Time Waiver Request
Since more than 180 days have passed since the end of the
stage, a Time Frame Waiver must be granted by the Governor's office.
This waiver was requested on 6/3/2013
Agency Reason: We planned to have a comprehensive review of all of the State Forest regulations' sections completed for submission under the standard reulatory process by the end of 2012. Unfortunately, we were not able to complete the full review in our target time line. I have now finished work on amendments to almost every section and they have been provided to the new Board of Forestry, and a NOIRA has been submitted. I am requesting this waiver to insure that DOF has the authority to charge the original feed of $15 (formerly in Code) until the full public review of the entire state forest regulations is complete and final regulations are adopted.
The request was approved on 10/11/2013
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