Virginia Regulatory Town Hall
Department of Education
State Board of Education
Regulations Governing Local School Boards and School Divisions [8 VAC 20 ‑ 720]
Action Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials
Comment Period Ended on 1/15/2014
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1/6/14  6:36 pm
Commenter: Melissa Nelson, Teacher at Powhatan County Schools

Good intentions, but too vague

I think any teacher is perfectly willing and able to provide a list of texts which will be read thoughout the year.  And I think any teacher is perfectly willing to accomodate, within reason, a parent's objections to a certain text for legitimate reasons.  I appreciate that the state is trying to make sure all counties have some kind of policiy in place when an issue does arise, but this proposal will do nothing to avoid future controversy. 

Asking a teacher to identify all possible issues is impossible.  Our students' families and values are diverse, as well as their hopes for their children's educations.  Logistics are impossible as well:  with the variety of texts as BYOD policies increases, how can I pinpoint where each potential problem can be easily located?

Please keep the legislation out of my classroom and allow me to continue my work- fostering analytical and sensitive children- a task not helped by keeping all texts approved by everyone at all times. 

CommentID: 29871