Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Elections
State Board of Elections
Voter Registration [1 VAC 20 ‑ 40]
Chapter is Exempt from Article 2 of the Administrative Process Act
Action Revise Valid Definition
Stage Proposed
Comment Period Ended on 8/4/2014
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7/18/14  4:03 pm
Commenter: Sieg, PWC Election Officer

Take a deep breath, folks

As a poll worker on election day, I simply want to be sure that the person before me is who they say they are.  If they can produce a driver's license with holograms, etc, and a photo that matches the face in front of me and an address that matches the poll book, I do not care if the DL is expired.  It has served its purpose as regards *establishing identity*, even if it is no long valid as regards *driving*.

That being said, I am dismayed by some of the comments I have read.

- the voter id law is not a poll tax.  Free id is readily available.

- when person A votes in person B's name, person B has just been disenfranchised.  We owe it to person B to protect their right to vote as well.

- the voter id law is not an attempt to disenfranchise anybody.  It is an attempt to ensure that every eligible voter gets to vote, once.

- it is misleading to say that voting in somebody else's name does not happen in Virginia, because absent a photo id such fraud is very difficult to prove in a court of law.

Let's calm down, stop questioning each other's motives, and recognize that although we might not agree on every point, we all want fair and open elections.

CommentID: 33332