Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Guidance Document Change: The 2020 Virginia General Assembly passed House Bill 753 directing the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) to develop guidance standards for social emotional learning (SEL) for all public students in grades Kindergarten through 12 in the Commonwealth. The Virginia Social Emotional Learning Standards were developed in collaboration with an SEL Advisory Committee, composed of educators, community leaders, agency personnel, and parents. The Virginia SEL Standards are aligned with the Profile of a Virginia Graduate and centered in equity. This intentional focus allows the Standards to explicitly teach the skills needed to be “life ready” and to create more equitable learning environments.
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5/26/21  11:07 pm
Commenter: L.Sakponou, School Psychologist

What is SEL?

There seem to be many concerns about what SEL is and what it means for students. When we hear a new term that is unknown, we tend to rely on what others are telling us. Not knowing can be scary, and so we can at times gravitate towards scary opinions because the fear being shared aligns with the fear of the unknown that we feel. So we act hastily, jump to conclusions, and make quick judgement. When you have strong social and emotional skills, you understand that fear is a natural response to the unknown. You then take steps to educate yourself and learn. When we can pause to think because we understand our emotions, we are more successful learners. That is the goal of social-emotional learning.


Below is the Statement from the Virginia Association of School Psychologists.

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a foundational block needed for students to have access to their learning environments.  Virginia Academy of School Psychologists (VASP) strongly supports CASEL’s 5 competencies (Self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and decision-making) and is pleased to see how VDOE has aligned these competencies to the newly developed SEL standards.  VASP is in support of VDOE’s vision statement for SEL: “The vision of social-emotional learning in Virginia is to maximize the potential of all students and staff to become responsible, caring and reflective members of our diverse society by advancing equity, uplifting student voice, and infusing SEL into every part of the school experience.”


Given the impact of COVID-19 and other important national issues have had on students, especially students from vulnerable populations, social emotional learning has become increasingly important. Over 30 years of research continues to support any investment in social-emotional learning positively impacts academic achievement, behavior, mental health, earning potential, long-term employment, and safe housing, while reducing criminal activity, and substance use. 


We applaud the efforts of the SEL Implementation team as they were tasked with balancing the House Bill 753 with the needs of Virginia public school students in a very diverse Commonwealth. We whole-heartedly support these standards.

CommentID: 98867