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2/21/25  9:58 am
Commenter: Ken McLeod

Adopt the MUTCD As is

I don't agree with everything in the federal MUTCD and you can find comments that I made in my role at the League of American Bicyclists during its adoption here:

However, the federal MUTCD includes substantial improvements from the prior edition and I encourage Virginia to adopt it as-is. Specific changes that I believe are most important to adopt include provisions for new bicycle facilities not present in prior editions, such as separated bike lanes in Section 9E.07. Changes to speed limit signage and setting in Section 2B.21 are also very important to adopt, specifically the requirement to consider roadway context and the consideration of pedestrian and bicycle facilities and activity when conducting an engineering study. Those changes would be strengthen by stronger guidance to not rely on the 85th percentile approach and to always consider the safety of people biking and walking.

CommentID: 232967