Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/21/20  3:18 pm
Commenter: Margaret Whitt

No masks- We should vote on this

Please stop "mandating" that Virginians wear masks. Masks do not protect us from disease, and the idea that wearing cloth masks "slows the spread to others," which has been the current line of propaganda, is spurious and has been disproven by several studies. As Francis Collins and others at NIH have said, we still don't know about the virus. So why make up rules that may actually hurt people?  We Virginians did not vote on the unconstitutional and hurtful edicts that the Governor suddenly mandated for our state-those made supposedly on our behalf. There is no way the state governmental leaders can keep the entire population safe. More people die from heart attacks here in Virginia than from this virus. How long should a governor get to declare a "state of emergency" anyway? There has been an expansive overreach on the part of the Governor to try to "keep us safe," and while I accept his help in keeping us safe from foreign and domestic terrorists, his job does not call for him to keep me safe from diabetes, breast cancer, the flu, Ebola, the Black Death, obesity, anorexia, heart attack, stroke, epilepsy, the common cold, Alzheimer’s, vertigo, etc. Dictating what we should wear, when, where or how we should work, etc. does not fall within his purview. At least let the state vote on these kinds of mandates because we are, I thought, a federal democratic republic. Please also IMMEDIATELY amend the language that allows the governor to declare a "state of emergency" for any reason he wants with no check to his authority, with no time limit. The Code should provide for citizen and representative input in the form of VOTES, which is more in keeping with a representative democracy, instead of a dictatorship.

CommentID: 81893