Action | Amendments Regarding Use of Controversial or Sensitive Instructional Materials |
Stage | NOIRA |
Comment Period | Ended on 1/15/2014 |
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It is absolutely absurd that this amendment is being considered. In a world where our students are bombarded with radical beliefs and ideas in their daily lives, they MUST be exposed to controversial issues so that they learn the power of their own voices and opinions. If we constantly shield our students from the real issues in our world, we will on create a generation of students who are unable to actively be contributing members of society. English classes are the best possible environment for the students to learn how to debate and address controversial issues. If we, as teachers, are constantly required to obtain permission for EVERY controversial article, book, movie, etc., teachers will no longer be able to engage students with real-life topics that take their lessons that one step closer to student connection. Furthermore, who will be deciding what exactly qualifies as controversial material? Who will decide what can be taught in my classroom? Take away this opportunity to learn, and you will create a generation of followers.