Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality

General Notice
Collier Solar Project Notice of Intent – Small Renewable Energy Project (Solar) – DEQ Project Number RE0000335
Date Posted: 11/19/2024
Expiration Date: 1/8/2025
Submitted to Registrar for publication: YES
No comment forum defined for this notice.

HCE Collier Solar, LLC has provided the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) a notice of intent (NOI) to submit the necessary documentation for a permit by rule for a small renewable energy project (solar) in Wise County, Virginia, pursuant to Virginia Regulation 9VAC15-60. The Collier Solar project is located on approximately 160 acres in Wise County, Virginia, at the end of Choctaw Road and on the north side of the road across from 7364 S Fork Road, Pound, VA. The coordinates for the center of the project are 37.095760N, -82.634524W. The project will have a maximum capacity of 7.50 MW AC. The array will utilize approximately 17,725 solar modules mounted to a single axis tracking system and interconnected to the local distribution network. The maximum equipment height will be 10 feet, excluding typical utility poles that connect the site to the power grid. The developer is Holocene Energy.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Matthew Snow  / Small Renewable Energy PBR Program Specialist
Address: 1111 E Main St., Suite 1400
Richmond, 23233
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)718-9569    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-