Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Energy
Department of Energy

General Notice
Public Notice for FY2019 Abandoned Mine Land Consolidated Grant
Date Posted: 2/12/2019
Expiration Date: 3/15/2019
Submitted to Registrar for publication: NO
No comment forum defined for this notice.




The Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy’s (DMME) Division of Mined Land Reclamation (DMLR) submitted a grant request to the U. S. Department of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining and Reclamation Enforcement (OSMRE) for funding of the Fiscal Year 2019 Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Consolidated Grant. The AML Consolidated Grant provides support for program administration and construction projects for Virginia’s AML programs.

The AML Administration program provides support for Virginia’s AML program to protect the public health, safety and general welfare from the adverse effects of coal mining practices that occurred prior to the enactment of the Federal Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (the Act). The AML Construction Reclamation program provides funding for the reclamation of abandoned mine sites that endanger public health, safety and general welfare and are the result of adverse impacts of past coal mining practices prior to the Act. The information in this notice is current as of the publication date but is subject to change and is not binding to the government. Subject to federal funding, the following categories for projects will be solicited.

1.   Engineering Projects FY2019

Engineering provides for design work, realty and environmental permitting for AML reclamation projects.

2.   Maintenance Projects FY2019

Maintenance provides for repair work on previously completed projects.

  1. Coalfield Projects FY2019

      Coalfield projects will be performed in accordance with Virginia’s Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation plan, as amended and in accordance with the provisions of P.L. 95-87, as amended, the Title IV regulations, and the Federal Assistance Manual. The intent of reclamation will be to address priority 1, 2, and 3 features within specific problem areas. Reclamation of priority 3 features will be either an integral part of, or incidental to reclamation of priority 1 and 2 features.


  1. Tree Planting Projects FY2019

      Trees will be planted on AML sites throughout the southwest Virginia coalfields. Trees will also be planted on AML Enhancement Projects as a component of government financing of enhancement projects.


How to Respond:


This is a public notice only; it is not a request for competitive proposals.  It is issued solely for information and planning purposes. It does not constitute a solicitation nor does it restrict the government as to the ultimate acquisition approach.  Not responding to this public notice does not preclude participation in any future request for proposal, if any is issued.


The formal closing date for this announcement and submission of responses is February 28, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. local time.  The submission of all questions and responses should be electronic, with the subject heading of: Company Name, GR617510, to the following e-mail:  dmmeinfo@dmme.Virginia.Gov.  DMME will respond to all inquiries by posting the answers under this announcement titled “Questions and Answers” and will remain posted until March 14, 2018.


Contact Information
Name / Title: Clara Harris  / Grants Administrator
Address: PO Drawer 900
Big Stone Gap, 24219
Email Address:
Telephone: (276)523-8110    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-