Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired
New version being considered. See history below.
Guidance Document Information
Title PPD 22-04 Referral
Document ID 7353
Summary This policy and procedures directive reflects changes made to the Rehabilitation Teaching Policy and Procedures Manual, Chapter 1 pertaining to Referrals.
Effective Date 12/19/2022
pdf View document text     Posted On 12/19/2022                 Document on Town Hall
Explanation or Citations DBVI must establish and implement standards for the prompt and equitable handling of referrals of individuals for rehabilitation and independent living services. The standards must include timelines for making good faith efforts to inform these individuals of application requirements and to gather information necessary to initiate an assessment for determining eligibility. The Rehabilitation T

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Public Comment Forums / Change History
Proposed Change Register Date Status
Deletion of PPD DS-22-04 Referral. This PPD to DBVI employees regarding referral to the Rehabilitation Teaching program is an internal agency policy document. Elimination of 285 words and 2 pages. 7/1/2024 Forum is underway and will end on 7/31/2024. Currently 0 Comments.

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