Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Labor and Industry
Safety and Health Codes Board
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6/19/20  11:51 am
Commenter: Margaret Hamilton, citizen and VA taxpayer

VA must protect its workers And customers!

Please Pass these Emergency Workplace Safety Rules, because our emergency isn’t Over with Yet!

If VA employers are not Mandated to provide safer business establishments, it’s virtually Guaranteed that a “few bad apples” won’t do so, to cut costs.

Taxpayers will already fund much of the costs of containing Covid, & there’s No Point in us paying out all this additional expense if we fail to Require our VA businesses to do Their Part.

As a Customer, I want to see hand sanitizer at the entrance to All businesses & that all people inside, both Staff & other Customers, are masked & socially distanced. I also want PAID sick leave so staff can Stay Home when needed to halt the spread.

VA is a huge Tourist state— people visit  here from all over— so what Good does it do us Virginians if we Fail to mandate basic safety precautions in our businesses?  I’ve been staying home here for months & using a mask, etc. to help protect Other People, & thankfully, VA’s covid numbers are declining—

Let’s keep it That Way!!!— I Do Not Want Germy unmasked Visitors from surging states to come in here & spread infection all over in the bars & restaurants!- to Undo all the good that we Virginians are trying to do, & make our sacrifices pointless.

Thank you for listening and PLEASE make these Safety Precautions Mandatory!

Margaret Hamilton, Norfolk VA

CommentID: 80766