Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Environmental Quality
State Water Control Board
Virginia Pollution Abatement Regulation and General Permit for Poultry Waste Management [9 VAC 25 ‑ 630]
Action Develop requirements that will address concerns regarding transfer and off-site management of poultry waste in the Commonwealth.
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/21/2009
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8/12/09  11:11 am
Commenter: Dan Tillery - Recreational Angler

Please pass the Poulty Litter Regulation

As an avid angler who wants to ensure that my children will have clean streams and rivers to fish and enjoy as I have,  I would like to pronounce my support for the Poulty Litter Regulations that are being proposed to protect our streams and Rivers.  I also feel strongly that our farmers are also some of Virginia's most important resources.  I've got to believe that these stewards of the land, will agree that protecting our streams and the aquatic life in them, is the right thing to do.

CommentID: 9517