Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Corrections
Guidance Document Information
Title Cost of Maintenance of Jails
Document ID BOC Policy 30-6
Summary Certain capital outlay expenses may be incurred for necessary repairs, improvements or additions to a regional correctional facility along with maintenance costs. Such costs shall be borne ratably by the several counties, cities or towns using such facility. The Board shall determine the amount to be paid by each county, city or town & furnish a statement of the cost shares to the governing body of each county, city & town involved, which shall depend on the “rate per felon day” figure certified by the Compensation Board. Subject to Board approval, DOC shall develop general guidelines to assist localities in complying with the intent of the law & in requesting reimbursements of expenses.
Effective Date 6/1/2013
pdf View document text     Posted On 12/4/2013                 Document on Town Hall
Explanation or Citations §53.1 5, Powers and Duties of Board §53.1-83.1, How state appropriations for operating costs of local correctional facilities determined §53.1 87, Cost of maintenance of jails; payment by localities of respective shares of costs; judicial resolution of disagreements

This document applies to the following chapters
[6 VAC 15-80] Standards for Planning, Design, Construction and Reimbursement of Local Correctional Facilities
Public Comment Forums / Change History
Proposed Change Register Date Status
Repeal seven guidance documents that were rescinded by the Board of Local and Regional Jails Under Review To Be Determined

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