Public Notice
The Northampton County Wetlands Board will meet and conduct public hearings on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. or shortly thereafter in the Board Chambers located at 16404 Courthouse Road in Eastville, VA, for the purpose of considering the following wetlands/coastal primary sand dunes matters and to conduct regular business. Site visits to the properties will be conducted on the same date, starting at 8:00 a.m.
VMRC 2024-1222: BC Real Estate, LLC and David 8. Tankard are applying for a permit to install a stone breakwater and beach nourishment north of an existing breakwater. The property is located on Savage Neck Road, Cape Charles, VA, and is further described as Tax Map 66-A-14 along the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay.
VMRC 2024-1808: Rachel Stevens and Michael Varricchio are applying for a permit to install a rip-rap revetment. The property is located at 31400 Latimers Bluff Road, Cape Charles, VA, and is further described as Tax Map 117 A-6-A 1 along the shoreline of the Chesapeake Bay.
Anyone interested in the above matters should attend the scheduled public hearings. The applications may be viewed in the Planning, Permitting, and Enforcement Office located at 16404 Courthouse Road in Eastville, VA. Written comments can be submitted to the Planning, Permitting, and Enforcement Office
P.O. Box 538, Eastville, VA 23347.
Handicapped Assistance Available: Please call (757) 678-0440 extension 516 at least 48 hours in advance.
Marshall Cox, Chairman Wetlands Board
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