Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission

General Notice
June 25, 2024 Regulatory Changes
Date Posted: 6/7/2024
Expiration Date: 6/25/2024
Submitted to Registrar for publication: NO
15 Day Comment Forum closed. Began on 6/6/2024 and ended 6/21/2024   [1 comments]

I. Chapter 4VAC20-270-10 et seq., “Pertaining to Blue Crab Fishery”

The Commission proposes to amend Chapter 4VAC20-270-10 et seq., “Pertaining to Blue Crab Fishery,” to establish management measures, including season and bushel limits, for the 2024-2025 commercial crab fisheries and to amend the daily time limits for commercial harvest.

The purpose of these amendments is to conserve the blue crab resource and to increase time-of-day flexibility for commercial crabbers .

II. Chapter 4VAC20-1140-10 et seq., “Prohibition of Crab Dredging in Virginia Waters”

The Commission proposes to amend Chapter 4VAC20-1140-10 et seq., “Prohibition of Crab Dredging in Virginia Waters” to close the December 1, 2024, through March 31, 2025, winter commercial crab dredge fishing season, in accordance with the provisions of Section 28.2-707 of the Code of Virginia.

The purpose of this closure is to conserve the blue crab resource.

III. Chapter 4VAC20-140-10 et seq., “Pertaining to the Identification and Location of Crab Pots, Peeler Pots, Eel Pots, and Fish Pots”

The Commission proposes to amend Chapter 4VAC20-140-10 et seq., “Pertaining to the Identification and Location of Crab Pots, Peeler Pots, Eel Pots, and Fish Pots” to clarify the height required for identifying information on crab and eel pot buoys as described in Section 28.2-712 of the Code of Virginia.

The purpose of these amendments is to clarify existing language in accordance with Section 28.2-712 of the Code of Virginia.

A copy of the draft evaluations (after June 20) and draft regulations for the amendments can be found at

Contact Information
Name / Title: Jennifer Farmer  / Regulatory Coordinator
Address: 380 Fenwick Road
Building 96
Fort Monroe, 23651
Email Address:
Telephone: (757)247-2248    FAX: (757)247-2002    TDD: ()-