Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Medical Assistance Services
Board of Medical Assistance Services

General Notice
Public Comment: FAMIS MOMS Demonstration Amendment: 12 Months Postpartum Coverage
Date Posted: 2/19/2021
Expiration Date: 3/22/2021
Submitted to Registrar for publication: YES
31 Day Comment Forum closed. Began on 2/19/2021 and ended 3/22/2021   [2 comments]

FAMIS MOMS and FAMIS Select Title XXI Section 1115 Demonstration Amendment: 12 Months Postpartum Coverage

Pursuant to 42 CFR § 431.408, DMAS is providing a notice of intent to submit to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) a request to amend its Title XXI Section 1115 Demonstration for the FAMIS MOMS and FAMIS Select programs.

DMAS is providing an opportunity for members of the public to review and provide input on the FAMIS MOMS Section 1115 Demonstration Amendment – 12 Months Postpartum Coverage. The public comment period will take place from February 19 through March 22, 2021.

Virginia’s Title XXI Section 1115 Demonstration has two components. First, it expands Title XXI coverage to uninsured pregnant women with family income up to 205% of the federal poverty level (FPL) who are not eligible for Medicaid, through a program known as FAMIS MOMS. Second, it uses Title XXI funds to support a health insurance premium assistance program known as FAMIS Select.

DMAS plans to submit an amendment to the FAMIS MOMS and FAMIS Select Section 1115 Demonstration that would extend health coverage from 60 days to 12 months postpartum for pregnant women with income below 205 percent of the federal poverty limit (FPL) who are not eligible to transition to another coverage group postpartum. Through this amendment to the demonstration, Virginia will have the opportunity to test the hypotheses that 12-month postpartum coverage will reduce maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, improve health outcomes, and advance health equity.

This amendment is being submitted pursuant to a mandate from the Virginia General Assembly in the 2020 Special Session budget, directing DMAS to seek federal approval to provide extended postpartum coverage.

To read the full Public Notice and view the draft FAMIS MOMS Demonstration Amendment: 12 Months Postpartum Coverage, please visit the DMAS website at Information regarding the Demonstration Amendment can be found at that webpage, and DMAS will update the website throughout the public comment and application process.

To read the most recent Prenatal Care and Birth Outcomes Focused Study reports from DMAS’ External Quality Review Organization (EQRO), please visit Additional information about the FAMIS MOMS and FAMIS Select Demonstration is also available on the CMS website at


Public Comment

The public comment period for the Demonstration amendment will take place from February 19 through March 22, 2021. All comments must be received by 11:59 p.m. (Eastern Time) on Monday, March 22, 2021. Public comments may be submitted by e-mail to or by voicemail to 804-225-3002. Due to the potential for mail distribution delays during the COVID-19 public health emergency, we do not recommend submitting comments by postal mail or by UPS/FedEx at this time.

A virtual public hearing during which members of the public may comment on the demonstration amendment will be held at the quarterly Children’s Health Insurance Program Advisory Committee (CHIPAC) meeting on March 4, 2021, from 1:00 to 3:30 PM. Comments will be limited to two minutes each. In order to participate in the public hearing, please use the following information:

Link to Join:

Meeting ID:  983 2487 6649

Passcode:  909526 

Call-in numbers (Dial by your location):

  +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
  +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
  +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

After considering public comments about the proposed demonstration amendment, DMAS will summarize these comments and agency responses, incorporate any changes based on the public comments into the application, and submit a revised application to CMS. The summary of comments, as well as copies of written comments received, will be posted for public viewing on the DMAS website along with the demonstration amendment application when it is submitted to CMS.

Contact Information
Name / Title: Hope Richardson  / Senior Policy Analyst, CHIP/FAMIS
Address: 600 East Broad Street
Richmond, 23219
Email Address:
Telephone: (804)418-4468    FAX: ()-    TDD: ()-