Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Housing and Community Development
Guidance Document Information
Title Continuing Education Policy Applicable to BHCD Certified Code Enforcement Personnel
Document ID 5902
Summary The Jack A. Proctor Virginia Building Code Academy (JPVBCA) currently provides a comprehensive basic or advanced functional level of training to the state’s code enforcement personnel, generally in the first 12 to18 months of their position hire or appointment date. As the field of code enforcement increases its professional capacity, so does the need for participation in a higher competency level of training, professional career development opportunities, and ongoing skill development activities. The establishment of continuing education requirements and the receipt of attendance credit encourage and support professional advancement, and thus enhance the proficiency capability of the individual and the professional capacity of both the code enforcement community and the locality.
Effective Date 10/1/2012
pdf View document text     Posted On 12/18/2015                 Document on Town Hall

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