Please do not mandate or attempt to enforce your intrusive safety measures on the businesses of Virginia. The Governor’s unconstitutional Executive Orders have already tanked the economy in the state. This would be an undue burden on the business owners who are already struggling. The measures that you have in mind are intrusive to the businesses and the people in the state. It’s already proven that the mask order is not only dangerous for the people who wear them, but all about control. Anyone not trained in clean procedure has no business wearing a mask full of germs around all day. Further, the WHO has finally stated that the general public should not wear them. The other requirements you have in mind will do very little to stop the spread of COVID. The 6 ft recommendations are not based on science. They are based on a whimsical number pulled out of the air by a student writing a term paper. Citizens need to be in charge of, and make good decisions for, their own health. Government agencies need to stay out of citizen health decisions. Put this to bed right now. We have had many virus scares over the years. None have resulted in these totalitarian measures.