Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission
Marine Resources Commission

Meeting Details
Date / Time 12/5/2023  9:30 am
Type Physical Location Only 
Location 380 Fenwick Rd, Ft. Monroe, VA 23651 
Board Website 
Agenda document agency has not posted
Minutes document pdf Meeting minutes 10/8/2024   (154k)       FINAL
Disability Friendly? Yes       Deaf interpreter available upon request? Yes
Purpose of the meeting
Monthly Commission Meeting
Meeting Scope
Public hearing to receive comment on a proposed stage
General business of the board
Discuss particular regulations / chapters
The agency plans to discuss the following regulations at this meeting:
4 VAC 20-770 Piankatank River Management Area
4 VAC 20-780 Patent Tong Restrictions
4 VAC 20-790 Open Public Oyster Rocks, Pocomoke Sound
4 VAC 20-810 Opening of John East Turn and Poynter Rocks and Closing Beaseley Bay Rock and Deep Creek Channel, Buoy No. 7
4 VAC 20-830 A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Russ Rock, Rappahannock River
4 VAC 20-850 Expansion of the Jail Island Clean Cull Area
4 VAC 20-860 A Change in the Oyster Cull Size for Oysters Harvested from Little Carters Rock, Rappahannock River

Contact Information
Name / Title: Michele Guilford  / Commissioner's Secretary
Address: 380 Fenwick Road
Building 96
Ft. Monroe, 23651
Email Address:
Telephone: (757)247-2269    FAX: (757)247-2020    TDD: ()-