This memo shall serve as your official meeting notice of the King George County Wetlands Board.
The meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 20th, 2024, in the memorial room of the
Smoot Library starting at 6:30 pm.
NSF Dahlgren is requesting a renewal to Wetlands Permit VMRC #21-0584, authorization to
stabilize and restore 10,219 linear feet of eroding shoreline using stone breakwaters, cobble
beach aprons, between the breakwaters, stone headland structures, stone sills, marsh creation,
and upland bank protection. This project is located near the mouth of the Upper Machodoc and
along the Potomac River, located on NSF Dahlgren, Tax Map 10, Parcel 13.
A full packet to include the agenda and additional materials will be sent to Members of the Board
one week prior to the meeting.
If this meeting date conflicts with your schedule, please contact me directly or make the
Department of Community Development aware at your earliest convenience.