PURPOSE OF NOTICE: To seek public comment and announce a public hearing on a draft construction permit from the Department of Environmental Quality for a major air pollution source in Westmoreland County, Va.
PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: January 26, 2022 to March 15, 2022
PUBLIC HEARING: Public meeting room, George D. English, Sr. Memorial Bldg., 111 Polk St., Montross VA 22520 on February 28, 2022 at 6:00pm.
INFORMATION BRIEFING: Same date and location as the public hearing, 30 minutes prior to public hearing from 5:30pm.
PERMIT NAME: Major Source Construction Permit issued by DEQ , under the authority of the Air Pollution Control Board
APPLICANT NAME AND REGISTRATION NUMBER: Potomac Supply LLC, Registration Number 40371
FACILITY NAME AND ADDRESS: Potomac Supply LLC, 1398 Kinsale RD., Kinsale, VA
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Potomac Supply LLC has applied for a permit to construct a project at their lumber processing facility in Kinsale, VA. The proposed project would allow them to construct and operate a new drying kiln. The facility is classified as a major source of air pollution. The maximum annual emissions of air pollutants from the new kiln are expected to be: 258 tons of VOC, 86 tons of CO, 9 tons of NOx, 8 tons of PM10, and 8 tons of PM2.5. The applicant proposes to use bark and sawdust for fuel in the new kiln. The technology that will be used to control the air pollution from the new project is an electrostatic precipitator to control PM, overfire air to control NOx, and proper operation of the drying kiln to control VOC. The estimated effect on air quality near the facility from the proposed project was examined using EPA ozone modeling (for NOx and VOC) and the predicted ozone concentration in the vicinity of the facility was found to comply with the 8-hour ozone NAAQS.
HOW TO COMMENT AND/OR REQUEST BOARD CONSIDERATION: DEQ accepts comments and requests for Board consideration by hand-delivery, email, fax, or postal mail. All comments and requests must be in writing and be received by DEQ during the comment period. Submittals must include the names, mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the commenter/requester and of all persons represented by the commenter/requester. A request for Board consideration must include: 1) The reason why Board consideration is requested, 2) A brief informal statement regarding the nature and extent of the interest of the requester, including how and to what extent such interest would be directly and adversely affected by the permit, 3) Specific references, where possible, to terms and conditions of the permit with suggested revisions. Board consideration may be granted if public response is significant, based on individual requests for Board consideration, and there are substantial, disputed issues relevant to the permit.
Contact for public comments, document requests, and additional information: Alison Sinclair, Piedmont Regional Office, 4949 Cox Rd., Suite A, Glen Allen, VA 23060; Phone: 804.489.1008; email: alison.sinclair@deq.virginia.gov; Fax: 804.698.4178
The public may review the draft permit and application at the DEQ office named above or may request copies of the documents from the contact person listed above.
Name / Title: | Alison Sinclair |
Address: |
4949 Cox Rd.Suite A Glen Allen, 23060 |
Email Address: | alison.sinclair@deq.virginia.gov |
Telephone: | (804)489-1008 FAX: (804)698-4178 TDD: ()- |