Department of Planning, Zoning and Wetlands
Mathews County VA
FROM: Teresa Sanger, Wetlands and Marine Projects Coordinator
Pursuant to Chapter 14 of Title 28.2 of the Code of Virginia, you are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held by the Mathews County Wetlands Board at their meeting beginning at 7:00 pm. on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, in the Historic Courthouse at the corner of Church Street and Court Street, Mathews, Virginia to consider the following applications:
Wesley Taylor, 497 Buckschase Road, VMRC #24-2512, TM #12A-2-A-100 lf vinyl groin with a 30' riprap T-Head at the channelward end, located on a portion of the Chesapeake Bay shoreline.
Should anyone wish to comment but is unable to attend the public hearing, comments/inquiries may be submitted prior to the hearing to: Mathews County Wetlands Board P. 0. Box 839, Mathews, VA 23109 or .
The Mathews County Board does not discriminate against individuals with disabilities. If you are in need of reasonable accommodations due to a disability, please advise the Mathews County Wetlands Office at 804-362-0263 no less than five (5) working days prior to the meeting time and identify your need.
Name / Title: | Beth Howell / Office Manager |
Address: |
380 Fenwick Road Building 96 Fort Monroe, 23651 |
Email Address: | |
Telephone: | (757)247-2214 FAX: (757)247-2002 TDD: ()- |