Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
Department of Environmental Quality
Public Participation Guidelines [9 VAC 15 ‑ 11]
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8/19/21  12:40 am
Commenter: Elaine Fischer

Improve its Public Engagement Process

The citizens and residents who live near and would be most affected by decisions deserve to have their opinions heard.  Often marginalized populations are where the most dangerous polluting factories, refineries, mines, pipelines, dumps, etc choose to locate - both because property is cheap and knowing poor people can not afford the same type of legal protection as more wealthy ones.

It is IMMORAL to allow innocent people to suffer!  Since many of them have little or no access to the computer, there MUST be public hearings that are well publicized in the affected areas to allow them to weigh in on decisions that will affect them more than anyone else!

CommentID: 99784