Proposed Text
18VAC150-20-185. Renewal of veterinary establishment registrations.
A. Every veterinary establishment shall be required to renew the registration by January 1 of each year and pay to the board a registration fee as prescribed in 18VAC150-20-100.
B. Failure to renew the establishment registration by January
1 of each year shall cause the registration to expire and become invalid.
Practicing veterinary medicine in an establishment with an expired registration
may subject a licensee or registration holder to disciplinary action by the
board. The registration may be reinstated renewed without
reinspection within 30 days of expiration, provided the board receives a
properly executed renewal application, renewal fee, and a late fee as
prescribed in 18VAC150-20-100.
C. Reinstatement of an expired registration after 30 days
shall be at the discretion of the board and contingent upon a reinspection
properly executed reinstatement application and payment of the late fee,
the reinspection fee, the renewal fee and the veterinary establishment
registration reinstatement fee. A reinspection is required when an
establishment is reinstated.