premix containers of sangria and other mixed beverages and serve such alcoholic beverages in pitchers subject to the following limitations:
1. Pitchers of mixed beverages may only be sold in containers with a maximum capacity of 32 fluid ounces or one liter if the container is in metric size containing a spirits product mixed with nonalcoholic beverages.
2. A pitcher of mixed beverages may only be served to two or more patrons. A licensee shall not allow any two patrons to possess more than one pitcher at any one time.
3. Containers of premixed sangria and other mixed beverages must be labeled as to the type of mixed beverage and the quantities of the products used to produce the mixed beverage.
H. The board may suspend the privilege of a mixed beverage licensee to purchase spirits from the board upon such licensee's failure to submit any records or other documents necessary to verify the licensee's compliance with applicable minimum food sale requirements within 30 days of the date such records or documents are due.
A. Retail off-premises wine and beer licenses may be issued to persons operating the following types of establishments provided the total monthly sales and inventory (cost) of the required commodities listed in the definitions are not less than those shown:
1. "Delicatessen." An establishment which sells a variety of prepared foods or foods requiring little preparation such as cheeses, salads, cooked meats and related condiments:
Monthly sales ......................................................... $2,000
Inventory (cost)....................................................... $2,000
2. "Drugstore." An establishment selling medicines prepared by a registered licensed pharmacist according to prescription and other medicines and articles of home and general use:
Monthly sales .......................................................... $2,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $2,000
3. "Grocery store." An establishment which sells edible items intended for human consumption, including a variety of staple foodstuffs used in the preparation of meals that sells food and other items intended for human consumption, including a variety of ingredients commonly used in the preparation of meals:
Monthly sales .......................................................... $2,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $2,000
4. "Convenience grocery store." An establishment which that has an enclosed room in a permanent structure where stock is displayed and offered for sale, and which sells maintains an inventory of edible items intended for human consumption, consisting of a variety of such items of the type normally sold in grocery stores:
Monthly sales .......................................................... $2,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $2,000
In regard to both grocery stores and convenience grocery stores, "edible items" shall mean such items normally used in the preparation of meals, including liquids.
5. "Gourmet shop." An establishment provided with adequate shelving and storage facilities which sells products such as cheeses and gourmet foods inventory, shelving, and storage facilities where, in consideration of payment, substantial amounts of domestic and imported wines and beers of various types and sizes and related products such as cheese and gourmet foods are habitually furnished to persons:
Monthly sales.......................................................... $1,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $1,000
B. Retail off-premises beer licenses may be issued to persons operating the following types of establishments provided the total monthly sales and inventory (cost) of the required commodities listed in the definitions are not less than those shown:
1. "Delicatessen." An establishment as defined in subdivision A 1 of this section:
Monthly sales .......................................................... $1,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $1,000
2. "Drugstore." An establishment as defined in subdivision A 2 of this section:
Monthly sales.......................................................... $1,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $1,000
3. "Grocery store." An establishment as defined in subdivision A 3 of this section:
Monthly sales.......................................................... $1,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $1,000
4. "Marina store." An establishment operated by the owner of a marina which sells food and nautical and fishing supplies:
Monthly sales.......................................................... $1,000
Inventory (cost) ....................................................... $1,000
C. B. The board may grant a license to an establishment not meeting the qualifying figures in subsections A and B of this section provided it affirmatively appears that there is a substantial public demand for such an establishment and that public convenience will be promoted by the issuance of the license.
D. C. The board in determining the eligibility of an establishment for a license shall give consideration to, but shall not be limited to, the following:
1. The extent to which sales of required commodities are secondary or merely incidental to sales of all products sold in such establishment;
2. The extent to which a variety of edible items of the types normally found in grocery stores are sold; and
3. The extent to which such establishment is constructed, arranged or illuminated to allow reasonable observation of the age and sobriety of purchasers of alcoholic beverages.
E. D. Notwithstanding the above, the board may issue a temporary license for any of the above retail operations. Such licenses may be issued only after application has been filed in accordance with § 4.1-230 of the Code of Virginia and in cases where the sole objection to issuance of a license is that the establishment will not be qualified in terms of the sale of food or edible items. If a temporary license is issued, the board shall conduct an audit of the business after a reasonable period of operation not to exceed 180 days. Should the business be qualified, the license applied for may be issued. If the business is not qualified, the application will become the subject of a hearing if the applicant so desires. No further temporary license shall be issued to the applicant or to any other person with respect to that establishment for a period of one year from the expiration and, once the application becomes the subject of a hearing, no temporary license may be issued.
A. The following definitions shall apply to retail licensees with on-premises consumption privileges and mixed beverage licensees where appropriate:
1. "Bona fide, full-service restaurant" means an established place of business where meals are regularly sold to persons and that has adequate facilities and sufficient employees for cooking, preparing, and serving such meals for consumption at tables in dining areas on the premises.
2. "Counter" means a long, narrow surface with stools or chairs along one side for the patrons, behind which refreshments or meals are prepared and served.
3. "Designated area" means a room or an area in which a licensee may exercise the privilege of his license, the location, equipment and facilities of which room or area have been approved by the board. The facilities shall be such that patrons may purchase food prepared on the premises for consumption on the premises at substantially all times that alcoholic beverages are offered for sale therein.
4. "Dining area" means a public room or area in which meals are regularly sold at substantially all hours that alcoholic beverages are offered for sale therein.
5. "Meal" means a selection of foods for one individual, served and eaten especially at one of the customary, regular occasions for taking food during the day, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner, that consists of at least one main dish of meat, fish, poultry, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, or other protein sources, accompanied by vegetable, fruit, grain, or starch products.
6. "Table" means an article of furniture supported by one or more vertical legs or similar supports and having a flat horizontal surface suitable for the service of meals, not immediately adjacent to the area where refreshments or meals are prepared.
B. Wine and beer. Retail on-premises or on-premises and off-premises licenses may be granted to persons operating the following types of establishments provided that meals or other foods are regularly sold at substantially all hours that wine and beer are offered for sale and the total monthly food sales for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas on the premises are not less than those shown:
1. "Boat" (on premises only). A common carrier of passengers for which a certificate as a sight-seeing carrier by boat, or a special or charter party by boat has been issued by the State Corporation Commission, habitually serving food on the boat:
Monthly sales ..........................................................$2,000
2. "Restaurant." A bona fide dining establishment regularly selling meals with entrees and other foods prepared on the premises with special space and accommodation where, in consideration of payment, meals with entrees or other foods prepared on the premises are regularly sold:
Monthly sales ..........................................................$2,000
3. "Hotel." Any duly licensed establishment, provided with special space and accommodation, where, in consideration of payment, meals and other food prepared on the premises and lodging are habitually furnished to persons and which has four or more bedrooms:
Monthly sales ..........................................................$2,000
In regard to both restaurants and hotels, at least $1,000 of the required monthly sales must be in the form of meals.
4. "Gourmet Oyster House." Any duly licensed establishment, located on the premises of a commercial marina and permitted by the Department of Health to serve oysters and other fresh seafood for consumption on the premises, where the licensee also offers to the public events for the purpose of featuring oysters and other seafood products:
Monthly sales of oysters and other seafood….....$1,000
C. Beer. Retail on-premises or on-premises and off-premises licenses may be granted to persons operating the following types of establishments provided that food is regularly sold at substantially all hours that beer is offered for sale and the total monthly food sales for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas on the premises are not less than those shown:
1. "Boat" (on-premises only). See subdivision B 1 of this section:
Monthly sales ..........................................................$2,000
2. "Restaurant." An establishment regularly selling food prepared on the premises:
Monthly sales ..........................................................$2,000
3. "Hotel." See subdivision B 3 of this section;
Monthly sales..........................................................$2,000
D. C. Mixed beverage licenses. Mixed beverage restaurant licenses may be granted to persons operating bona fide, full-service restaurants.
1. Service of food in a bona fide, full-service restaurant shall consist of serving the food to the table on plates or appropriate dinnerware, accompanied by appropriate tableware. The board may approve the issuance of a mixed beverage restaurant license to a buffet restaurant if (i) both alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverage service is provided at the table and (ii) actual sales show that the requirements of subdivision D 2 of this section are met.
2. Monthly sales of food prepared on the premises of a mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall not be less than $4,000, of which at least $2,000 shall be in the form of meals.
3. A mixed beverage restaurant licensee must have at least as many seats at tables as at counters.
4. A mixed beverage restaurant licensee shall have food, cooked or prepared on the licensed premises, available for on-premises consumption until at least 30 minutes prior to an establishment's closing. Such food shall be available in all areas of the licensed premises in which spirits are sold or served.
E. D. The board may grant a license to an establishment not meeting the qualifying figures in this section, provided the establishment otherwise is qualified under the applicable provisions of the Code of Virginia and this section, if it affirmatively appears that there is a substantial public demand for such an establishment and that the public convenience will be promoted by the issuance of the license.
F. E. Notwithstanding subsections A through E D of this section, the board may issue a temporary license for any of the retail operations in subsections A through E D of this section. Such licenses may be issued only after application has been filed in accordance with § 4.1-230 of the Code of Virginia, and in cases where the sole objection to issuance of a license is that the establishment will not be qualified in terms of the sale of food or edible items. If a temporary license is issued, the board shall conduct an audit of the business after a reasonable period of operation not to exceed 180 days. Should the business be qualified, the license applied for may be issued. If the business is not qualified, the application will become the subject of a hearing if the applicant so desires. No further temporary license shall be issued to the applicant or to any other person with respect to the establishment for a period of one year from expiration and, once the application becomes the subject of a hearing, no temporary license may be issued.
G. F. An outside terrace or patio, the location, equipment, and facilities of which have been approved by the board, may be approved as a "dining area" or as a "designated area" in the discretion of the board.
H. G. Limited mixed beverage licenses may be granted to persons operating restaurants as defined in § 4.1-100 of the Code of Virginia, provided that food is regularly sold at substantially all hours that alcoholic beverages are offered for sale, and the total monthly food sales of food cooked or prepared on the premises for consumption in dining areas and other designated areas on the premises are not less than $2,000.
No person holding a license which authorizes the licensee to sell wine or beer at retail for consumption off the premises shall deliver such wine or beer to a person on the licensed premises other than in the licensed establishment. Deliveries of such merchandise to persons through windows, apertures or similar openings at "drive through" or similar establishments, whether the persons are in vehicles or otherwise, shall not be construed to have been made in the establishments. No sale or delivery of such merchandise shall be made to a person who is seated in a vehicle. Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, such deliveries may be made to (i) a person's vehicle if located in a designated parking area of the licensee's premises where such person has electronically ordered beer, wine, or farm wine in advance of the delivery; or (ii) such other locations as may be permitted by board regulation.
A. Pursuant to § 4.1-210 § 4.1-206.3 A 2 of the Code of Virginia, the board may grant a caterer's license to any person:
1. Engaged on a regular basis in the business of providing food and beverages to persons for service at private gatherings, or at special events as defined in § 4.1-100 of the Code of Virginia or as provided in § 4.1-210 § 4.1-206.3 A 3 of the Code of Virginia, and
2. With an established place of business with catering gross sales average of at least $4,000 per month and who has complied with the requirements of the local governing body concerning sanitation, health, construction or equipment and who has obtained all local permits or licenses which may be required to conduct such a catering business.
B. The license authorizes the following privileges:
1. The purchase of spirits, vermouth and wine produced by farm wineries from the board;
2. The purchase of wine and cider from licensed wholesalers or farm wineries or the purchase of beer from licensed wholesalers;
3. The retail sale of alcoholic beverages to persons who sponsor the private gatherings or special events described in subsection A or directly to persons in attendance at such events. No banquet or mixed beverage special events license is required in either case; and
4. The storage of alcoholic beverages purchased by the caterer at the established and approved place of business.
C. In addition to other applicable statutes and regulations of the board, the following restrictions and conditions apply to persons licensed as caterers:
1. Alcoholic beverages may be sold only for on-premises consumption to persons in attendance at the gathering or event;
2. The records required to be kept by 3VAC5-70-90 shall be maintained by caterers. If the caterer also holds other alcoholic beverage licenses, he shall maintain the records relating to his caterer's business separately from the records relating to any other license. Additionally, the records shall include the date, time and place of the event and the name and address of the sponsoring person or group of each event catered;
3. The annual gross receipts from the sale of food cooked and prepared for service at gatherings and events referred to in this regulation and nonalcoholic beverages served there shall amount to at least 45% of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food;
4. The caterer shall notify the board in writing at least 24 hours in advance of any events to be catered under his license. For events to be catered on Saturday, Sunday, or holidays on which the board's offices are closed, such notice shall be given by close of the last business day prior to the event. The notice shall include the date, time, location and address of the event and the name of the sponsoring person, group, corporation or association;
5. Persons in attendance at a private event at which alcoholic beverages are served but not sold under the caterer's license may keep and consume their own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages;
6. The private gathering referred to in subsection A above shall be a social function which is attended only by persons who are specifically and individually invited by the sponsoring person or organization, not the caterer;
7. The licensee shall insure that all functions at which alcoholic beverages are sold are ones which qualify for a banquet license, for a special event license or a mixed beverage special events license. Licensees are entitled to all services and equipment now available under a banquet license from wholesalers;
8. A photocopy of the caterer's license must be present at all events at which the privileges of the license are exercised; and
9. The caterer's license shall be considered a retail license for purposes of § 4.1-216 of the Code of Virginia.
A. Pursuant to § 4.1-206.3 D 2 b of the Code of Virginia, the board may grant banquet facility licenses to volunteer fire departments and volunteer rescue squads:
1. Providing volunteer fire or rescue squad services;
2. Having as its premises a fire or rescue squad station regularly occupied by such fire department or rescue squad; and
3. Being duly recognized by the governing body of the city, county or town in which it is located.
B. The license authorizes the following privileges:
The consumption of legally acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee or on premises other than such fire or rescue squad station which are occupied and under the control of the licensee while the privilege of its license is being exercised, by any person, association, corporation or other entity, including the fire department or rescue squad, and bona fide members and guests thereof, otherwise eligible for a banquet license and entitled to such privilege for a private affair or special event.
C. In addition to other applicable statutes and regulations of the board, the following restrictions and conditions apply to persons holding such banquet facility licenses:
1. Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold or purchased by the licensee;
2. Alcoholic beverages cannot be sold or charged for in any way by the person, association, corporation or other entity permitted to use the premises;
3. The private affair referred to in subsection B shall be a social function which is attended only by persons who are members of the association, corporation or other entity, including the fire department or rescue squad, and their bona fide guests;
4. The volunteer fire department or rescue squad shall notify the board in writing at least two calendar days in advance of any affair or event at which the license will be used away from the fire department or rescue squad station. The notice shall include the date, time, location and address of the event and the identity of the group, and the affair or event. Such records of off-site affairs and events should be maintained at the fire department or rescue squad station for a period of two years;
5. A photocopy of the banquet facility license shall be present at all affairs or events at which the privileges of the license are exercised away from the fire or rescue squad station; and
6. The fire department or rescue squad shall comply with the requirements of the local governing body concerning sanitation, health, construction or equipment and shall obtain all local permits or licenses which may be required to exercise the privilege of its license.
A. Pursuant to § 4.1-206.4 § 4.1-206.3 A 9 of the Code of Virginia, the board may grant a bed and breakfast license to any person who operates an establishment consisting of:
1. No more than 15 bedrooms available for rent;
2. Offering to the public, for compensation, transitory lodging or sleeping accommodations; and
3. Offering at least one meal per day, which may but need not be breakfast, to each person to whom overnight lodging is provided.
B. In addition to other applicable statutes and regulations of the board, the following restrictions and conditions apply to persons licensed as bed and breakfast establishments:
1. Alcoholic beverages served under the privileges conferred by the license must be purchased from a government store, wine or beer wholesaler or farm winery;
2. Alcoholic beverages may be served for on-premises consumption to persons who are registered, overnight guests and are of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages;
3. Lodging, meals and service of alcoholic beverages shall be provided at one general price and no additional charges, premiums or surcharges shall be exacted for the service of alcoholic beverages;
4. Alcoholic beverages may be served in dining areas, private guest rooms and other designated areas, including outside terraces or patios;
5. The bed and breakfast establishment upon request or order of lodgers making overnight reservations, may purchase and have available for the lodger upon arrival, any alcoholic beverages so ordered, provided that no premium or surcharge above the purchase price of the alcoholic beverages may be exacted from the consumer for this accommodation purchase;
6. Alcoholic beverages purchased under the license may not be commingled or stored with the private stock of alcoholic beverages belonging to owners of the bed and breakfast establishment; and
7. The bed and breakfast establishment shall maintain complete and accurate records of the purchases of alcoholic beverages and provide sufficient evidence that at least one meal per day is offered to persons to whom overnight lodging is provided.
A. Pursuant to § 4.1-209.7 § 4.1-206.3 C 1 of the Code of Virginia, the board may grant retail wine and beer off-premises licenses to gift shops. Such gift shop may be located (i) on the premises or grounds of a government registered national, state or local historic building or site or (ii) within the premises of a museum.
B. The following restrictions and conditions apply:
1. A gift shop shall be defined as any bona fide retail store selling, predominately, (i) floral arrangements or handmade arts and crafts, which may include a combination of gifts, books, souvenirs, specialty items, collectibles, or other original and handmade products; and (ii) which is open to the public on a regular basis in a permanent structure where stock is displayed and offered for sale and which has facilities to properly secure any stock of wine or beer.
2. The board shall consider the purpose, characteristics, nature, and operation of the applicant establishment in determining whether it shall be considered a gift shop within the meaning of this section.
3. Gift shop licenses, pursuant to this regulation, shall be granted only to persons who have places of business which have been in operation for no less than 12 months next preceding the filing of the application.
4. Gift shop licenses shall authorize the licensees to sell wine and beer, which have been purchased from and received at the establishment from farm winery or wholesale licensees, to sell such alcoholic beverages unchilled only within the interior premises of the gift shop in closed containers for off-premises consumption, and to deliver or ship the same to purchasers thereof in accordance with Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia and regulations of the board.
5. In granting licenses under this regulation, the board may impose restrictions and conditions upon purchases and sales of wine and beer in accordance with this regulation or as may be deemed reasonable by the board to ensure that the distribution of alcoholic beverages is orderly, lawful and only incidental to the principal business of the licensee. In no event may the sale of such alcoholic beverages exceed 25% of total annual gross sales at the establishment.
6. Every person licensed to sell alcoholic beverages under this regulation shall comply with 3VAC5-70-90.
For the purposes of § 4.1-210 A 12 § 4.1-206.3 A 6 of the Code of Virginia, "dessert wines" shall mean any wine having an alcohol content of more than 14% by volume, any wine whose label contains a statement that it contains more than 2.0% residual sugar, or any wine described on its label as a "dessert," "late harvest," or "ice" wine.
On or before the 15th day of each month, each winery, farm winery and licensee, or on or before the 10th day of each month each brewery licensee shall, on forms or an electronic system prescribed by the board and in accordance with the instructions set forth therein, file a report with the board of sales made in the previous calendar month. Tax payment in accordance with § 4.1-234 or 4.1-236 of the Code of Virginia shall be made with the submission of this report.
A. Wine offered for sale by a retail off-premises winery licensee shall be procured on order forms prescribed by the board and provided at cost if supplied by the board. The order shall be accompanied by the correct amount of state wine tax levied by § 4.1-234 of the Code of Virginia, due the Commonwealth in cash, as defined in 3VAC5-30-30.
B. Wine procured for sale at retail shall be segregated from all other wine and stored only at a location on the premises approved by the board. The licensee shall place his license number and the date of the order on each container of wine so stored for sale at retail. Only wine acquired, segregated, and identified as herein required may be offered for sale at retail.
A person holding a distiller's, fruit distiller's, winery or a farm winery license shall comply with the following procedures:
1. Records. Complete and accurate records shall be kept at the licensee's place of business for a period of two years, which records shall be available during reasonable hours for inspection by any member of the board or its special agents. Such records shall include the following information:
a. The amount in liters and alcoholic content of each type of alcoholic beverage manufactured during each calendar month;
b. The amount of alcoholic beverages on hand at the end of each calendar month;
c. Withdrawals of alcoholic beverages for sale to the board or licensees;
d. Withdrawals of alcoholic beverages for shipment outside of the Commonwealth showing:
(1) Name and address of consignee;
(2) Date of shipment; and
(3) Alcoholic content, brand name, type of beverage, size of container and quantity of shipment;
e. Purchases of cider or wine including:
(1) Date of purchase;
(2) Name and address of vendor;
(3) Amount of purchase in liters; and
(4) Amount of consideration paid.; and
f. A distiller or fruit distiller employed to distill any alcoholic beverage shall include in his records the name and address of his employer for such purpose, the amount of grain, fruit products or other substances delivered by such employer, the type, amount in liters and alcoholic content of alcoholic beverage distilled therefrom, the place where stored, and the date of the transaction.
2. Distillation for another. A distiller or fruit distiller manufacturing spirits for another person shall:
a. At all times during distillation keep segregated and identifiable the grain, fruit, fruit products or other substances furnished by the owner thereof;
b. Keep the alcoholic beverages distilled for such person segregated in containers bearing the date of distillation, the name of the owner, the amount in liters, and the type and alcoholic content of each container; and
c. Release the alcoholic beverages so distilled to the custody of the owner, or otherwise, only upon a written permit issued by the board.
3. Farm wineries. A farm winery shall keep complete, accurate and separate records of fresh fruits or other agricultural products grown or produced elsewhere and obtained for the purpose of manufacturing wine. Each farm winery must comply with the provisions of § 4.1-219 of the Code of Virginia for its applicable class of winery license relating to production of fresh fruits or other agricultural products. As provided in § 4.1-219, the board, upon petition by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, may grant a waiver from the production requirements.
A. In addition to complying with the requirements of §§ 4.1-207 3 and 4.1-208 4 § 4.1-206.1 of the Code of Virginia, pertaining to wine and beer importer licenses, holders of wine and beer importer licenses must comply with § 4.1-218 in order to exercise the privileges of such licenses. The board shall approve such forms as are necessary to facilitate compliance with § 4.1-218. Any document executed by, or on behalf of, brand owners for the purpose of designating wine or beer importer licensees as the authorized representative of such brand owner must be signed by a person authorized by the brand owner to do so. If such person is not an employee of the brand owner, then such document must be accompanied by a written power of attorney which provides that the person executing the document on behalf of the brand owner is the attorney-in-fact of the brand owner and has full power and authority from the brand owner to execute the required statements on its behalf. The board may approve a limited power of attorney form in order to effectuate the aforesaid provision.
B. When filing the list required by § 4.1-218 of the Code of Virginia of all wholesale licensees authorized by a wine or beer importer to distribute brands of wine or beer in the Commonwealth, wine and beer importer licensees shall comply with the provisions of the Wine and Beer Franchise Acts pertaining to designations of primary areas of responsibility in the case of wholesale wine licensees and designation of sales territories in the case of wholesale beer licensees.
C. In the event that, subsequent to the filing of the brand owner's authorization for a licensed importer to import any brand of wine or beer, the importer makes arrangements to sell and deliver or ship additional brands of wine or beer into this Commonwealth, the privileges of its license shall not extend to such additional brands until the licensee complies with the requirements of § 4.1-218 of the Code of Virginia and this section in relation to each such additional brand. Likewise, if the brand owner who has previously authorized a licensed importer to import one or more of its brands of wine or beer into this Commonwealth should, subsequent thereto, withdraw from the importer its authority to import such brand, it shall be incumbent upon such importer to make a supplemental filing of its brand owner authorizing documents indicating the deletion of any such brand(s) brands of wine or beer.
D. The foregoing provisions of this regulation shall not impair contracts in existence or entered into prior to July 1, 1991, between the licensed importer and its supplier or brand owner.
A. Generally. This section applies to the solicitation, directly or indirectly, of a mixed beverage licensee to sell or offer for sale spirits. Solicitation of a mixed beverage licensee for such purpose other than by a permittee of the board and in the manner authorized by this section shall be prohibited.
B. Permits.
1. No person shall solicit a mixed beverage licensee unless he has been issued a permit. To obtain a permit, a person shall:
a. Register with the board by filing an application on such forms as prescribed by the board;
b. Pay in advance the fee, which is subject to proration on a quarterly basis, pursuant to § 4.1-230 E of the Code of Virginia;
c. Submit with the application a letter of authorization from the manufacturer, brand owner or its duly designated United States agent, of each specific brand or brands of spirits which the permittee is authorized to represent on behalf of the manufacturer or brand owner in the Commonwealth; and
d. Be an individual at least 21 years of age.
2. Each permit shall expire yearly on June 30, unless sooner suspended or revoked by the board.
3. A permit hereunder shall authorize the permittee to solicit or promote only the brand or brands of spirits for which the permittee has been issued written authorization to represent on behalf of the manufacturer, brand owner, or its duly designated United States agent and provided that a letter of authorization from the manufacturer or brand owner to the permittee specifying the brand or brands he is authorized to represent shall be on file with the board. Until written authorization or a letter of authorization, in a form authorized by the board, is received and filed with the board for a particular brand or brands of spirits, there shall be no solicitation or promotion of such product by the permittee. Further, no amendment, withdrawal or revocation, in whole or in part, of a letter of authorization on file with the board shall be effective as against the board until written notice is received and filed with the board, and, until the board receives such notice, the permittee shall be deemed to be the authorized representative of the manufacturer or brand owner for the brand or brands specified on the most current authorization on file with the board.
C. Records. A permittee shall keep complete and accurate records of his solicitation of any mixed beverage licensee for a period of two years, reflecting all expenses incurred by him in connection with the solicitation of the sale of his employer's products and shall, upon request, furnish the board with a copy of such records.
D. Permitted activities. Solicitation by a permittee shall be limited to his authorized brand or brands, may include contact, meetings with, or programs for the benefit of mixed beverage licensees and employees thereof on the licensed premises, and in conjunction with solicitation, a permittee may:
1. Distribute directly or indirectly written educational material (one item per retailer and one item per employee, per visit) which may not be displayed on the licensed premises; distribute novelty and specialty items bearing spirits advertising not in excess of $10 in wholesale value (in quantities equal to the number of employees of the retail establishment present at the time the items are delivered); and provide film or video presentations of spirits which are essentially educational to licensees and their employees only and are not for display or viewing by customers;
2. Provide to a mixed beverage licensee sample servings from containers of spirits and furnish one, unopened, sample container no larger than 375 milliliters of each brand being promoted by the permittee and not sold by the licensee; such containers and sample containers shall be purchased at a government store and bear the permittee's permit number and the word "sample" in reasonable sized lettering on the container or sample container label; further, the spirits container shall remain the property of the permittee and may not be left with the licensee, and any sample containers left with the licensee shall not be sold by the licensee;
3. Promote his authorized brands of spirits at conventions, trade association meetings, or similar gatherings of organizations, a majority of whose membership consists of mixed beverage licensees or spirits representatives for the benefit of their members and guests, and shall be limited as follows:
a. To sample servings from containers of spirits purchased from government stores when the spirits donated are intended for consumption during the gathering;
b. To displays of spirits in closed containers bearing the word "sample" in lettering of reasonable size and informational signs provided such merchandise is not sold or given away except as permitted in this section;
c. To distribution of informational brochures, pamphlets and the like, relating to spirits;
d. To distribution of novelty and specialty items bearing spirits advertising not in excess of $10 in wholesale value;
e. To film or video presentations of spirits which are essentially educational;
f. To display at the event the brands being promoted by the permittee;
g. To rent display booth space if the rental fee is the same as paid by all exhibitors at the event;
h. To provide its own hospitality, which is independent from activities sponsored by the association or organization holding the event;
i. To purchase tickets to functions and pay registration fees if the payments or fees are the same as paid by all attendees, participants, or exhibitors at the event; and
j. To make payments for advertisements in programs or brochures issued by the association or organization holding the event if the total payments made for all such advertisements do not exceed $300 per year for any association or organization holding the event; or
4. Provide or offer to provide point-of-sale advertising material to licensees as provided in 3VAC5-20-20 or 3VAC5-30-80.
E. Prohibited activities. A permittee shall not:
1. Sell spirits to any licensee, solicit or receive orders for spirits from any licensee, provide or offer to provide cash discounts or cash rebates to any licensee, or to negotiate any contract or contract terms for the sale of spirits with a licensee;
2. Discount or offer to discount any merchandise or other alcoholic beverages as an inducement to sell or offer to sell spirits to licensees;
3. Provide or offer to provide gifts, entertainment or other forms of gratuity to licensees except that a permittee may provide a licensee "routine business entertainment," as defined in 3VAC5-30-70, subject to the same conditions and limitations that apply to wholesalers and manufacturers under that section;
4. Provide or offer to provide any equipment, furniture, fixtures, property or other thing of value to licensees except as permitted by this regulation;
5. Purchase or deliver spirits or other alcoholic beverages for or to licensees or provide any services as inducements to licensees, except that this provision shall not preclude the sale or delivery of wine or beer by a licensed wholesaler;
6. Be employed directly or indirectly in the manufacturing, bottling, importing or wholesaling of spirits and simultaneously be employed by a retail licensee;
7. Solicit licensees on any premises other than on their licensed premises or at conventions, trade association meetings or similar gatherings as permitted in subdivision D 3 of this section;
8. Solicit or promote any brand or brands of spirits without having on file with the board a letter from the manufacturer or brand owner authorizing the permittee to represent such brand or brands in the Commonwealth; or
9. Engage in solicitation of spirits other than as authorized by law.
F. Refusal, suspension or revocation of permits.
1. The board may refuse, suspend, or revoke a permit if it shall have reasonable cause to believe that any cause exists that would justify the board in refusing to issue such person a license, or that such person has violated any provision of this section or committed any other act that would justify the board in suspending or revoking a license.
2. Before refusing, suspending, or revoking such permit, the board shall follow the same administrative procedures accorded an applicant or licensee under Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia and regulations of the board.
A. Purchase orders for sacramental wine shall be on separate order forms prescribed by the board and provided at cost if supplied by the board.
B. Sales for sacramental purposes shall be only upon permits issued by the board without cost and on which the name of the wholesaler authorized to make the sale is designated.
C. Requests for permits by a religious congregation shall be in writing, executed by an officer of the congregation, and shall designate the quantity of wine and the name of the wholesaler from whom the wine shall be purchased.
D. Wine purchased for sacramental purposes by a religious congregation shall not be used for any other purpose.
A. Any person who contracts with or engages a licensed distiller or fruit distiller to manufacture spirits from grain fruit, fruit products or other substances grown or lawfully produced by such person shall obtain a board permit before withdrawing the spirits from the distillery's premises. The permit shall accompany the shipment at all times. The application for the permit shall include the following:
1. The name, address and license number, if any of the consignee;
2. The kind and quantity in gallons of alcoholic beverages; and
3. The name of the company employed to transport the shipment.
B. Permits shall be issued only for (i) spirits shipments to the board, (ii) sales and shipments to a lawful consignee outside the Commonwealth under a bona fide written contract, or (iii) shipments of spirits samples to the person growing or producing the substance distilled. Samples shall be packaged in containers of 375 or 750 milliliters and the words "Sample-Not for Sale" shall be printed in letters of reasonable size on the label.
A. All licensees shall keep complete, accurate and separate records for a period of two years. The records shall be available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents during reasonable hours. Licensees may use microfilm, microfiche, disks, or other available technologies for the storage of their records, and may store them off site, provided the records so stored are readily subject to retrieval and made available for viewing on a screen or in hard copy by the board or its special agents at the licensed premises between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. At any other time of day, if the licensee's records are not available for inspection, the licensee shall provide the records to a special agent of the board within 24 hours after a request is made to inspect the records.
The board and its special agents shall be allowed free access during reasonable hours to every place in the Commonwealth where alcoholic beverages are manufactured, bottled, stored, offered for sale or sold, for the purpose of examining and inspecting all records, invoices and accounts therein.
"Reasonable hours" shall be deemed to include all business hours of operation and any other time at which there exists any indication of activity upon the licensed premises.
B. All licensed manufacturers, bottlers or wholesalers of alcoholic beverages shall keep a complete, accurate and separate record of all alcoholic beverages manufactured, bottled, purchased, sold or shipped by him. Such records shall show the quantities of all such alcoholic beverages manufactured, bottled, purchased, sold or shipped by him; the dates of all sales, purchases, deliveries or shipments; the names and addresses of all persons to or from whom such sales, purchases, deliveries or shipments are made; the quantities and kinds of alcoholic beverages sold and delivered or shipped and the prices charged therefor and the taxes applicable thereto, if any. Every manufacturer and wholesaler, at the time of delivering alcoholic beverages to any person, shall also prepare a duplicate invoice showing the date of delivery, the quantity and value of each delivery and the name of the purchaser to whom the delivery is made.
C. Every retail licensee shall keep complete, accurate and separate records, including invoices, of the purchases and sales of alcoholic beverages, food and other merchandise. The records of alcoholic beverages shall be kept separate and apart from other records and shall include all purchases thereof, the dates of such purchases, the kinds and quantities of alcoholic beverages purchased, the prices charged therefor and the names and addresses of the persons from whom purchased.
Additionally, each retail licensee shall keep accurate accounts of daily sales, showing quantities of alcoholic beverages, food, and other merchandising sold and the prices charged therefor.
D. In addition to the requirements of subsections A and C of this section, mixed beverage restaurant licensees shall keep records of all alcoholic beverages purchased for sale as mixed beverages and records of all mixed beverage sales. The following actions shall also be taken:
1. On delivery of a mixed beverage restaurant license by the board, the licensee shall furnish to the board or its special agents a complete and accurate inventory of all alcoholic beverages currently held in inventory on the premises by the licensee; and
2. Once a year, each licensee shall submit on prescribed forms to the board an annual review report. The report is due within 30 days after the end of the mixed beverage license year and shall include:
a. A complete and accurate inventory of all alcoholic beverages purchased for sale as mixed beverages and held in inventory at the close of business at the end of the annual review period;
b. An accounting of the annual purchases of food, nonalcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages, including alcoholic beverages purchased for sale as mixed beverages, and miscellaneous items; and
c. An accounting of the monthly and annual sales of all merchandise specified in subdivision 2 b of this subsection.
E. The terms "sale" and "sell" shall include exchange, barter or traffic, or delivery made otherwise than gratuitously, by any means whatsoever, of mixed beverages and other alcoholic beverages, and of meals or food.
F. In determining "gross receipts from the sale of food" for the purposes of § 4.1-210 § 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia, a licensee shall not include any receipts for food for which there was no sale, as defined in this section. Food which is available at an unwritten, non-separate charge to patrons or employees during Happy Hours, private social gatherings, promotional events, or at any other time, shall not be included in the gross receipts. Food shall include hors d'oeuvres.
If in conducting its review pursuant to § 4.1-114 of the Code of Virginia, the board determines that the licensee has failed or refused to keep complete and accurate records of the amounts of mixed beverages or other alcoholic beverages sold at regular prices, as well as at all various reduced and increased prices offered by the licensee, the board may calculate the number of mixed drinks and other alcoholic beverage drinks sold, as determined from purchase records, and presume that such sales were made at the highest posted menu prices for such merchandise.
G. Any changes in the officers, directors or shareholders owning 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock of a corporation shall be reported to the board within 30 days; provided, however, that corporations or their wholly owned subsidiaries whose corporate common stock is publicly traded and owned shall not be required to report changes in shareholders owning 10% or more of the outstanding capital stock.
H. All banquet and special event licensees in charge of public events shall report to the board the income and expenses associated with the public event on a form prescribed by the board when the licensee engages another person to organize, conduct or operate the event on behalf of the licensee. Reports shall be made within 90 days after the date of each event. "Public events" shall be deemed to include any event at which alcoholic beverages are sold to the general public and not only to personally invited guests.
All applicants for banquet or special event licenses shall indicate at the time of application whether the event is open to the public and whether another person has been or will be engaged to organize, conduct or operate the event on behalf of the licensee. If the applicant indicates that the event is open to the public and another person has been or will be engaged to organize, conduct or operate the event on behalf of the licensee, the applicant shall attach a copy of any contract between the applicant and such other person to the license application.
A. Gifts of alcoholic beverages by a licensee to any other person are prohibited except as otherwise provided in this section or as provided in §§ 4.1-119 G, 4.1-201, 4.1-201.1, 4.1-205 4.1-206.3, 4.1-209, 4.1-215, 4.1-325, and 4.1-325.2 of the Code of Virginia.
B. Gifts of alcoholic beverages may be made by licensees as follows:
1. Personal friends. Gifts may be made to personal friends as a matter of normal social intercourse when in no wise a shift or device to evade the provisions of this section.
2. Samples. A representative of a wholesaler, winery, brewery, or importer may give a retail licensee a sample serving or a container not then sold by such licensee of wine or beer if (i) the licensee is licensed to sell such product, provided that in the case of containers, the container does not exceed 52 fluid ounces in size (1.5 liters if in a metric-sized container) and (ii) the label bears the word "Sample" in lettering of reasonable size. Such samples may not be sold. For good cause shown the board may authorize a larger sample container. Samples must be obtained from licensed wholesalers or purchased from retail licensees in the Commonwealth.
3. Gifts by retail licensees. An on-premises retail licensee may give a gift of one alcoholic beverage to a patron or one bottle of wine to a group of two or more patrons provided that such gifts are made to patrons to whom such alcoholic beverages may be sold. No subsequent gift shall be provided to the same patrons within 24 hours.
4. Hospitality rooms; conventions. The following activities are permitted:
a. A brewer or vintner may give samples of his products to visitors to his winery or brewery for consumption on premises only in a hospitality room approved by the board, provided the donees are persons to whom such products may be lawfully sold; and
b. A manufacturer, importer, bottler, broker, or wholesaler may host an event at conventions of national, regional or interstate associations or foundations organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, civil affairs, educational or national purposes upon the premises occupied by such licensee, or upon property of the licensee contiguous to such premises, or in a development contiguous to such premises, owned and operated by the licensee or a wholly owned subsidiary.
5. Conventions; educational programs, including alcoholic beverage tastings; research; licensee associations. Manufacturers, importers, bottlers, brokers, and wholesalers may donate alcoholic beverages to:
a. A convention, trade association or similar gathering, composed of licensees and their guests, when the alcoholic beverages donated are intended for consumption during the convention;
b. Retail licensees attending a bona fide educational program relating to the alcoholic beverages being given away;
c. Research departments of educational institutions, or alcoholic research centers, for the purpose of scientific research on alcoholism; and
d. Official associations of alcoholic beverage industry members when conducting a bona fide educational program concerning alcoholic beverages, with no promotion of a particular brand, for members and guests of particular groups, associations, or organizations.
6. Conditions. Exceptions authorized by subdivisions 4 b and 5 of this subsection are conditioned upon the following:
a. That prior written notice of the activity be submitted to the board describing it and giving the date, time and place of such activity; and
b. That the activity be conducted in a room or rooms set aside for that purpose and be adequately supervised.
C. Wine and beer wholesalers may participate in a wine or beer tasting sponsored by a gourmet shop licensee for its customers and may provide educational material, oral or written, pertaining thereto, as well as participate in the pouring of such wine or beer.
D. Any gift authorized by this section shall be subject to the taxes imposed on sales by Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia, and complete and accurate records shall be maintained.
A. Special mixed beverage licenses may be granted to persons by the board at places primarily engaged in the sale of meals where the place to be occupied is owned by the government of the United States, or any agency thereof, is located on land used as a port of entry or egress to and from the United States, and otherwise complies with the requirements of § 7.1-21.1 of the Code of Virginia, which licenses shall convey all of the privileges and be subject to all of the requirements and regulations pertaining to mixed beverage restaurant licensees, except as otherwise altered or modified herein.
B. "Meals" need not be "full meals," but shall at least constitute "light lunches," and the gross receipts from the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages at such establishment shall be not less than 45% of the gross receipts from the sale of mixed beverages and food.
C. The annual tax on a special mixed beverage license shall be $500 and shall not be prorated; provided, however, that if application is made for a license of shorter duration, the tax thereon shall be $25 per day.
A. The following definitions shall apply for purposes of this section:
1. "Keg." Any container capable of holding four gallons or more of beer or wine and which is designed to dispense beer or wine directly from the container for purposes of consumption; and
2. "Registration seal." Any document, stamp, declaration, seal, decal, sticker or device approved by the board which is designed to be affixed to kegs and which displays a registration number and such other information as may be prescribed by the board.
B. The board may grant to any person licensed to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption, a permit to sell such alcoholic beverages in kegs for off-premises consumption. Such permit shall be subject to suspension or revocation, as provided in § 4.1-225 of the Code of Virginia. No permit shall be required, however, to sell alcoholic beverages in kegs to banquet licensees or to retail licensees for on-premises consumption. Sales of such kegs to banquet licensees shall only be permitted upon presentation of a banquet license by the purchaser to the seller.
C. B. 1. No person licensed to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, shall sell any such alcoholic beverage in a keg without having (i) obtained a permit pursuant to subsection B authorizing such sales, (ii) registered the sale on a form prescribed by the board, and (iii) (ii) affixed a registration seal on the keg at the time of sale; provided, if the purchaser takes possession of the keg at the premises of the wholesale licensee pursuant to subsection G, the wholesale licensee shall affix the registration seal.
2. Prior to the sale of alcoholic beverages in kegs, the keg registration declaration and receipt form provided by the board shall be properly completed and shall contain:
a. The name and address of the purchaser verified by valid identification as defined in 3VAC5-50-20 B.;
b. The type and number of the identification presented by the purchaser;
c. A statement, signed by the purchaser, that the purchaser is 21 years of age or older, does not intend to allow persons under 21 years of age to consume the alcoholic beverages purchased, and that the purchaser will not remove or obliterate the key registration tag affixed to the keg or allow its removal or obliteration; and
d. The particular address or location where the keg will be consumed, and the date or dates on which it will be consumed.
3. Where the purchaser obtains more than one keg for consumption at the same location and on the same date, only one keg registration declaration and receipt form must contain all required information. All other keg registration declaration and receipt forms for that particular transaction shall contain the registration number from the fully completed form as a reference and be signed by the purchaser. Such keg registration declaration and receipt forms which contain the reference number of a fully completed form and have been signed by the purchaser constitute a valid and properly completed keg registration and declaration receipt.
4. The keg registration seal affixed to the keg may serve as the purchaser's receipt. Upon receipt of a properly registered keg from a consumer, the retail licensee shall remove and obliterate the keg registration seal from the keg and note such action on the keg registration declaration and receipt form to be retained by the retail licensee on the licensed premises. Kegs made of disposable packaging do not have to be returned to the retail licensee. The retailer shall indicate on the keg declaration and receipt form that the keg was not returnable due to its disposable packaging.
D. C. For the purpose of tracing the kegs and purchaser responsibility, it shall be the responsibility of the seller to affix the properly completed and signed keg registration seal to all containers of four gallons or more of alcoholic beverages prior to the container leaving control of the seller.
E. D. Except in accordance with this section, no person shall remove, alter, deface, or obliterate the registration seal affixed to a keg pursuant to this section. Throwing away empty kegs made of disposable packaging shall not constitute obliteration of the keg registration seal. If any nonlicensee is in possession of a keg containing alcoholic beverages, and which keg does not bear the registration seal, or upon which keg the registration seal has been altered, defaced or obliterated, the container and its contents shall be deemed to be contraband and subject to seizure and forfeiture.
F. Any retail licensee granted a permit pursuant to subsection B E. Licensees shall maintain a complete and accurate record of all registration forms and other documentation of the sale of kegs at the place of business designated in his license for a period of one year. Such records shall include the registration seal for nondisposable kegs, which the retail licensee shall remove from the keg upon its return by the purchaser. Moreover, such records regarding keg sales shall during reasonable hours be open to inspection by the board or its special agents or other law-enforcement officers.
G. F. Before a purchaser may take possession of a keg at the premises of the wholesale licensee after purchasing such keg from a retail licensee, the purchaser shall be required to (i) complete the registration of the transaction at the premises of the retail licensee and (ii) deliver the registration seal to the wholesale licensee who shall affix it to the keg; however, no wholesale licensee may deliver possession of any such keg to the purchaser until the wholesale licensee has collected payment from the retail licensee pursuant to 3VAC5-30-30.
H. G. Except as authorized by the board, no person shall transfer possession of or give the registered keg or container to another person. This prohibition shall not apply, however, to the return of the registered container to the seller.
A. Any person or entity qualified for a wine and beer shipper's license or beer shipper's license pursuant to § 4.1-209.1 of the Code of Virginia, or an Internet wine and beer retailer license pursuant to subdivision 6 F 2 of § 4.1-207 § 4.1-206.3 of the Code of Virginia, or an Internet beer retailer license pursuant to subdivision A 10 of § 4.1-208 of the Code of Virginia, must apply for such license by submitting form 805-52, Application for License. In addition to the application, each applicant shall submit as attachments a list of all brands of wine or beer sought to be shipped by the applicant, along with the board-assigned code numbers for each brand or a copy of the label approval by the appropriate federal agency for any brand not previously approved for sale in Virginia pursuant to 3VAC5-40-20 that will be sold only through direct shipment to consumers.
If the applicant is not also the brand owner of the brands listed in the application, the applicant shall obtain and submit with the application a dated letter identifying each brand, from the brand owner or any wholesale distributor authorized to distribute the brand, addressed to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, indicating the brand owner's or wholesale distributor's consent to the applicant's shipping the brand to Virginia consumers.
The applicant shall attach (i) a photocopy of its current license as a winery, farm winery, brewery, or alcoholic beverage retailer issued by the appropriate authority for the location from which shipments will be made and (ii) evidence of the applicant's registration with the Virginia Department of Taxation for the collection of Virginia retail sales tax.
B. Any brewery, winery, or farm winery that applies for a shipper's license or consents to the application by any other person, other than a retail off-premises licensee, for a license to ship such brewery's, winery's, or farm winery's brands of wine or beer shall notify all wholesale licensees that have been authorized to distribute such brands in Virginia that an application for a shipper's license has been filed. Such notification shall be by a dated letter to each such wholesale licensee, setting forth the brands that wholesaler has been authorized to distribute in Virginia for which a shipper's license has been applied. A copy of each such letter shall be forwarded to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, by the brewery, winery, or farm winery.
C. Any holder of a wine or and beer shipper's license, or Internet wine and beer retailer's license, or Internet beer retailer's license may add or delete brands to be shipped by letter to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, designating the brands to be added or deleted. Any letter adding brands shall be accompanied by any appropriate brand-owner consents or notices to wholesalers as required with an original application.
D. Any brand owner that consents to a holder of a wine and beer shipper's license, beer shipper's license, or Internet wine and beer retailer's license, or Internet beer retailer's license shipping its brands to Virginia consumers may withdraw such consent by a dated letter to the affected wine or and beer shipper's licensee, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee, or Internet beer retailer's licensee. Copies of all such withdrawals shall be forwarded by the brand owner, by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section. Withdrawals shall become effective upon receipt of the copy by the Tax Management Section, as evidenced by the postmark on the return receipt.
E. Wine and beer shipper's licensees, beer shipper's licensees, and Internet wine and beer retailer's licensees, and Internet beer retailer's licensees shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all shipments made under the privileges of such licenses, including for each shipment:
1. Number of containers shipped;
2. Volume of each container shipped;
3. Brand of each container shipped;
4. Names and addresses of recipients; and
5. Price charged.
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
F. On or before the 15th day of each month, each wine and beer shipper's licensee, beer shipper's licensee, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee, or Internet beer retailer's licensee shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, either in paper form or electronically as directed by the department, a report of activity for the previous calendar month. Such report shall include:
1. Whether any shipments were made during the month; and
2. If shipments were made, the following information for each shipment:
a. Number of containers shipped;
b. Volume of each container shipped;
c. Brand of each container shipped;
d. Names and addresses of recipients; and
e. Price charged.
Unless otherwise paid, payment of the appropriate beer or wine tax shall accompany each report.
G. All shipments by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses, beer shipper's licenses, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licenses, or Internet beer retailer's licenses shall be by approved common carrier only. Common carriers possessing all necessary licenses or permits to operate as common carriers in Virginia may apply for approval to provide common carriage of wine or beer, or both, shipped by holders of wine and beer shipper's licenses, beer shipper's licenses, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licenses, or Internet beer retailer's licenses by dated letter to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, requesting such approval and agreeing to perform deliveries of beer or wine shipped, maintain records, and submit reports in accordance with the requirements of this section. The board may refuse, suspend, or revoke approval if it shall have reasonable cause to believe that a carrier does not possess all necessary licenses or permits, that a carrier has failed to comply with the regulations of the board, or that a cause exists with respect to the carrier that would authorize the board to refuse, suspend, or revoke a license pursuant to Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia. Before refusing, suspending, or revoking such approval, the board shall follow the same administrative procedures accorded an applicant or licensee under Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia and regulations of the board.
H. When attempting to deliver wine or beer shipped by a wine and beer shipper's licensee, beer shipper's licensee, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensee, or Internet beer retailer's licensee, an approved common carrier shall require:
1. The recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that the recipient is at least 21 years of age; and
2. The recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgment of receipt that allows the maintenance of the records required by this section.
The approved common carrier shall refuse delivery when the proposed recipient appears to be younger than 21 years of age and refuses to present valid identification. All licensees shipping wine or beer pursuant to this section shall affix a conspicuous notice in 16-point type or larger to the outside of each package of wine or beer shipped within or into the Commonwealth, in a conspicuous location stating: "CONTAINS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; SIGNATURE OF PERSON AGED 21 YEARS OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY." Such notice shall also contain the wine and beer shipper's, beer shipper's, or Internet wine and beer retailer's license, or Internet beer retailer's license number of the shipping licensee. No approved common carrier shall accept for shipment any wine or beer to be shipped to anyone other than a licensee of the board unless the package bears the information required by this subsection.
I. Approved common carriers shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all shipments of wine or beer received from and delivered for wine or and beer shipper's licensees, or Internet wine and beer retailer's licensees, or Internet beer retailer's licensees, including for each shipment:
1. Date of shipment and delivery;
2. Number of items shipped and delivered;
3. Weight of items shipped and delivered;
4. Acknowledgement Acknowledgment signed by recipient; and
5. Names and addresses of shippers and recipients.
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
J. On or before the 15th day of each January, April, July, and October, each approved common carrier shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, a report of activity for the previous calendar quarter. Such report shall include:
1. Whether any shipments were delivered during the quarter; and
2. If shipments were made, the following information for each shipment:
a. Dates of each delivery; and
b. Names and address of shippers and recipients for each delivery.
A. Any out of state person or entity qualified for a delivery permit pursuant to § 4.1-212.1 of the Code of Virginia must apply for such permit by submitting Form 805-52, Retail License Application. The applicant shall attach (i) a photocopy of its current license as a winery, farm winery, brewery, or an alcoholic beverage retailer that is authorized to sell wine or beer at retail for off-premises consumption, issued by the appropriate authority for the location from which deliveries will be made and (ii) evidence of the applicant's registration with the Virginia Department of Taxation for the collection of Virginia retail sales tax.
B. Delivery permittees and licensees with delivery privileges shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all deliveries made under the privileges of such permits, including for each delivery:
1. Number of containers delivered;
2. Volume of each container delivered;
3. Brand of each container delivered;
4. Names and addresses of recipients;
5. Signature of recipient; and
6. Price charged for the wine or beer delivered.
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
C. On or before the 15th day of each month, each delivery permittee and licensees with delivery privileges shall file with the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, a report of activity for the previous calendar month, if any deliveries were made during the month. Such report shall include the following information for each delivery:
1. Number of containers delivered;
2. Volume of each container delivered;
3. Brand of each container delivered;
4. Names and addresses of recipients; and
5. Price charged for the wine or beer delivered.
Unless previously paid, payment of the appropriate beer or wine tax imposed by § 4.1-234 or 4.1-236 of the Code of Virginia shall accompany each report. If no wine or beer was sold and delivered in any month, the permittee shall not be required to submit a report for that month; however, every permittee must submit a report no less frequently than once every 12 months even if no sales or deliveries have been made in the preceding 12 months.
D. All deliveries by holders of delivery permits and licensees with delivery privileges shall be performed by the owner or any agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee.
E. No more than four cases of wine nor more than four cases of beer may be delivered at one time to any person, except that a permittee or licensee may deliver more than four cases of wine or more than four cases of beer if he notifies the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, in writing at least one business day in advance of such delivery. Any notice given pursuant to this section shall include the number of containers to be delivered, the volume of each container to be delivered, the brand of each container to be delivered, and the name and address of the intended recipient.
F. When attempting to deliver wine or beer pursuant to a delivery permit or license privilege, an owner, agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee shall require:
1. The recipient to demonstrate, upon delivery, that he is at least 21 years of age; and
2. The recipient to sign an electronic or paper form or other acknowledgment of receipt that allows the maintenance of the records required by this section.
The owner, agent, officer, director, shareholder, or employee of the permittee or licensee shall refuse delivery when the proposed recipient appears to be under the age of 21 years and refuses to present valid identifications. All permittees delivering wine or beer pursuant to this section shall affix a conspicuous notice in 16-point type or larger to the outside of each package of wine or beer delivered in the Commonwealth, in a conspicuous location stating: "CONTAINS ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; SIGNATURE OF PERSON AGED 21 YEARS OR OLDER REQUIRED FOR DELIVERY." Such notice shall also contain the delivery permit number of the delivering permittee.
A. Any holder of a wine or and beer shipper's license wishing to use the services of a marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse, as defined in § 4.1-209.1 of the Code of Virginia, must use an approved marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse. Marketing portals or fulfillment warehouses licensed to perform such services by the state in which they are located may apply for approval to provide such services to holders of Virginia wine or beer shipper's licenses by letter to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, requesting such approval. Each applicant shall submit as attachments copies of all licenses issued by the state in which its place of business is located that authorize the provision of the services to be provided. A marketing portal shall submit as attachments copies of documents showing that it is properly organized as an agricultural cooperative in the state where it is located. The board may refuse, suspend, or revoke approval if it shall have reasonable cause to believe that a marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse is not licensed to provide such services by its home state, that it has failed to comply with the regulations of the board, or that a cause exists with respect to the marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse that would authorize the board to refuse, suspend, or revoke a license pursuant to § 4.1-100 et seq. of Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia. Before refusing, suspending, or revoking such approval, the board shall follow the same administrative procedures accorded an applicant or licensee under § 4.1-100 et seq. of Title 4.1 of the Code of Virginia and regulations of the board.
B. Any approved marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse shall, prior to performing services for a wine or and beer shipper's licensee, enter into a written contract. The contract must designate the marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse as the agent of the shipper for the purposes of complying with the provisions of this regulation and §§ 4.1-209 §§ 4.1-206.3 and 4.1-209.1 of the Code of Virginia. A copy of each such contract shall be submitted by the marketing portal or fulfillment warehouse to the Supervisor, Tax Management Section, Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority, prior to the commencement of services.
C. Approved fulfillment warehouses shall maintain for two years complete and accurate records of all shipments made on behalf of Virginia wine or and beer shippers, including for each shipment:
1. Number of containers shipped;
2. Volume of each container shipped;
3. Brand of each container shipped; and
4. Names and addresses of recipients.
The records required by this subsection shall be made available for inspection and copying by any member of the board or its special agents upon request.
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcohol, #703-69 (eff. 11/1987)
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages, #703-73
Mixed Beverage Annual Review-Instructions for Completion, #805-44 (rev. 11/2006)
Application for Off Premises Keg Permit, #805-45 (eff. 1/93).
Special Event License Application Addendum-Notice to Special Event Licenses Applicants, Form SE-1 (rev. 08/2002)
Statement of Income & Expenses for Special Event Licenses (with instructions), Form SE-2 (rev. 08/2002)
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcohol (rev. 11/2015)
Order and Permit for Transportation of Alcoholic Beverages (rev. 11/2015)
Instructions for Completion of the Mixed Beverage Annual Report and Inventory Report (rev. 6/2018)
Application for Grain Alcohol Permit, #805-75 (filed 8/2021)
Alcohol Seller/Server Training Data Form and Evaluation Form (eff. 7/2009)