Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: In 2021, the Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 1904 and Senate Bill 1196, and was signed into law by Governor Northam. The law establishes new requirements to support culturally competent educators in the Commonwealth. The Guidance on Cultural Competency Training for Teachers and Other Licensed School Board Employees in Virginia Public Schools was developed for the Board to fulfill the statutory mandate to provide guidance on the minimum standards for the local training requirement.


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12/7/21  5:32 pm
Commenter: The Virginia Project

Culturally Responsive Education is CRT in Application

Culturally Responsive Education is CRT in practical application. It was created by Gloria Ladson-Billings. It does not belong in our schools and sure shouldn't be used to evaluate teachers. It is a political theory that was created in an echo chamber. It is anti-American to the core. It is rooted in Marxist principles, critical theory, black nationalism, and anti-Semitism. It violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Bill of Rights. 


CommentID: 116786

12/7/21  6:08 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Please Focus on What Matters

If teachers could teach boys as well as girls for decades because sex doesn’t matter, teachers still can teach every child just as effectively, no matter what their sexual orientation is. Teachers are already exhausted, underpaid, and need our support now more than ever. Making them go through a program that, while is an important thing for citizens to think about, is really unrelated to their teaching skills and distract them from their jobs. This is why public schools cost tax-payers tremendous amount of money; programs that don’t really benefit teachers or students at the end of the day, no matter how wonderful they sound in theory. And American students only fall further and further behind their international peers. Please. Stop. It. 

CommentID: 116787

12/7/21  7:00 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Cultural Responsiveness

As an long time educator in VA I have seen firsthand how this “cultural responsiveness”

has permeated through so much of what we do. It is absolutely not needed 

and only serves to virtue signal for the young liberal teachers. Most seasoned teachers roll our eyes and think it’s all a big waste of time and money that should be spent on teaching in critical areas such as reading and math. Virginia schools have slipped during COVId.. let’s focus on getting students on track as opposed to CRT-driven babble.  

CommentID: 116788

12/7/21  7:09 pm

Cultural Competency Training

I am a retired educator and have paid some attention to recent developments, so I hope you will pay attention to my words. First, I have worked in a number of fields–psychology, construction, engineering, etc.--and in none of these have I found the distinction between theory and application to be as sharp as in education. Pedagogy is remarkably detached from what actually takes place in those buildings with all the desks and children. Similarly, the CCT document your agency offered for public comment is incredibly short on details. What you have here is some heartwarming but pseudoscientific balderdash. These notions make everyone feel good as long as they’re just talk, but when the initiative reaches the point of implementation–when you have to itemize exactly what changes you’re going to make–it’s going to be a disaster. I do not think you can define or quantify very much of this at all, and I do not believe that this will lead to “Creat(ing) safe, and culturally affirming learning environments where all dimensions of diversity are respected and all students are held to high expectations” to quote the text, especially the part about high expectations.

CommentID: 116789

12/7/21  7:13 pm
Commenter: Harry Chernoff

School is for education. This is not education.

This is not education.  This is social justice training, social and emotional learning, and inevitably lowering of standards to achieve equity, despite the claim to not lower the standards.

Teach the children reading, writing, and arithmetic.  Teach them STEM.  Teach them civics and history, the good and the bad.  Teach them that most of the world exists outside the United States.  Teach them in terms of equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.  Teach them that homework matters.  Teach them that rigorous standards matter and that they apply equally to everyone.  Teach them to think critically, rationally, objectively, and with an open mind.  Teach them agency - that they are individuals who can think and act like individuals, not members of some opressed or oppressor group that must think and act like members of that group.  Teach them that they can achieve as much as any of their peers if they put in the effort.  Teach them that individual ethnicities will not be singled out for special treatment or special cultural competency.  

Teach them to be proud of themselves, proud of their families, proud of their community, and proud of their country.





CommentID: 116790

12/7/21  7:14 pm
Commenter: Western Virginia

Say No To CRT

This is CRT in disguise!  Absolutely not...I will pull my children!

CommentID: 116791

12/7/21  7:19 pm
Commenter: TL Hess


We The People do not want this in our SCHOOLS!!!

CommentID: 116792

12/7/21  7:25 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Parental Educational Bill of Rights VAZ

Keep going against the people who fund these schools and your 

Paycheck and disrespecting them to their face and you expect you will keep your jobs?

Any tax payer who funds this racist garbage  against their will, we should have a 

Tax payer bill of rights for public education. Fire all of you. Shame on you!!!

CommentID: 116793

12/7/21  7:27 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

No queremos teoría crítica en Virginia

Por favor no implementen la teoría crítica en nuestras escuelas.  Lo que necesitamos es más énfasis en programas de matemáticas y tecnología.  La educación cultural pertenece en las familias y en la comunidad pero no en nuestras escuelas.

CommentID: 116794

12/7/21  7:33 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


No CRT. No equitable outcomes. No SEL. Training teacher to teach racism is ridiculous! 

CommentID: 116795

12/7/21  7:34 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Cultural Competency Has No Benefit in Educational Outcomes

A review of cultural competency training programs in various fields, including medical, educational, and business contexts, shows that nearly all scholarly articles have noted there's a lack of evidence that these programs provide any benefit to outcomes or to patients/students/workers. In 2011, a qualitative review of cultural competency programs published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine noted, "There is limited research showing a positive relationship between cultural competency training and improved patient outcomes." Another review of the literature published in BMC Health Services Research in 2014 lamented that even the limited available research that showed "weak[er] evidence for improvements in patient/client outcomes" lacked "methodological rigor" and used an overreliance of self-reporting to define its terms. Our students in Virginia deserve a frame for teacher training that is evidence-based and clearly successful, not something based only on wishful thinking that it will help.

Where the terms are better defined in the literature, they skew toward accepting uncritically definitions provided by the lens of Critical Race Theory, as in a 2020 paper published by Marie-Lyne Grenier in Health Education Journal entitled "Cultural competency and the reproduction of White supremacy in occupational therapy education." In the abstract, Grenier says cultural competency training is designed to deconstruct "ongoing oppressive narratives," and she proposes "a radical shift towards critical and structural frameworks." (emphasis mine). The "oppressive narratives" she identifies include "liberalism," "capitalism," and "multiculturalism." In the body of the paper Grenier even argues that cultural competency itself is a "new and sustaining way of reproducing institutionalised White supremacy" because it centers whites, somehow, and what is needed is a completely new system of education.

"Cultural competency" invites teachers to stereotype, albeit in ways that are ostensibly for the benefit of their students. For instance, they might assume that a black student needs special intercession because they are abstracting her to an "oppressed" member of a racial group rather than an individual student who has several factors working for or against her, including her home life, socioeconomic status, learning style, or interest in a particular subject. A teacher who disagrees with the way cultural competent training boxes in students may find herself accused of "sustaining white supremacy" by advocating for seeing students as multidimensional, unique individuals, rather than avatars for oppressed/oppressor dynamics.

What is worryingly common in most culturally competent literature is an assumption that white people act selfishly in all cases involving race and are incapable of acting with common humanity and decency, as well as an assumption that people of color are helpless to succeed in schools without white people interceding on their behalf. When whites advocate for creating environments where all students are treated equally and fairly and racial discrimination and stereotyping is harshly condemned, cultural and critical race theorists posit that they do so only to portray themselves as "heroes" and to cement their power over minorities, as Grenier says in her paper. Such conspiratorial, racist ways of imagining white students and teachers are to be condemned, for they are based on little more than bigotry and resist contrary, positive theories of interracial relationships in society that may be more successful. Like antisemitic conspiracy theories, CCT (culturally competent training) and CRT, to varying degrees, imagine a homogenized racial group is the central problem in society and is actively holding others back. It has no business in our schools.

If we are to cement cultural competency training for all of our teachers, what will our standards be for defining success? If every teacher goes through these trainings with no positive benefits for students, as most of the literature has only found mild effects historically, will there be accountability for the programs' failure to improve student success? Or will we simply double down on a conspiratorial view that teachers are committed to "white supremacy" and must undergo more training, pulling valuable funds and resources away from directly benefitting students and chasing after consultants who create ineffective training? 

I suggest that a thorough study of the existing literature shows almost no benefit with cultural competency in improving educational outcomes. Instead, these trainings create a zero-sum frame for racial relations that frays attempts from all races of teachers and students to challenge one another to succeed and grow. It has no place in Virginia education and should be outright condemned and eliminated.

CommentID: 116796

12/7/21  7:37 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Get back to basics

Children need to be taught the basics in school…how to read, do basic arithmetic, spell, balance a checkbook, basics of daily living (how to live independently, live within your means, etc).  The other stuff (morality, sexuality, etc) need to be taught by their parents.  I will include accurate history being taught to children in school so we don’t repeat past mistakes.  

CommentID: 116797

12/7/21  7:41 pm
Commenter: Northern VA

How about you focus on teaching reading, writing and arithmetic

Education in this state has significantly decreased over the years , particularly in my county because so much attention has been focused on CRT and such instead of focusing on what is really important. Teachers should simply teach children how to read, write, do math, and especially HOW TO THINK critically, not what to think. Literacy curriculum and math curriculum is woefully inadequate.

CommentID: 116798

12/7/21  7:46 pm
Commenter: Alyse

No no no!

Parents all over have spoken and it’s clear that this is not wanted. Many teachers at all levels agree as well. My children are sent to school to learn academics not societal “issues” based on the author and creator of this garbage. Teach history and learn from it. There is nothing positive to come of this. 

CommentID: 116799

12/7/21  7:47 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Guidance on Cultural Competency Training

This is peddling racism and should not be required.

CommentID: 116800

12/7/21  8:00 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Culturally Responsive Education

Culturally Responsive Education is CRT in practical application, and has no place in our schools.  This absolutely should not be used to evaluate teachers. This application is anti-American, through and through. It is rooted in Marxist principles, critical theory, black nationalism, and anti-Semitism. It violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as well as the Bill of Rights.  


Education in this state has significantly decreased over the years. Additional education and support for the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic need to desperatelybe addressed, not political ideologies. STOP attempting to program the younger generation this garbage. Teachers have a difficult enough time teaching the CORE subjects to many of our students without adding the unnecessary elements of this agenda.  Teachers should simply teach children how to read, write, do math, and especially HOW TO THINK critically, not what to think. Literacy curriculum and math curriculum in Virginia is woefully inadequate. DO BETTER. 

CommentID: 116801

12/7/21  8:02 pm
Commenter: Maria


don't push this crap on the kids.

CommentID: 116802

12/7/21  8:09 pm
Commenter: April

Culturally Responsive Education

Absolutely NO to the cultural revolution of Marxism which is being disguised cultural responsive Ed. Teach the history of Mao Zedung and Karl Marx and they can understand what you're trying to do. Reverse racism is racism

CommentID: 116803

12/7/21  8:10 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


Stop this ridiculous nonsense!  Leave the children alone!!!

CommentID: 116804

12/7/21  8:10 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


Stop with the black box on CRT, it's ridiculous.  Making ethnic grips and kids to hate each other!  Get it out of here

CommentID: 116805

12/7/21  8:12 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Disagree with the need for a document like this

As the legislature requires this be created- The entire document can be eliminated and replaced with- Treat people with respect regardless of their background or identity. Then teachers can get to back to the fundamentals kids need to improve in reading and math.  I am appalled at the lack of rigorous expectations of our kids and how much time is spent on non academic things in school. 

CommentID: 116806

12/7/21  8:13 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

CRT by any other silly name is still CRT.

CRT is a waste of time and money. Didn’t Virginia kids do terrible on SOL’s last year?   Bring them ALL up to speed.  

CommentID: 116807

12/7/21  8:17 pm
Commenter: An informed parent

Just say NO. Rewording what it really is CRT

Lets just call it what it is, CRT which promotes racism and hate. Stop this nonsense. Say no!

CommentID: 116808

12/7/21  8:18 pm
Commenter: Concerned Parent

Culturally Responsive Education for the Educators

Do not go toward this very ‘Racist’ and against the law format of Culturally Responsive Training to indoctrinate our children by forcing teachers to teach something they aren’t qualified to teach.  PLEASE focus on education and give the children the tools to learn to make their own decisions in the future.

CommentID: 116809

12/7/21  8:22 pm
Commenter: Homeschooling Mom

Focus on education

CRF is, at best, devisive indoctrination.   SEL, Social Emotional Learning, which is also in our schools, leaves our children more at risk to fall prey to pedophiles.   Our schools are graduating people who cannot read or do basic math.   VDOE either needs to be abolished or get back to the business of educating, not grooming or indoctrinating.  

CommentID: 116810

12/7/21  8:22 pm
Commenter: R Hess

Culturally Responsive Education

Another form of CRT. Apparently all the parents saying 'NO' are of no consequence. It's time to take our children back from the clutches of of of a racially motivated government. 

CommentID: 116811

12/7/21  8:24 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

No to CRT

I do not want to teach Marxism dressed up as something else. Let's focus on improving reading and math. Let's focus on teaching science and computer literacy. You know, the things China is prioritizing in their country so they can wipe the floor with us. Let's focus on those things so our kids can grow up and compete with China and Russia. I promise you those countries are teaching their students pride in their country and aspirations to topple America. I want to teach things that will keep our kids competitive in the global arena.

CommentID: 116812

12/7/21  8:56 pm
Commenter: HAD ENOUGH


Every new twist in this bizarre CRT-obsessed agenda is a total slap in the face to taxpayers and families who just want to have a quality ACADEMIC education in their states. If we are really being honest, this legislation has nothing to do with helping anyone or being "culturally responsive". Every race-based, gender obsessed politician, bill, program, book, podcast and consultant is a gigantic GRIFT in whatever form it comes in.  This one happens to be part of the the tax-payer con.  There's a reason that the majority of our taxpayer dollars are getting dumped into schools with nothing but overworked teachers, confused and failing students and NO return on the investment.  It's because this CRT is a money-making distraction that avoids soving actual problems while the "experts" get rich. This nonsense DOESN'T WORK. ENOUGH. You're failing us. GET BACK TO ACADEMICS.

CommentID: 116813

12/7/21  8:59 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Focus on Learning Loss, not unmeasurable "culture"!

Covid forced our students and teachers to put their education and jobs on hold.  During this time, nefarious "agents of change" snuck their political ideology into our schools under the noses of school systems, school boards, admins, teachers, students and parents.  Thankfully, virtual school gave parents a window into the daily teachings of our kids' schooling.  The result was a total upheaval of the state government. 


Leave our teachers alone!  Their jobs are unimaginably difficult.  They are not just expected to teach, but mandated to essentially raise other people's children for them.  Now you are going to measure their worthiness and job performance based on a nebulous variable known as "cultural competency"?  Who determines the definition of culture?  Who determines whether someone's "competency" is adequate?  This seems ripe for abuse.  This is a clear over correction on the part of Ralph Northam for his racist past.  Now we all have to pay for his mistakes.  


Do the right thing......don't do it.  

CommentID: 116814

12/7/21  9:02 pm
Commenter: Nova teacher

The great big lie

Schools were much better off 10 years ago. This Culturally Responsive Teaching is a bunch of nonsense. It is one of the reasons why teachers are leaving the field. They don’t feel supported and behavior problems run rampant. Schools try to obsess everything being about race when most of the time it isn’t. This leads principals and schools to manipulate data to be proportionate, like the time when my old AP said- “the next 10 kids we will suspend will be white.” Racism is a big business and sadly many schools especially in Nova have bought into the great lie that we live in a hateful racist country. Has there ever an instance where a teacher has been caught giving out grades or suspending based on race? The answer is no. These insane theories and policies being implemented have massively hurt schools and have fanned the flames of imaginary racism. We don’t need any CRT crap which is purely based on fiction. We don’t need equity committees and their radical lefty ways to undermine basic rules and freedoms of speech and thought. These programs are dangerous, hateful, and support radical left groups that could care less about the welfare for your children. If you don’t think I’m being honest, ask a friend who’s a teacher. 

CommentID: 116815

12/7/21  9:07 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

Re: No CRT

Culturally responsive education is a guise for CRT. It keeps minority students from reaching their full potential. It prevents ALL students including minority students access to advanced classes and a quality education. It divides students, promotes violence, and is a political ideology NOT a legitimate curriculum. Stay out of politics. Virginia schools have now stuped to a radical ideology instead of education! That's why students can't read or write at their grade level in upper elementary. This radical curriculum which has permeated our schools, has resulted in poor educational growth. Get back to educating our students and not filling their minds with hate!

CommentID: 116816

12/7/21  9:09 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

We don’t need any more of this!

Just teaching the golden rule and focusing on academics is enough! The amount of energy and time we are devoting to this stuff is ridiculous. Let’s get the basics down! 

CommentID: 116817

12/7/21  9:16 pm
Commenter: A concerned teacher

Say no to these poorly crafted indoctrination requirements for teachers

As a long time teacher in VA, this is getting beyond ridiculous. Stick to training teachers to teach, facts and real history and thinking beyond a molded platform of CRT, which is what this is. I reject these methods and forced requirements of basically teaching racism. We don’t need anymore of this garbage. Stop destroying our children’s public education system  with indoctrination that is connected to lining the pockets of greedy, self serving, manipulative monsters. 

CommentID: 116818

12/7/21  9:18 pm
Commenter: A concerned citizen

Cultural Competency is inclusive and necessary

I’m sure many folks on this commentary thread will spin out about CRT etc. for those who say is it is Un-American…America is a melting pot of many cultures. Students and their families deserve respect. Students want to see images and perspectives that are similar to their own. Please approve the culturally responsible curriculum.

CommentID: 116819

12/7/21  9:21 pm
Commenter: Been around the world

Teachers, parents, and taxpayers are smarter than politicians and academics

Just skimmed the guidance pdf and this req stands out: “Every person seeking initial licensure or renewal of a license with an endorsement in history and social sciences shall complete instruction in African American history, as prescribed by the Board”

Why only black history? And BTW not all black americans are nor identify as African American. 

This is yet another trendy idea from half-educated, definitely not cultured, politicians and academics. 




CommentID: 116820

12/7/21  9:22 pm
Commenter: Michelle


Stick to teaching children the basics; reading, writing and arithmetic.  Anything else belongs to the parents.  Stop interfering with parents raising their child.  The only thing CRT does is make 'white' children feel guilty over something they have no control over.  Funny how whenever there is discussion of cultural items, the skin color for those cultures are non-white.  'White' people come from many cultures; none of which seem to matter in CRT like Irish, Italian, French, German and Russian just to name several.  America is a melting pot where all cultures should be respected; not just the ones deemed worthy by those who think they are in charge.  You work or 'We the People'.  Do the right thing or you'll be voted out. 

CommentID: 116821

12/7/21  9:26 pm
Commenter: Heather


You are using buzz words to try to brainwash people into thinking this is inconclusive.


this is nothing more than a marxist/communist agenda.  Stop with the brainwashing!!!!

CommentID: 116822

12/7/21  9:26 pm
Commenter: Tom P

A t**d by any other name

It doesn't matter how much you try to polish this sh*t, it's still trash. Concentrate on educating, not indoctrinating.

CommentID: 116823

12/7/21  9:28 pm
Commenter: A Fairfax Parent

Where's the academic support for this?

I want evidence that these practices are based on solid, replicable, quantitative research. I want solid, replicable, quantitative evidence that these practices have resulted in higher student achievement where they have been tried vs. a control group.

Do you have this? If not, it's just a bunch of nonsense. Which is exactly the way it reads.

CommentID: 116824

12/7/21  9:36 pm
Commenter: Jennifer Henrico County

Stop this crazy stuff. Now.

For the love of carrots, can you please just teach kids about the basics.  We are all so sick of this division. It's pathetic. And you wonder why kids aren't graduating.  

CommentID: 116825

12/7/21  9:41 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

We don't need more division in our society and teachers don't need more meetings to attend

I fail to see where any of this would benefit the children or the teachers. Children are not getting enough attention to help them master the skills they will need to function in life as it is. And why put more stress on the teachers? They barely have enough time to deal with all the requirements put on them now.

Let's go back to the basics. Teach children that there is success based on hard work instead of skin color or background. Teach them how to read and apply concepts to do basic math and then how to balance finances. Hire more teachers and have smaller classrooms so teachers have a better chance to achieve success with their students. Scrap the tests and indoctrination. Stop dividing people with stupid curriculum like this.

CommentID: 116826

12/7/21  9:44 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


CRT. Doesn’t belong in schools. PERIOD-end of discussion!!!!!

CommentID: 116827

12/7/21  9:46 pm
Commenter: Kimberly

Just stop with this stuff and teach our kids the core subjects

We are not stupid. You can try and rename all you want to but this is still CRT. Teach the children the core subjects and let the parents teach their children social issues. You should not make teachers or children partake in this ridiculousness. Stop making teachers tell children they are only what the color of their skin dictates they are. Enough is enough!

CommentID: 116828

12/7/21  9:46 pm
Commenter: Anonymous



CommentID: 116829

12/7/21  9:48 pm
Commenter: A black boxed Off Mom

You have got to be kidding me!!!

So, do you want to start losing all of your students? This is another dividing issue that the school needs to keep their nose out of...Worry about getting the masks off our kids, healthy quarantine and good old reading, writing and arithmetic please. 

CommentID: 116830

12/7/21  9:49 pm
Commenter: Anonymous



This is insanity and must stop. 

CommentID: 116831

12/7/21  9:52 pm
Commenter: Anonymous


As a person of mixed ethnicity, CRT has ZERO place in schools! It’s racist! 

CommentID: 116832

12/7/21  9:53 pm
Commenter: Anonymous

absolutely no!

Do not infiltrate our schools with their nonsense.

CommentID: 116833

12/7/21  9:55 pm
Commenter: M



CommentID: 116834

12/7/21  10:00 pm
Commenter: Lesco Brandon


Stop the BS.  This is not indoctrination camp!!  Put Jesus back in Schools!!!

CommentID: 116835