I appreciate the opportunity to comment on this bill and legislation. It may be helpful for lawmakers to realize that many NPs become NPs after having already worked in the medical field as RNs for years. It is not that we know all there is to know about medicine because obviously we can't. However, we are educated enough to know what we know and are confident/competent in diagnosing/treating and what needs to be referred on to a physician or specialist. In my case, for instance, I was a practicing full-time RN for more than 30 years before attending graduate education to become a NP. Therefore, a novice to the medical field, I was not. Neither were many of my classmates and no doubt many of my current fellow NPs today. Therefore, a lengthy time period of NP practice may not always be needed. Therefore, I ask that no unnecessarily burdensome restrictions be placed upon the future of NP practice. Finally, if we are successful in completion of a graduate level NP program (especially in VA) and pass our NP board exam, I believe our competency should not be unduly challenged. Thank you.