I am writing to offer my encouragement that you pass the proposed poultry waste abatement regulation. While I am a supporter of business and recognize the value that modern methods have brought to lower the costs and increase the quality of our food supply such as that delivered by our state's poultry industry, I am also not blind to the harmful impact that the current regulations have had on our environment.
The proposed regulation is a common sense approach that does not inappropriately impact the poultry industry but is a positive step in reversing the negative impact that the industry is having on an irreplaceable precious resource - our rivers and the Chesapeake Bay. Many studies have shown the diminishment of our rives and watersheds over the past decades. Only smart, balanced regulation and legislation can be effective in managing this greater good. Now is the time to take positive action to help reverse those trends and to preserve our state's water treasures for this and future generations. Please pass this legislation.