Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Guidance Document Information
Title Monitoring and Assessment of Lakes and Reservoirs
Document ID GM09-2005
Summary This guidance supersedes all agency Lake Monitoring Guidance prior to 2009 (GM02-2004) and provides direction to agency staff on how to implement lake/reservoir water quality monitoring. Significant updates to this guidance since 2002 include implementing the new surface water quality standard regulation (9 VAC 25-260-187), effective as of August 14, 2007, which added nutrient criteria for significant man-made lakes and reservoirs and the two natural lakes in Virginia. Current Triennial Review updates to this Standard include the definition of lacustrine zone, which allows for dissolved oxygen sampling throughout the lake and adds several additional lakes (6) to the significant lakes list.
Effective Date 12/11/2020
pdf View document text     Posted On 12/14/2020                 Document on Town Hall
Explanation or Citations 12/14/2020 - Clean (non-markup version) uploaded.

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[9 VAC 25] State Water Control Board
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This guidance supersedes all agency Monitoring of Lakes and Reservoirs prior to 2020 and provides direction to agency staff on how to implement lake/reservoir water quality monitoring. Significant updates to this guidance since 2002 include implementing the new surface water quality standard regulat.... 11/9/2020 Forum ended on 12/9/2020 with 0 Comments.
Significant updates to this guidance since 2009 include implementing updates to the surface water quality standard regulation (9 VAC 25-260-50), effective as of June 5, 2017, which applies pH criterion only to the epilimnion in thermally stratified man-made lakes or reservoirs. pH criteria apply thr.... 4/1/2019 Forum ended on 5/1/2019 with 0 Comments. [Changes Withdrawn]

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